i so scared i think im gay or bi
but i scared of what people will think !
i want a boyfriend as well !
im so scared some1 please help
i so scared i think im gay or bi
but i scared of what people will think !
i want a boyfriend as well !
im so scared some1 please help
Dont be scared could be a phase and no one will think any less of you
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they would you dont go to my skool it is pure evil this gal snoged this other gal and she didt hear the last of it and she said she weret gay !
so image me a boy saying im gay i probs get beated up knowing the people in my school
Yea you get that at every school like you dont like someone , GAY ! and that so people are in the same situation as you and wait till you've left school focus on studies atm
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Who cares what they think, it's your own feelings. Let them think what they want, sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me.
I am straight, so it's a subject I may not have alot of experience with, but if it was me this is what I would do.
i wish im going thru a very bad stage in my life with all these gay feeling i feel so mixed up
I'm gay, so I have experience on this particular going-on around schools.
You think you are gay or bi, it could only be a phase, depending on your age.
Answer these few questions;
Do you have feelings for both males and females? or male or female?
How long have you been having these slight ''cravings'' we shall call them.
I know that being bisexual or gay in your school may be hard for you, but know one in your school needs to know that you are gay or bisexual at all, even though you would like a boyfriend, maybe if you turn out to be gay or bisexual when you come around to think about this situation, you may even decide to search for a partner outside of the school grounds, which is probably the best oppurtunity, You need to see that not only you in your school is in this position. The majority of males in your school have probably went through phases that you are probably having now, and I am sure that they know exactly how you feel about this.
Think it over, and sleep on it
Someone had a similair problem and heres what I told them, and from the feedback they gave me - it helped.
Originally Posted by AbundanceDon't panic!
It's most likely you are not gay, or bisexual. This may not be the case, but just about every teenager, at some point in their life is confused and questions their own sexuality. Your hormoines throughout puberty, can often play tricks on you and make you think you might just be gay. Don't do anything too hasty, for instance publicly announcing to your hole school you wan't a boyfriend! As perhaps in 6months - 1 year time, you're heart will tell you different, and you will then think you're straight again!
Also, check out http://www.habboxforum.com/showthrea...985#post820985 I think that may clear a few things up for you.
Slightly Obsessed with Mrs. Aguilera
yeah like at our school people call you gay for doing certain stuff like DONT DO THAT ITS GAY.
But i must admit i do it at times..
Without realising
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