The title basically explains it all, brand new official site stole basically their entire layout from another website. But not just any website, a retro hotel fansite!
The proof is shown by looking at the websites, and also by something very interesting: If you open up developer tools for chrome (or any other browser with the function), and you look at the index code, you actually find the name of the site they took the layout from!
Also if you were on the site a couple days ago, when it was recently announced official, you could still have seen some problems with the main site (lots of graphical bugs and weird looking text). I think this was because they were still editing the actual layout after taking it.
Now this also may just be a case where they asked for the layout (which I hardly believe any fansite would just give out their layout), but still, official fansites should not be getting involved with retros and visiting them and their affiliates! Another possibility is that they took a free layout from one of those free fansite layout sites, and just happened to have YouBoon in the code. But again, very unlikely.
And that's all I guess.
Edited by e5 (Forum Super Moderator) - Please do name name/link to retro sites, even with spoilers, thanks!