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View Full Version : Am I in the wrong?

22-10-2008, 06:44 PM
I designed a layout for someone called Hayden for £40 and it was to come coded. But, because I have recently took on a full time job, I've been unable to code it (but I HAVE sent him the uncoded version of the design).

Anyway, today he tells me he wants a full-refund as I haven't given him the coded version in weeks. Now, I'm perfectly happy to give him a partial refund for the cost of it not being coded (£10), but I don't see why I should give a full refund when I've given him the actual design.

Am I in the wrong for thinking this or should I give him a full refund?

P.S: Sorry about this thread, I hate people posting threads like this myself, but I just wanted to know if I'm being unreasonable or not ..

22-10-2008, 06:47 PM
No you're right.
However, you should probably have sold him the layout minus the code for a cheaper price from the off. :)

22-10-2008, 06:49 PM
When I sold him the design, I had no idea that I'd be going into a job as I only found out about the job like 1-2 weeks after he paid me !

22-10-2008, 06:50 PM
Well it's arguable of course. Personally it seems that the £40 pounds was for both the layout and the coding, now to give him a £10 refund seems fair but who’s to say the coding was for £20? You see, unless you stated to him the layout is £30 and the coding is £10 then I would suspect that you'd have to negotiate the refund. If you did state it, it's reasonable in my view but seriously it takes no more than an hour or less to code a layout so I don't see why it should be a problem. My opinion though.

22-10-2008, 06:52 PM
Well it's arguable of course. Personally it seems that the £40 pounds was for both the layout and the coding, now to give him a £10 refund seems fair but who’s to say the coding was for £20? You see, unless you stated to him the layout is £30 and the coding is £10 then I would suspect that you'd have to negotiate the refund. If you did state it, it's reasonable in my view but seriously it takes no more than an hour or less to code a layout so I don't see why it should be a problem. My opinion though.

I offered them an uncoded design for £30 and a coded version for £40.

22-10-2008, 06:54 PM
Well then obviously it's evident that it was £10 for the coding, and I would presume that it is acceptable to offer a £10 refund as he completed the design which was valued at £30.

22-10-2008, 06:56 PM
Not really, if you did the design how could he ask for a refund?
He got it in the end...

If he got an apple macbook or something and it came a few weeks late he wouldn't go asking them for his money back would he? :S

22-10-2008, 06:58 PM
Andys you don't seem to understand. The £40 was for both layout and coding, £30 for layout, £10 for coding and since Simon didn't deliver the coding, so Hayden has the right for a £10 refund.

22-10-2008, 06:59 PM

It’s a tricky question, but I think Hayden has a point. He paid money up front on the premise you would deliver a certain service. If he had known you weren’t going to deliver I’m pretty certain he would not have parted with his money so quickly.

If you’re going to take payment up front, making sure you deliver what you said when you said is an MUST. In the interest of remaining reputable a full refund is the least you can do after wasting a client’s time. Sure you designed a template, but that’s not the product you were paid for.

For future reference if it appears your going to be unable to meet a deadline on your own, passing the work on to another freelance web developer can be a solution, and if you balance it right, still allow you to end up with an overall profit.


22-10-2008, 07:00 PM
Oh right.

In that case then yeah I do thing if you priced the deisgn at £30 he should just get £10 back.

22-10-2008, 07:03 PM
Nah your in the right :)

22-10-2008, 07:25 PM
Id say you're definatly in the wrong. You didnt provide the full service he required, he asked for it fully coded for £10 more, the uncoded one wasnt the deal. I understand what he wants, I always have trouble finding decent coders such as yourself. Aslong as he doesn't use the layout you should provide him with a full refund in my opinion.

22-10-2008, 07:32 PM
I have no way of preventing him from using the design.
I'm more than happy to get him another coder when I'm not as busy (next week probably) and I'll pay for them to code the design.

I'm just not happy paying back the whole cost.

22-10-2008, 07:44 PM
Not your fault. He could of said "no, i want the full layout" but he didn't ;)

22-10-2008, 07:47 PM
I have no way of preventing him from using the design.
I'm more than happy to get him another coder when I'm not as busy (next week probably) and I'll pay for them to code the design.

I'm just not happy paying back the whole cost.
Maybe but you cant punish someone before they do anything. He payed for a bundle. Its like buying an xbox bundle for £140 with Halo except after you have payed they have run out of Halos so they charge you £120 for it without Halo. It just doesnt seem fair, it isnt what he payed for.

