My mom said I could have some terrapins soon.
Anyone got them?
I might go for a little bit bigger ones
My mom said I could have some terrapins soon.
Anyone got them?
I might go for a little bit bigger ones
~ "Difference is brilliant, difference is what makes this world"
Don't they bite a lot?
they better not!
~ "Difference is brilliant, difference is what makes this world"
erm i'm pretty sure them ones are poisonus lol?? :S
No they arent poisonous but you should treat a bite like any other animal bite. Keep it clean and put an antiseptic cream on it. Yes its true they carry salmonela but the risk is the same as handling money just practice good hygeine and dont go putting your hands in your mouth after you have handled one! They have quite strong bite so it hurts abit! They assume anything they see is food especially fingers!
Oo i might get a turtle like little ones not terrapins.
I dont like things that bite
~ "Difference is brilliant, difference is what makes this world"
why would you want an animal that injurs you lol
hey lets buy a shark
but they do look quite interesting
I love it when youflex like that
Well dogs and cats can injur you and so can every animal just in different ways.
A cat can claw you and bite you a dog can attack you, I think more people have died from dog attacks then terrapin attacks
~ "Difference is brilliant, difference is what makes this world"
Actually in 1989 (the year Terrapins were released into the country) their were only 3 dog related deaths in the UK wheras their was over 200 Terrapin related deaths.
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