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Results 1 to 10 of 17
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    United Kingdom

    Latest Awards:

    Cool The Perfect Video Game - Ends 15th March

    Do you enjoy video games? The determination in which you have to complete it. The challenges that are held within them. I sure do! There's one problem, I can never seem to find a video game that I really enjoy, how about you?

    Your task is to think of a video game which could attract lots of gamers, who would play it for hours upon end. This game can include war, aviation, driving or anything else you could think of! Remember to include a title, a category (see list above) and the aim of the game! Good Luck!

    Competition Prize/Template

    1st Prize: 3 HC Sofas (Kindly donated by MissAlice)

    Your entry should look like the example below:
    Habbo Name: DJ-Huntey
    Habbox Name: DJ-Huntey
    My entry:

    Competition Terms & Conditions

    To enter this competition you must be a registered member of Habbox Forum. Habbox is giving all its members (not Habbox staff) the opportunity to enter competitions. You can send in your entry until the competition is closed at some time on the date listed in the thread title. Members are only allowed to enter once per Internet Protocol; breach of this rule may consider in a temporary or permanent ban from entering Habbox's competitions. The winner will be announced in this thread. Winner(s) will be private messaged by Dudedanny123 to collect their prize. Habbox has the right to close the competition at any time before the competition ending date and the winner will be judged from all the entries received up to that point. Any harassment or attempted bribery of the judge(s) will get you disqualified and could get you into trouble on the Forum. All Habbox staff are excluded from participating in competitions, unless the competition states they may. Trialists may enter any competition whilst they are on trial. Any entries that break the forum rules in anyway will also be withdrawn. Prizes are subject to change. Prizes must be claimed within one month of the winner(s) being announced. Unclaimed prizes will be considered a donation to Habbox Competitions in the winner's name. All furniture prizes will be handed over on Habbo UK only. All rights reserved.

    When in posting the competition forum, please only post competition entries. Do not post questions or comments - it is not the place to do so. If you need to ask a question, or feel it necessary to make a comment, then please send a message to the Competitions Manager or post in the "Questions & Comments about Habbox Competitions" thread.
    Last edited by Dudedanny123; 15-02-2009 at 08:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo Name: Voiding
    Habbox Name: Sam Carvalho
    My entry: I've always wanted a game that involves you starting a life from scratch. You start by having a little flat and a little money. You have to find a job throughout the city, shop keeper, cleaner or whatever! Each job has its shift and missing it will not look good to your boss. You can get promoted, find any other jobs. You can go on holiday by using the money you earned from your job, purchase train tickets pack your own bags. You have to be careful where ever you go, you must look out because you can get hit by a car and that would mean waiting for ambulances to arrive and you having to recover in hospital. You can get a car, family and more.

    This is mainly a Sims mixed with Second life with everything that we do in our day to day lives in a game.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo name:Brapd
    Habbox name: Jord
    My entry:

    My perfect game would be a good RPG And FPS Combined! that would be amazing, You start your life off as Dom, you have to take over companys, House's, Shops, Steal cars sell them, Break the doors off cars sell them. Build your own car Keep custom guns you make. Get a Crew and inprove there stats and your own :]

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    United Kingdom

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo(x) Name: PureEv1l


    My perfect game is FIFA 09 because it is the best football game yet! Why? Because it plays superbly, a more important factor in the game's quality than the new 10 versus 10 online play, the new Adidas Live Season (which imports real world, real time stats every week to keep the game up to date) or the new four season Be A Pro mode.

    Despite the fact that you can change the game speed, FIFA plays almost sluggishly. The players are more responsive than in previous efforts, and turn quicker, but if you're not controlling a speed demon - Cristiano Ronaldo or Lionel Messi, for example, there's absolutely zero chance of you putting clear blue sky between your heels and the defender's hacking big toe. Sure, you might beat a man - using one of the many tricks assigned to the right analogue stick - but you won't get away from him.

    We had worried that FIFA 09 was going to end up like EURO 08 with a Premiership skin. Luckily for us, we were wrong. Like I said, the best FIFA game ever made. It's up to you now Konami.
    Sebastian Vettel ~ Red Bull Racing
    Kimi Raikkonen ~ WRC

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    My Habbo Name:Jake:rodway
    My Habbox name:JAKEY:JAKEY
    My Entry:
    Wel I've Always Wanted a Game Were You Start A New Life From Scratch And In A Flat And With Very Little Money But Can Just Go Around Place To Place And Buy Things And Every Thing.And You Can Have Jobs Like Shop keeper or Whatever And In The Job You Can Bake And Do Thing But If you Get Something Wrong You Have To Pay Own Family And Things But You Have Got To Be Careful Because There Are Cars And Motorbikes And Trains And Other Vecles And If You Get Hit By One Of Them You Eill Be Facing Death Or Injured For The Rest Of you Life.
    When You Get About £10,000 you Can By Cars Motorbikes And Buy Club And Everything So You Better Have This Game Completed See If It Works.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    South Wales

    Latest Awards:


    Habbo + Habbox name = Ardemax

    My perfect game would be the sims.. but a bit more.
    The Sims itself is pretty amazing, but it would be even better with a few options!
    Like for instance money, you could say get cash grants? Yep, that'll work!
    And you can work from home if you want!
    Simple things like this, would and will make The Sims everyone's favourite game!
    "There are only two important days in your life: the day you are born, and the day you find out why."
    Mark Twain

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    My Habbo Name:sheldean
    My Habbox name:sheldean
    My Entry:

    Basically a sort of futuristic war ridden Sims. Not the whole "Gte money, get wife, get coffin" idea, but instead youre an ordinary 19 year old, in unim forced into war against some space aliens or somehting. The game would be based on your life i teh army, how you get higher ranks, get persmission to use other vehicles etc. so the whole RPG thing is inluded, but on top of that youre sent into missions, big and small where you ahve to use your skills to fight off deadly enemies.

    that would be awesome.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    habbo name=daleyp
    habbox name=daleyp
    my entry=
    ive always wanted a virtual reality game ,a game that you have to have a virtual reality helmet to play.In the game you start your life from scratch then when you get older you can deside what you want to be or do, for example you can chose to be a football player and actualy play football games or if you want to be in the army,you have to fight in a war or if you just wanted to be a chef or a office worker or anything like that.
    Last edited by daleyp; 18-02-2009 at 09:22 PM. Reason: it was a bit messy

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Birmingham, England


    habbox name: PixelJerry
    habbo name: PixelJerry
    My entry:

    I enjoy games that involve looking after things and involve the user needing to do something. For example Nintendogs keeps me hooked to my DS!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Habbo Name: d@n-
    Habbox Name: DAN-
    Entry: The perfect video Game would be an RPG, action, interactive, reality game you get say a toy gun which would control the game(or sword). You can collect weapons and normal stuff to control the game from shops and you chop down wood for fires and catch fish etc. like on runescape. But also you have to defend your propety from crimanals and you are a part time policeman in new york and you carry your gun stop crime then come home and defend your propety. Also you can make friends online and meet people and help them defend their propety or help them be a police man aswell. You can be a policeman, fireman or doctor.

    Hate is a thing we all Hate

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