23-10-2008, 12:40 AM
your definitely right Simon. I can't possibly imagine you being to busy to code his layout though ;P it takes 1 hr maybe.

i'll code it for you if you want, free.


23-10-2008, 04:53 AM
Maybe but you cant punish someone before they do anything. He payed for a bundle. Its like buying an xbox bundle for £140 with Halo except after you have payed they have run out of Halos so they charge you £120 for it without Halo. It just doesnt seem fair, it isnt what he payed for.

Yes, but you are receiving the 20quid back, and then you can easily just buy the game elsewhere :rolleyes:

P.S. Halo is ewwz0rz :P

23-10-2008, 05:21 AM
I think you're in the wrong because even after payment come 2 weeks later you still didn't code it, plus he can't code or anything so whats he going to do with your layout? He doesn't have a PSD or anything to change anything nor would he be able to slice it and code it :P I think you should give him a free refund.

23-10-2008, 08:22 AM
Yes, but you are receiving the 20quid back, and then you can easily just buy the game elsewhere :rolleyes:

P.S. Halo is ewwz0rz :P
But what if its more than £20 to get it? Simon said his friend would do it but he wanted Simon to do it properly.

23-10-2008, 09:23 AM
But what if its more than £20 to get it? Simon said his friend would do it but he wanted Simon to do it properly. I didn't say my friend. I said anyone of his choice.

He agreed to do this last night (which reminds me, I need to pay the coder :P!), so I guess there isn't any point for this thread anymore ^_^.

23-10-2008, 11:21 AM
Maybe but you cant punish someone before they do anything. He payed for a bundle. Its like buying an xbox bundle for £140 with Halo except after you have payed they have run out of Halos so they charge you £120 for it without Halo. It just doesnt seem fair, it isnt what he payed for.
Except the example you used happens all the time...

I think he should only get the tenner back.

23-10-2008, 01:04 PM
No sir your argument is valid. He payed for a coded design.. you're now unable to code the design because you have a what looks like full time job I'd assume? If this is the case he should just get his £10 back and keep the design.

23-10-2008, 03:30 PM
You're in the wrong. If you offer something like that then you have to give the coded version otherwise you're not giving him what he paid for. He didn't pay for one or the other, he paid for both and you not giving him part of what he paid for is wrong.

Sorry Simon but you're wrong ;).

23-10-2008, 03:42 PM
You should maybe give him a refund for the coding, but not a full refund because you have given part of your service.

Its like games which come with serial codes (hhich can only be used once), even if you don't use the code, they will not give you a refund.

23-10-2008, 06:07 PM
Take the money and run off.


Erm, just pay him a tenner back.
And tell him why you couldn't code it...

You gave him the design layout, so that's 30 quid gone, you didn't code the layout for 10 quid, so give him the 10 quid.

Sorry if i say it in a horrible way, but im trying to write this in a good reasonable way.

23-10-2008, 07:37 PM
It's fair in all areas, you designed something which is usually worth more than a code, as it's the design which takes more time and is the main part of a layout. You can't have a layout without a design. A layout that's just code and no design would be silly and ugly :P £15 would probably be the maximum you should give him, £20 and it'll be you who's losing out

24-10-2008, 07:34 PM
You're in the right. That's like buying a computer with some software preinstalled. Then asking for a full refund when the software isn't on it and keeping the computer.

24-10-2008, 07:39 PM
no, because that way he gets a free design thing, so just give him a tenner back and leave it at that tbh.

25-10-2008, 03:20 PM
yes but now i have payed £10 for the coding and now i have to get more money for some1 to do the php and java stuff

25-10-2008, 03:29 PM
You were still in the wrong.

25-10-2008, 05:15 PM
yes but now i have payed £10 for the coding and now i have to get more money for some1 to do the php and java stuff
When people talking about coding layouts, they're only talking about the basic html and CSS. You can't expect him to code PHP and javascript for £10 unless it's only very basic.

25-10-2008, 06:29 PM
yes but now i have payed £10 for the coding and now i have to get more money for some1 to do the php and java stuff

Lets take you back into the real world not than shall we.

The deal was for him to design and code the layout not, design the site and code the site. Layout coding and site coding are 2 completely different things. Simon was in the right for giving the £10 back as he got the layout, which Simon stated was £30.

Now stop pushing your luck, you got what the deal was.

26-10-2008, 03:26 PM
I think you should give him a tenner back, at least then he can pay that (I believe a tenner is the going rate) to a coder and end up with the design, and it being coded for the sum of 40 quid; which he origianlly wanted.

26-10-2008, 03:30 PM
Honest a'god

your in the right.

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