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what happens at 8?
Edited by Jordan (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not comment in the trading section
Last edited by Jordan; 29-10-2011 at 09:47 PM.
Well.. that isn't worth 100c, although you said " I've added some stuff " it still wasn't worth 100c before that.
Search Varnius for Habbo's Official Trading Room.
I know this isn't really to do with the trading topic, but you need to lower the price of 100c as Aaron said, because tbh if you want people or someone to buy it they aren't going to buy it for 100c just saying!!
I believe there's 54 of those love sofas which usually go for 2c per. 50 x 2 = 100. Meaning, everything else in the room is basically free.
Are you selling any of it individually?
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