Pooted leaves me with 97 str + att a noob - FREE St00f
Yes that was a green dragon d00d but its revenge from the times igot killed there, he was skulled his FAULT!
ace pk =] shame it was from person who was training
Amg im always gettin killed there but if he was skulled hahah on him but its not full rune only kite n plate :p
Support the campaign by signing the petition here Thanks N!ckG for the siggy
Banned on rs and broke my comp so ill be takin a little break
nice drop Good Pk too!
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OooOoOoOoOo kl
Support the campaign by signing the petition here Thanks N!ckG for the siggy
Banned on rs and broke my comp so ill be takin a little break
Thanks to you, I feel like going pking again.
Jon come with me =D
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