I haven't had that many issues with anxiety lately over the past couple yeard however within the past 4 months my anxiety has been getting worse and worse
It started when my implant started **** up so I've had to go on different pills mixed alongside the implant then stopping and starting and trying new pills, then I just got the implant out and I'm getting the coil in on Tuesday
I didn't realise how much it'd affect me but I can feel myself getting more and more anxious about the smallest of things and its getting to a point where I just don't know how to deal with it anymore
I've gotten myself into a habit of just trying to tell myself that I'm overthinking things or theres nothing to worry about, but rather than dealing with it I just try and cover my mind with other things so it's still there sitting at the back of my mind
When I'm having a panic attack or can feel that I'm starting to panic I just have no idea what to do anymore lol
My way of coping has just been scratching my arm when I panic but now it's **** my skin on my arm where I've scratched it so hard
So I was wondering what do you guys do when you feel yourself getting panicked, how do you cope? When you feel anxious about situations, how do you put your mind at ease? When you can't help but overthink ridiculous things, what helps you realise they're just thoughts and nothing more?