I have quitted Runescape for like a year or so. If your interested in buying it for Conquer Online dragon ball codes which the prices are 15.99$ for 5. If you can buy me 6 codes of dragon balls (30). Thats about $98USD, Ill sell you the santa hat and full saradomin w/o sara hat. If you dont play conquer online and wish to buy my rs santa hat, all u need to do is follow a procedures of what to do. i dont scam and I can assure you will have a sucessful trading. I currently quitted Habbo Hotel and Runescape and I am playing a new game called Conquer Online, and if you think I am scamming. U can avoid this thread. I only need trust.
here is the link of what i have: http://bluebble.googlepages.com/runescapecopvpelite.JPG
PM if interested.