Add me on habbo or gimme a pm, Looking for Rainbow chairs inparticular (offering 4gb per or 45gb for 10), but also buying any ltds
Levi -- 30c per
Rainbow pod -- 40c per
javelin statues --80c per
Monster fountain -- 20c per
Theatre curtain --15c per
Sci-fi pod -- 10c per
Rainbow tables -- 25c per
Darkstar dragon -- 50c per
Pearl dragon egg -3gb
Black dragon egg -4gb
Easter Dragon egg -4gb
Cloud throne -5gb
Santa thrones- 40c per (also selling #3 santa throne @ 5gb)
Santa workbench -20c per
Cherry tree -- 5gb per
Habbolympix flame thingy--15c
Stone Knight -- 2gb
Golden bath-- 2gb
Bunny lair - 40c
Bronze pillow -30c
Silver pillow -80c
Executive cabinet -20c
Arcade machine - 50c
Catepillar -30c
Cant think of any more , Well if there is anymore post me a comment and il give yah an offah still the plasto chairs are my main priority and willing to negotiate on price ;3
Thread moved by Nick (Forum Moderator): From 'Normal Rare Trading' as it is more suited here.