View Full Version : Sulake cracking down on VIP

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13-11-2008, 06:31 PM
The fansite way states that fansites must not "charge users for premium services such as VIP access". That rule has been around for a while although it has never been properly enforced, until now. ClubHabbo have received an email from the UK offices stating that they have until 1st December to discontinue their forum VIP service. So what happens to Habbox? Would management be able to keep up with the server and hosting payments with the income coming soley from ads? It's only a matter of time until management get the same email...

13-11-2008, 06:36 PM
Looks like Habbox is going to become unoffical again.

13-11-2008, 06:38 PM
The fansite way applies to official and unofficial fansites alike, I can see a lot of forums having to close down due to them not being able to keep up with payments - It's an incredibly silly rule.

13-11-2008, 06:39 PM
uh, I don't think they will mind about unoffical...

13-11-2008, 06:39 PM
why doesn't anyone explain to them that without VIP their fansites can't afford to stay open & then they're gonna have none left at all :S

The Professor
13-11-2008, 06:41 PM
By the sounds of it we're gonna have to think of some pretty crafty workarounds or sierk will be out of pocket :(

13-11-2008, 06:41 PM
The fansite way states that fansites must not "charge users for premium services such as VIP access". That rule has been around for a while although it has never been properly enforced, until now. ClubHabbo have received an email from the UK offices stating that they have until 1st December to discontinue their forum VIP service. So what happens to Habbox? Would management be able to keep up with the server and hosting payments with the income coming soley from ads? It's only a matter of time until management get the same email...

No offence but how do you know we gonna get the email? and proof that clubhabbo had the email pls

13-11-2008, 06:42 PM
Could ask people to "Donate" and in return they recieve free VIP :)

13-11-2008, 06:42 PM
It's common sense really, they must be extremely dimwitted if they think Habbox will be able to support itself soley through income from website ads - I guess nvr could try and explain that to them but I doubt they'll listen (although I must admit he can be very persuasive at times).

No offence but how do you know we gonna get the email? and proof that clubhabbo had the email pls

I don't know that we're going to get the email but I can't really see Sulake only bothering to force one fansite to remove VIP. As for proof that they got the email, click HERE (http://www.clubhabboforum.info/showthread.php?p=1444768#post1444768).

13-11-2008, 06:45 PM
Why are they enforcing this rule, members dont mind? No one on this forum nor clubhabbo have complained about having to buy VIP? So whats the problem?

13-11-2008, 06:46 PM
It's common sense really, they must be extremely dimwitted if they think Habbox will be able to support itself soley through income from website ads - I guess nvr could try and explain that to them but I doubt they'll listen (although I must admit he can be very persuasive at times).

I don't know that we're going to get the email but I can't really see Sulake only bothering to force one fansite to remove VIP. As for proof that they got the email, click HERE (http://www.clubhabboforum.info/showthread.php?p=1444768#post1444768).

Wow, they really are dumb.

13-11-2008, 07:07 PM
I must admit this is quite an unorthodox Christmas gift from Sulake to the long supporters of their game. I would have suggested flowers.

13-11-2008, 07:08 PM
This again, They really need to understand that it costs alot of money to keep a fansite online. Habbox wouldn't be able to run if it wasn't for the VIP donations we get.
Ads just wouldn't do it, They don't bring in enough money for a site like Habbox to keep all of it's sites running.
To the person that said we can just donate and get free VIP, That is what we are doing. VIP is a form of donation towards Habbox which then allows us to get something out of it. We do it out of our own will, We are no way near forced to purchase VIP or any other features - It is completely up to us. Plus, surely it's up to us how we speand our money?!

If Habbox get this email then that sucks - Also, To the person that said 'I guess we will just be unofficial' It's the fansite way - Which states all Official and Un-Official.

I don't know that we're going to get the email but I can't really see Sulake only bothering to force one fansite to remove VIP. As for proof that they got the email, click HERE (http://www.clubhabboforum.info/showthread.php?p=1444768#post1444768).
Lol, I like how they are saying 'Purchase 6months VIP now to keep your name for longer.As if to say give us your money now before we can't get any:)

The Professor
13-11-2008, 07:15 PM
If Habbox get this email then that sucks - Also, To the person that said 'I guess we will just be unofficial' It's the fansite way - Which states all Official and Un-Official.

