What are these things I sometimes see on the side or below the box when playing runescape eg
r they members only or sumin
Can you try and be more specific as to what we are looking at please ?
Yea, I have no clue what boxes your pointing out at.
And your username looks like Tyleax, but spelt to the sounds. My friend has Tyleas =D
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wot boxes sir..
be a little more specific or we can't hlep you.
I think he's on about SwiftSwitch. (He found the screenshot elsewhere, it's not his)
You don't have to be a member to use SS. You can get it from Zybez.
Fishing: 79-81-99
HxF Name: GoldSolid (I forgot my pass and the e-mail thing won't reset my password.)
Its ss I searched my rs name and took pic when I lvled you can check people high scores.
www.SwiftSwitch.net if you wanna download the program.
swiftswitch is safe pmsl.
eliteswitch is good and safe the link is
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