
I'm very pleased to announce we now have new awards for Debates which we can roll out in addition to the old Debates Award. A few things have changed however, in that the new awards will be based on the quality of your posts/what you are saying rather than just slapping an award on you because you managed to write a whole lot about nothing. Each of the new awards has a theme that will be able to fit generally to each post/thread award to. In addition, the awards will also be handed out for none-Debates forum discussions: often a great exchange can take place in Current Affairs, Discuss Anything and so on and it is right that such contribution are rewarded.

Here's the new collection of Debates Awards -

Debates Leader Award
~ Awarded rarely by the Debates Leader for prolonged and sustained contributions to forum discussions.

Structured Debates Award
~ For contributing towards a debate on the forum in a structured manner!

Conserved Debates Award
~ For contributing towards a debate on the forum in a conservative manner!

Passionate Debates Award
~ For contributing towards a debate on the forum in a passionate way!

Revolutionary Debates Award
~ For contributing towards a debate on the forum in a non-Orthodox and radical manner!

Debates Top Contributor (old)
~ For that special person who's made a big impact in this months Debate topic.

In addition there will also be more of a joint focus of Debates with the Current Affairs forum.

Debates Leader