That's the bit that makes me laugh, what are they going to do to an unoffical fansite providing a perfectly legitimate service? Sulake can't govern the internet :P I don't know who they think they are but I think we'd be pretty safe if we were unofficial and carried on selling VIP.

What's Sulake's motivation for this btw? I haven't seen any sort of justification for it

13-11-2008, 07:15 PM
Tbh habbox could easily change there name to something else for more than habbo.

Change the domain and bamn, i doubt lots would leave, as its just the domain..

13-11-2008, 07:17 PM
the only reason i think habbo have this rule in place is because they think the people buying vip from a habbo fansite will spend the money they pay for vip on habbo directly if they say vip can't be bought from fansites anymore, stupid idea imo

13-11-2008, 07:18 PM
That's the bit that makes me laugh, what are they going to do to an unoffical fansite providing a perfectly legitimate service? Sulake can't govern the internet :P I don't know who they think they are but I think we'd be pretty safe if we were unofficial and carried on selling VIP.

What's Sulake's motivation for this btw? I haven't seen any sort of justification for it

Tbh habbox could easily change there name to something else for more than habbo.

Change the domain and bamn, i doubt lots would leave, as its just the domain..

I think habbo can also ask you to remove all Habbo images from the site too. Without Habbo images and Habbo in general, the Forum will look quiet a bit barer.

13-11-2008, 07:18 PM
If we do get an email (which we most probably will), I say don't get rid of VIP and take the risk.

I love VIP, and it's like the only way Habbox can afford to upkeep the site and forum.

Cheers Sulake. :rolleyes:

13-11-2008, 07:19 PM
I should so study Sulake for my business course, as a bad company that doesn't quite understand fanbases and how they need to survive. Would it come under anti-competition too?

13-11-2008, 07:30 PM
Technigueally there two different websites? Are they not? ;)

But still sulake arnt being very fair... :(

13-11-2008, 07:32 PM
As i said earlir this eyar, the only reason they do it, is they reckon people will buy credits instead of VIP.

Take the risk hxf, if the site closes, then habbo should see the impact. Sites like this help ADVERTISE habbo.

13-11-2008, 07:34 PM
Well in my mind they can **** off. I am not having some 40 year old peado who works with children for a living saying what I can and can't have. I pay for it out of my own money, it's my choice. If that's the way they wanna play I'll tell every Habbo user not to pay for HC as it's VIP and it's not allowed. Anyway, I thought HxF wasn't support by Sulake, only Hx? I cba with Habbo controlling the forum when most people don't even use the forum for Habbo.

Forum VIP is the same as that ****** HC them ***** have.

Do as I say, not as I do. ****locks. :rolleyes:

13-11-2008, 07:41 PM
If habbox gets the email, I say ignore it. The most they can do is make Habbox unofficial, and Habbox has never been any less popular, whether official or not.

13-11-2008, 07:41 PM
Habbox.com would be fine as with other sites but Habboxforum.com could just change anything thats habbo related (obviously other than the sections, pics, etc) and wouldnt exactly be habbo fansite would it? :P

13-11-2008, 07:44 PM
i presume habbo thinks they are losing out on money that is why they have tried to provide everything the fansites provide forums, polls, comps, groups, etc. Tbh the easy way around it is to allow donations and in return free vip (like someone said on first page) but they will jsut bring a rule out along the lines of fansites (un)official are not allowed to takes donations. IMO its ridiculous that they can tell us exactly what to do and for fansites as big has Habbox, ClubHabbo, etc how can they survive without it burning a whole in the owners pockets. Honestly Habbo have either not thought this through or simply want the fansites to be less dominant with the Habbo community. I will not be suprised if they decided to create a rare values system, trade center. We will see what the future holds.

3 common ways for Habbox(forum) to provide revenue:
Advertising (already have)
Affilates system
Site sponsorship

The Professor
13-11-2008, 08:02 PM
Oh btw before anyone suggests it again, Sulake consider habbox and habboxforum the same entity when dealing with this, so we can't use the "the forum is not official" excuse :(

13-11-2008, 08:05 PM
HabboxForum isn't official so I doubt it's making people for VIP on Habbox.com it's for the forum. ;)

Oh I just read what Alex said, oh well if Habbox are made un-official, atleast they make money out of VIP.

