Is it just me or are there other people who kind of... love them? Like when one pops up I am all excited and I actually go out of my way to get them on some games...
What about you guys
I do try to get achievments but i dont get excited ;P
I do try to get achievements but I dont get all "OMGZ YAYYAYAYAYAYAYAY" (all the time).
I try to get them too but when it comes to dead rising i fail :/.
when i get a really hard achievement i smile at it
I love getting achievements, especially hard ones. I'm close to getting all of the Gears of War achievements, so i'll be proud of myself when I get 1000/1000 for that.
Also known as that charming, handsome, young fellow SHEEPY.
Erm? I just completed Gears of war on casual. First ever time I played xbox aswell. I jumped around like a puppy for 10hours lol
i have an ****** every time i get an achievement
I am only pleased when It's a difficult achievement like completing Far Cry instincts predator on both campains. That was quite hard.
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