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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2004

    Default Question about Habbo tool./ important

    My old computer was killed by lightning, so we went out and bought a new one. It's a dell. I had to reinstall shockwave to play habbo. I did that, but once it got on the Sulake screne it brought up a message and would stop loading. I went to the help part, and before I looked on the faqs on how to fix it, I used the habbo help tool. The habbo help tool was new to me. They added it while my computer was broken. So I Started to fill it out. Yes, I'm a habbo. Then I filled in my name and email. It said that my email didn't match. I know I typed it in right, so I said the option If you know your email is right blah blah blah. So it said then I would have to reset my habbo profile thing. And they would send me my new pword in the mail. Well, I did that. Five days ago. They haven't sent me the pword yet. Is there a way to actually contact habbo anymore. I have too much furni to let me just lose everything by a dumb mistake. Then I found out how to fix the Sulake problem. i'm just waiting for my new pword. Can someone tell (possibly) why they haven't sent me it yet. and possibly how long it should take for the email to reach me did i do something worng? I've also reset it a couple of times after i reset it the first time.

    *Sorry for the bad grammar I'm in a hurry!*
    Last edited by raz~richie; 13-06-2005 at 10:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    San Andreas


    Sorry to hear about ur problems,

    Habbo Staff take a while to reply. They recieve 100's of emails every day. I have emailed them a number of time and only 3/10 times I've had a reply.

    I must admit that they are poor when it comes to helping other habbos, even though they get paid for what they do.

    I suggest you email them again if they havn't replied by a few more days.

    Good luck with everything

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    On Mars


    That happened to me but i realised why it didnt because when you typed your email say it was e.g. [email protected] (NOT A REAL ADDY) :eusa_ange you have to type it in the same where caps is you gotta put caps in, i think habbo have done this to make it more safer..because loads of habbos know each others emails, your just gunna have to wait. I was lucky because protone helped me he told me it had to be the same. If they dont reply within a week phone them up its easier :p

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Latest Awards:


    Also, if you use MSN, try via another email like yahoo, or your internet providers email.
    [[email protected]] <- Freeserve.

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