Sunday had gradually transitioned to a Monday and the debates have finally arrived! Apologies for the one day delay as I was a man in no fit state to do anything but sleep yesterday! Anyway, without further ado this week’s debate is another hotly debated issues, particularly in the last couple of years. It goes by the question, ‘Is illegal downloading justifiable?’ This debate will end on the 23/05, lasting the typical two weeks (or one week and six days for those mathematical genies out there!)

This also means a debate has ended, the particular one that I’m on about is about online gaming effecting teenagers in society. A large round of applause to Neil who has one himself a month’s worth of VIP for being the top contributor!

Remember, the hot debate about sexism is still up for another week and will be closing this coming Sunday- so start sinking your teeth into it!

Take care!

Debates Leader