So are you Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo (Like me!)?
So are you Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo (Like me!)?
Microsoft at the moment, but I prefer a Sony.
P.S Isn't there already a thread for this??
i dunno
Playstation (Sony). Few games interest me on other consoles. I bought super smash bros brawl for the wii as that was the only game that every really interested me, and Alan Wake for the 360 which I never finished either. Although I probably would have finished brawl if the Wii wasn't unavailable for use for a while. I don't really like the DS or the PSP. So yeah I prefer it as I don't need to pay for online and I prefer singleplayer anyway (well coop>singleplayer but few games have a decent one), it has a much better library for my preference and most of my friends use it.
Xbox ~ Due to the fact a lot of my friends play it plus i enjoy it a lot more than Playstation
I currently have a PS3, but thinking about making the switch to Xbox after ... Sony's ... 'problems'..
Xbox purely because thats what the majority of my friends had at the time I got it. I don't think theres any major differences between the ps3 or xbox, so I'm not at all fussed.
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Xbox 360 as it is what my friends have
used to fix usertitles n stuff
last +rep: -nickrep points: 16361
Xbox because of the controllers ergonomics, online and I like it more. Plus the fact I was a big fan of the original xbox live from the get go. Never really played ps2 past blowing people up on gta san andreas.
Last edited by Oleh; 06-08-2011 at 02:03 AM.
xbox360 & ps3
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