13-11-2008, 08:10 PM
Also a reminder: Fansite rules apply to both unofficial and official fansites.

13-11-2008, 08:13 PM
We give money and in return we get a donate rank

saying that we donated :)

13-11-2008, 08:15 PM
Fansites must not charge users for premium services such as VIP access.

Nothing states that VIP cannot be given to donaters to Habbox(forum).

Im sure if HxF just kept records of the donater and what/how much features they were given (VIP basically) then im sure it would be no problem.

You can't stop people donating to the site - so why not make it so "donators" are rewarded for their kindness? As long as it's not a built-in system of "BUY VIP - Click on colour - Money goes out of paypal account" then I dont see why VIP can't be continued.

That's the bit that makes me laugh, what are they going to do to an unoffical fansite providing a perfectly legitimate service? Sulake can't govern the internet :P I don't know who they think they are but I think we'd be pretty safe if we were unofficial and carried on selling VIP.

What's Sulake's motivation for this btw? I haven't seen any sort of justification for it

>> However they have stated that any images created by Habbo is legally owned by Sulake. That would mean they could ask HxF to removed all Habbo images or they would contact the host.

However, if a user upload's a Habbo related avater or sig etc. then it's not controllable.

>> Sulake is greedy for money. They dont want people spending cash elsewhere.

I think habbo can also ask you to remove all Habbo images from the site too. Without Habbo images and Habbo in general, the Forum will look quiet a bit barer.

As long as the actual forum doesnt contain Habbo images then its fine. Discussion of Habbo topics can continue and user's can continue to use Habbo avatars and signatures.

The problem is... this would be no Habbo-related banners.

13-11-2008, 08:19 PM
Habbox.com - the official site, doesn't offer VIP?

If it includes VIP aswell then maybe Habbox will have to undergo a name change and become a Teen Entertainment Forum with a Habbo related section?

13-11-2008, 08:23 PM
Habbo make this rule

Habbo $ > Habbox $

13-11-2008, 08:31 PM
Fansites must not charge users for premium services such as VIP access.

Nothing states that VIP cannot be given to donaters to Habbox(forum).

Im sure if HxF just kept records of the donater and what/how much features they were given (VIP basically) then im sure it would be no problem.

But that is VIP. We are DONATING to Habbox to keep the site running.
Isn't that the whole point of VIP, It's not like the money is going straight into Sierks pocket for him to speand on whatever he wants :P
I suppose Habbox could rename the 'Buy VIP' to 'Donate' and then say that we are donating - In return we get benefits also known as VIP. Even though that is what we currently have :

@ Kardan - Whether the site is official or not, It does not matter. On the fansites rules it says all rules apply to both Official and Unofficial fansites ;)

13-11-2008, 08:57 PM
If we do get an email (which we most probably will), I say don't get rid of VIP and take the risk.

I love VIP, and it's like the only way Habbox can afford to upkeep the site and forum.

Cheers Sulake. :rolleyes:

Take the risk? Sure. The site would then be closed as we are using habbo images.

Technigueally there two different websites? Are they not? ;)

But still sulake arnt being very fair... :(

Doesnt matter, rules apply to official and non-official sites which people don't seem to understand.
Anyway, forget VIP, just change it to "Habbox Donations" and the VIP usertitle to "Free VIP" or "Habbox Helpers" or some crap.

13-11-2008, 08:58 PM
at the end of the day if members minded about VIP no one would buy it, but people do alot so i think it should be allowed. It's doing nothing wrong!

13-11-2008, 09:18 PM
I think Habbox should get legal advice, because I don't think it's right to be expected to run a site without any financial help. The money that it costs owners to run sites is quite a bit of money and the owners do not make a profit, while it's a very tiny splash in the ocean to the likes of Sulake, who make millions.

