Since Zedtu has a lot of various projects running under it's name we require another PHP coder to join the team. Caleb alone can't handle every project that we wish to run so we need someone else to join and take their fair share.

I am planning one or two sites for development which require a dedicated and proficient PHP/mySQL coder. Your coding skills will be reviewed by Caleb to check that you are at the required level before we recruit you.

You will be paid depending on the project type. Since you'd be part of the Zedtu team that means you'd get a cut of any project your provided a service in. If a project becomes a success and you decide to continue as a staff on that individual project then you will continue to get a cut of any profits it makes. All profits are generated through things such as advertising, subscriptions and sponsorship.

If you're interested please PM me for more details on how to contact me or contact us directly via