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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Latest Awards:

    Lightbulb Habbox's Future: Acquisition News

    Dear Habbox Members & Fans,

    I am delighted to inform you all today that AOL UK has agreed to aquire Habbox.

    For the past couple of months, Habbox has been struggle to maintain a steady flow of cash to support the increasingly expensive costs. This is where AOL comes in.

    AOL agreed to aquire Habbox due to the social networking aspect of the organisation with hundreds of teenagers visiting the forums and sites daily. With the introduction of the chat, this only made the move an even better decision for the company.

    As part of a larger organisation with much greater resources, Habbox will be able to expand into further teenage markets. AOL will focus on improving what we currently have an seeking new directions for the organisation.

    I am very excited about this azquisition and feel very strongly about it and believe it is an important, positive step for Habbox to take if it wants to expand and continue growing at a high rate. Habbox has achieved quite a milestone without such large funds, mainly coming from Sierk's pockets, VIP members and advertisements.

    AOL will be using our advertisements spaces in the coming days to advertise their own services such as their instant messaging service.

    In regards to what next? The staff, and hierachy of Habbox will remain unchanged.

    In regards to where we will be expanding. As you heard yesterday, Habbox World closed due to slow progress and development but also because AOL plans to create a real HABBOX WORLD 3D virtual environment with the help of Awimba who has a fantastic background in development communities for teenagers and young adults in previous projects at AOL. Awimba previously managed an AOL project called KidUs who was aimed at young adults who enjoyed to chat and game. This project is in good hands, trust us. I hope you will continue to support Habbox in the months and years to come.

    Thank you for your continued support and all the best from us at Habbox and AOL,
    General Manager
    Last edited by ---MAD---; 02-04-2008 at 11:07 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2004

    Latest Awards:


    Short list of people who fell for it. I am sure there are many more:
    • Nintendonews
    • hayd93
    • DJ-Dominator
    • Lee.
    • Nick.
    • LucasAge
    • Sarith
    • Bomb-head
    • Rafiki
    • MrIntelliegent
    • Grig
    • Grindie
    • Everlong
    • -blemished-
      Confused, I think theres an error. I don't have any
      experiance doing it. I don't mind joining Habbox management though!
    • Finkeistien

      Hey there MAD.
      I was reading through the, Habbox's Future: Acquisition News thread made by you and for some reason it displayed the following?
      Also, in the near future when and if this plan for a virtual environment does transpire, will there be openings for job positions? How will we apply and who will make the decisions when it comes to hiring staff.
      Sorry to burden you with this thread as I'm sure you must be receiving
      tons more.
      Yours Sincerely,
    • DNAdamUK - "Do you want to explain or...". 10 minutes later.. "Jesus Christ I'm an idiot!".
    • Boxiel - "What? O.o".
    • Scarcely -
      Wow. I couldn't help but notice that I was helping you to make a virtual habbox!
      Lol, sure it's just a coincidence.
      But still, lol.
    • Wish! -
      I think you'v made a mistake on the latest announcement, im not working with AOL or anything
    • Browney -
      Browney as in me? Sorry but I haven't done a course of any kind nor have I been contacted by AOL asking me to do so. Where did you get this information?
    • CircuitBroken -
      In the AOL update it says that i'm involved with working on the new virtual thing. Unless someone has used the same name as me, which I doubt, i'm not involved at all. Am I missing something that I didnt read properly or has it been missed typed?
    • Cryptoo -
      I near crapped myself when it started to meantion "Cryptoo"
      I was like What did I do??, What are they expecting me to do??
      Few seconds later..
      MAD!!! YOUR PURE EVIL roflroflrofl
      i fell for it, i was on google searching for "Cryptoo" company's
      DAMN YOU. so your not really getting a 3d world ether?"
    • e5 - "Does it still mean Habbox can still become official?".
    • DarkSquiffy -
      I don't know what to say, I am so confused. Ive never made anything 3d before? Mistaken id think..
    • DarrenToogood -
      Hello there, I was wondering my name is on the AOL thread that you have recently made. How am I involved in the project at all? Please get back to me,
    • chilloutrich -
      Hey mate, your announcement of AOL, am i seeing things? My name is there, is this correct? Thanks.
    • samuelb07 -
      Hi there! I was told to visit your thread about AOL aquiring Habbox. I cannot remember me managing any AOL projects and have no idea what KidUs is. I am confused. What is going on???
    • N!ck -
      You've used the wrong nick in the announcement. I'm guessing you mean Nick. rather than me.
    • SyrupyMonkey -
      Uh... I don't know anything about this AOL O.o
      Apparently I worked on something previously? I see my name quite a few times in the advertisement O.o Expand? ;[
    • xoxrach95xox -
      Ive just read the announcement and tbh im really quite confused, I dont recall doing stuff for AOL, I may have done, but yer dont remember lolz, could you please fill me in on what i have to do or add me on msn *email removed*
      A few minutes later..
      "Just been informed about your april fool ROFL. You had me worried, but apart from the last bit is the rest of it true???
    • Pigperson -
      None of that is true and i have to go away now for holiday. I have no experience and i don't even know who put me up to it. What is happening? I definately didn't do anything like that.
    • Tiked - "Thats obviously an April Fools right, but why on me?"
    • samsaBEAR -
      lol good one, i fell for it.
      i was right scared about my name being on there, but i did think it was some kind of script that knew which user was reading it.
      it was almost belivable, seen as AOL has been snapping up social networking sites lately.
      congratulations for fooling me
    • Typoh -
      I dont know what you mean about the bottom bit of this thread, i dont understand.. But i am not having a name change for somone else!
      I'm not changing for this new Typoh.
      Got it?
    More reactions you will find here:
    and here:
    and here:

    Have a great day everyone, was well worth it and a lot of fun ! No hard feelings .
    Last edited by ---MAD---; 01-04-2008 at 11:42 AM.

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