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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I duno

    Default 2 Mice Without Permission :o

    Well on wednesday i went into town (Leeds where i live) with my younger brother and went just to look in the pet shop (Pet City near Hellraiser lol went in there looking for a coat) anyway we started off at the birds and there was this really meen but funny ****ateil it would run upto the cage and try to bite you and when you started laughting it would laught aswel, As we walking futher down i notice the mice so i asked if i could hold one so they let me, I then decided i was gunan get two and noticed a sale cage,food,beeding,2 mice ect all for £20 i fort thats a sign i foned my dad and told him i was about to buy some mice guess what he sed "No you cant have no mice" determind to get them i called over the shop assistant and asked her if i could have the £20 mouse set-up including 2 mice. Should her my ID because you have to be 16+ to by anythign pet other than fish you gotta be 12 (unless they changed it) Took them striaght home set them up 2hrs later my dad turned up he didnt notice them for about 2hrs later wen i told him and he just ingnored me 3hrs lol

    Ill update later with pic

    Brown- Chocolate
    White- Milk

    Chocolate milk

    Estamated age- there still young so id says about 5 week old maybe a little bit more

    Hope you enjoyed my little story and dont go getting any ideas lol

    I also have:

    African Greay - Polly
    Green Amozon- Oscar
    Blue-masked Lovebird-Tweety

    I had to have my dog Henry put to sleep due to a aggressive tomour in his spleen and it was spreading fast. He was 13 years old so he lived quite along time it makes in over 100 in dogs years and he never did get his letter fromt he queen :eusa_clap

    The Animals Holding Me Captive:
    OIver 30 mice ( Newst litter of 4 20th 8 08 )
    6 Rats-Gaz&Jonny,Amber&Ershala,Mortisha& Mitilda
    1 Dog-Barni ( Corgi Cross )
    2 Parrots-Polly & Oscar
    5 Cat-Buddy & Holly ( 4 kitten 28th 8 08 )

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Sydney [Aus]


    haha my mate brang mice home once when we were heaps younger and he had them hidden from his mum and dad for several weeks.. his older sister found out and put the open cage outside.. as we live in australia there are kookaburras, and they like mice lets just say they are no longer with us.

    Edited by jesus (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not have text in your signature which is over size 4.

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