Right, this is what I do when i'm bored in ICT or Food Tek.

The Adventures of Colin

Chapter II

Colin was once a butcher
He always loved his car
His car one day broke down
He didn’t get very far

Chapter IV

He visited his family
His gran said howdy-do
He smoked cannabis
And his brother smoked my shoe


He went home in his automobile
He went home to germany
He ate his over head projector
And said “Oh your god, a penny”

Chapter Last One

This is the end of this thing
I really hoped it was good
If you did not think this
Then I will eat some wood

Chapter Chuck Norris [As inspired by Chris]

He got himself another job
Because he got sacked
Then he went on holiday
And his orange peel was vacuum packed


He went into Barbados
With no woman at his side
He got into his hotel
And then ate some cow hide

Chapter ToastMan Is Evil

He was lounging round the pool
With women in bikinis
He went into the swimming pool
And wetted all his Jeanies
Chapter, Is this finished yet?

The woman with the biceps
Came over to say hello
Colin said, “how are you”
“And do you like my toe?”

Chapter, where Colin gets some

Colin took the woman out for dinner
And back to his apartment they went
To only the woman’s shock
She found out Colin was Bent

Chapter, Err 10

Colin was a broken man
His boat was surely sinking
He sat up all night
Thinking, thinking, thinking.

Chapter Wallpaper Paste

The next day came
He went to a bar
He wanted to die
To die, In a car

Chapter Bermuda Triangle

The time came
For Colin to go home
But then he forgot,
His gold plated comb

Chapter, Lord Jesus Christ

When he got home
He chewed on a bone
Poor old Colin
And Phillip, his gnome

Chapter, Oh bugger it’s raining

Colin has a dog
His dog is called bill
Bill is an idiot
And started to kill