Awesome bit of code however I cant find any updates on this system.

The version i have installed is the latest spec that was released in the previous (now locked) thread about POWERPanel - V0.2

Ive noticed some issues:

djsays.php doesnt save the message
adacc.php doesnt have a default setting for "firsttime"'s colum in MySQL

There are various other errors ive found such as profiles not saving.

Was looking for permission from Invent that we could complete this BETA Edition but uploading our files that we have "repaired/finished"

So far, ive got adacc.php working.

    $insert = $db->query("INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `username`, `password`, `level`, `firsttime`) VALUES ('', '".$username2."', '".$password2."', '".$level2."')");
$insert = $db->query("INSERT INTO `users` (`id`, `username`, `password`, `level`, `firsttime`) VALUES ('', '".$username2."', '".$password2."', '".$level2."', '".no."' )");

Help with other files would be much appreciated. Lets get this up to a V1.0 RC