What Piercings do you have
and how much did they cost
if you can remeber!
What Piercings do you have
and how much did they cost
if you can remeber!
I feel alive
You were my ecstacy
It's you that I'm craving
I feel alive
You were my energy
So why do you hate me?
i have one up my carlidge it was free first time but then it was £15 when i got it dun agen
i dont give a ____ if i do its ____ you
fyi, i wont stop using adblock #shame.
oh and if you moan that im rude its because
i dont have respect for most 15 year olds...
especially ones which come on here.
Yeah i have my cartlige done but not like higggh up, a little lower
i did it myself so it didnt cost a thing hahah
I feel alive
You were my ecstacy
It's you that I'm craving
I feel alive
You were my energy
So why do you hate me?
My lip, tongue, eyebrow and scaffolding bar, they were all about £15. But sometimes the guy gave me some money back and stuff because I was pretty regular at the time.
Now they have all gone up to about £25.
which one do you think hurt the most?
iw as thinking about getting my labret done.
but im not so sure
I feel alive
You were my ecstacy
It's you that I'm craving
I feel alive
You were my energy
So why do you hate me?
I think my scaffolding hurt the most because it went through the top of my ear to the other side in one go. But, they don't hurt a lot, it's just a pain when they do it and then it's a bit sore after.
None, I don't do piercings...
I have my labret, belly button, septum, 8 ear piercings, 14mm & 12 mm tunnles.
I used to have my bridge (earl) pierced but i took it out a few months ago :p
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