Hey guys.
Well, when I'm playing gamnes, I tend to get exremely stressed out, mainly when the game crashes when I'm really far and haven't saved, get stuck on a mission etc.
I don't have a punchbag or anything, because there is no room to put it, because are gym is currently unaccessable due to our conservatory being built.
When I get stressed, I try to be as quiet as possible, because my parants can sometimes hear me. I pull my hair and bang my head on the wall, because they are the most quietest things possible. I sometimes punch my forehead uncontollably.
If my parants have gone out, aswell as my brother, tend to shout, swear and bang my head on my wardrobe.
I'm really worried that I may push myself to far. I know I can't carry on like this, but \I don't know what to do
EDIT: I'm not being funny or anything, but I have a big obsession with games.