I currently have 4m to spend on Merchanting.
Please tell me some good profitable ways to make cash
< Preferable things in bulks, e.g. Limps >
I currently have 4m to spend on Merchanting.
Please tell me some good profitable ways to make cash
< Preferable things in bulks, e.g. Limps >
Wrong section.
where does it go? :rolleyes:
Nah, it's fine here. In a way your goal is to get more cash.
You could merchant pure essences, runes or limps?
[CENTER]Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time.
Get 1 more Mil or try buy ranger set cheep like 4.5mil sell 5mil.
Thanks guys
But, what prices do i buy and sell for etc.
Anyother ideas aswell?
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