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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Webdesign Section

    Latest Awards:

    Default I need a team or a person willing to help (READ)

    Hello Webdesigning community, i am looking for a person or a team of 2 people that are caple and willing to help me help the habboing community, it is a matter of skill and willingness

    ok getting to the point as i keep on saying i need 1or 2 people/person who is willing to commit some time to a project of mine a website which helps other habbos wanting to make a website but have no content, layout, link us button and dont no how to format cutenews and install it, so our site will help them by providing pre made templates, link us buttons, and images and tutorials they can also request a template and liunk us buttons

    the content whioch will be on the site pre made will be:
    1. templates fully coded
    2. link us buttons with a simple sample on it which can be edited
    3. images
    4. tutorials
    5. Scripts
    6. avatars

    As joining the team or i would request would be
    1. Make some web temps habbo style,
    2. Make occasionally requested link us buttons
    3. Find some Usefull scripts
    4. Write up some good tutorials
    5. try to make avatars
    Note: this is not a deadline it based on you and your freetime

    as being part ofd the team the rewards you will recieve

    89most important) Gratitude of the habbo community
    occasionally gift on habbo

    i am sorry the reward part isnt very good but this site is based on the goodness of doing it and not the furniture part

    This is all i request, if no body replys, the site will go on but will not be as great as it would of been thank you for reading this post

    oh yes one more thing the site will not have a payed hosting, unless someone kindly don8s space on their server, and will have a ssinmple .tk domain

    Thank you

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    Over there. ^_^

    Latest Awards:


    Quote Originally Posted by Sygon
    Hello Webdesigning community, i am looking for a person or a team of 2 people that are caple and willing to help me help the habboing community, it is a matter of skill and willingness

    ok getting to the point as i keep on saying i need 1or 2 people/person who is willing to commit some time to a project of mine a website which helps other habbos wanting to make a website but have no content, layout, link us button and dont no how to format cutenews and install it, so our site will help them by providing pre made templates, link us buttons, and images and tutorials they can also request a template and liunk us buttons

    the content whioch will be on the site pre made will be:
    1. templates fully coded
    2. link us buttons with a simple sample on it which can be edited
    3. images
    4. tutorials
    5. Scripts
    6. avatars

    As joining the team or i would request would be
    1. Make some web temps habbo style,
    2. Make occasionally requested link us buttons
    3. Find some Usefull scripts
    4. Write up some good tutorials
    5. try to make avatars
    Note: this is not a deadline it based on you and your freetime

    as being part ofd the team the rewards you will recieve

    89most important) Gratitude of the habbo community
    occasionally gift on habbo

    i am sorry the reward part isnt very good but this site is based on the goodness of doing it and not the furniture part

    This is all i request, if no body replys, the site will go on but will not be as great as it would of been thank you for reading this post

    oh yes one more thing the site will not have a payed hosting, unless someone kindly don8s space on their server, and will have a ssinmple .tk domain

    Thank you
    So you want people to work on a site which doesnt exist...
    With no w/s to exist..
    No domain to exist..

    Sounds kinda rubbish...
    *Image Removed

    Ahemm.. How exactly was my sig innapropriate?
    Goddamit i hate this forum :@

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2005


    i agree with emiga get a site and a domain and ill help

    Originally Posted by bananasislegend
    this thread might be better than sex..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Webdesign Section

    Latest Awards:


    Quote Originally Posted by xEnigmA
    So you want people to work on a site which doesnt exist...
    With no w/s to exist..
    No domain to exist..

    Sounds kinda rubbish...
    You know enigma one thing im gonna say to you, is that ive seen your other posts and your a harsh guy, look here imn not here for abuse

    all i want is to help the habbo community,
    1. i dont need a domain i casn gfet a tk just as good but shorter
    2. its an idea of the site any if it doesnt happen ill just help the habbos with webdesign and graphics anyway

    that is all i need to say

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2005


    You are asking people to help you make a site which will help other people, for some reason, i think that you dont know how to make a website, and your just wanting people to do all the work..
    Your local: VB C PHP HTML PERL coder

    Just ask

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Webdesign Section

    Latest Awards:


    Quote Originally Posted by J!
    You are asking people to help you make a site which will help other people, for some reason, i think that you dont know how to make a website, and your just wanting people to do all the work..
    Oh i forgot thank you for that one, you do not need to make the website, i can do that, its the idea of working on it, thank you

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