13-11-2008, 09:22 PM
Sulake should provide hosting for free to all official fansites. If they want to be like this :D

13-11-2008, 09:27 PM
The only thing Sulake will do is ask for the Habbo Graphics to be removed - But they can't do that if you hotlink from another server can they now?

They could also Bobba out Habbox on the Hotel.

IMO its the most stupidest rule ever made.

13-11-2008, 09:27 PM
There is no need to change site name but habbo may force HxF to removed all images including alts in a habbo style and maybe even any reference to habbo :s

Perhaps the forum could be owned by another person........ (just change name and address on domain name etc to anything) habbox.com distance itself as much as is needed from hxf.

Personally I would tell them to get F***** and see just how far they are going to take it. I imagine they would ban sierk's habbo accounts and demand their images are removed :s

After selling something for over 4 years and then habbo deciding it is not allowed would most likely be laughed out of court in they were stupid enough to take it that far.

There is no way Habbox could keep running without its donations so i dont think there is much option but to ignore the morons at habbo and let them do their worst.

Habbox is the most popular fansite in habbos history and so many people use it imagine if the domain got into the wrong hands? If it was pushed so far habbox had no option to stop donations I would sell the domain name to a po.rn site or site that advertises po.rn :o sierk would make a packet from such a popular domain and imagine the damage such a move would do to habbo and sulake :) alot more damage than habbox getting a few donations each month.

I am sick to death of Habbo and their money grabbing tactics and now bullying ways towards sites that help promote them. Imagine if all the fansites closed :o there are so many habbos who only go on habbo due to their jobs on fansites because they enjoy their fansite work more than a game that has limited things to excite us and keep you going back
Sulake/Habbo you should remember that without such sites you would not be anywhere near as popular as yo are and this move is not only a pathetic money grabbing attempt but also a huge kick in the teeth to the habbos who have stuck with you over the years.

Look at file sharing and torrent sites :) all this sort of crap takes years to get to court and sorted out. As i said if habbo complained about this 4 years ago OK but as they didnt they are looking petty ******* ******s which infact they are.

I have alot of time for Habbox and especially HxF and although in my opinion it lost its way a little the last year or so I will do what I can to help defend it and keep it up and running.
I have saved no end of important things from habbo over my 7 years there and some of it is very negative towards sulake/habbo :o I dont want to say what just yet but will be trying to get my limited english working enough to write a good article that will be far more damaging to sulake than a few fansites that get donations to help keep running. I will see how it goes over this and then if they continue to bully I will be emailing every newspaper, magazine and anything else i can think of and im sure some would investigate and take up the story.

Habbo you have sunk to an all time low for you and believe me that is low.
I hope we can find out who exactly made this decision and the reasons be explained to us all.

I suggest Habbox emails all other official sites offering vip etc and make their own list of habbo related sites and all resign from habbo's crappy dictatorship (official list) as being official means jack **** since callie left :o people either loved her or hated her but she really did alot for the community including alot of fansite events etc.

@club habbo
You should fight them with the other sites instead of doing what they ask unless they have promised you all another badge for being good? :rolleyes:

13-11-2008, 09:31 PM
There is no need to change site name but habbo may force HxF to removed all images including alts in a habbo style and maybe even any reference to habbo :s

Perhaps the forum could be owned by another person........ (just change name and address on domain name etc to anything) habbox.com distance itself as much as is needed from hxf.

Personally I would tell them to get F***** and see just how far they are going to take it. I imagine they would ban sierk's habbo accounts and demand their images are removed :s

After selling something for over 4 years and then habbo deciding it is not allowed would most likely be laughed out of court in they were stupid enough to take it that far.

There is no way Habbox could keep running without its donations so i dont think there is much option but to ignore the morons at habbo and let them do their worst.

Habbox is the most popular fansite in habbos history and so many people use it imagine if the domain got into the wrong hands? If it was pushed so far habbox had no option to stop donations I would sell the domain name to a po.rn site or site that advertises po.rn :o sierk would make a packet from such a popular domain and imagine the damage such a move would do to habbo and sulake :) alot more damage than habbox getting a few donations each month.

I am sick to death of Habbo and their money grabbing tactics and now bullying ways towards sites that help promote them. Imagine if all the fansites closed :o there are so many habbos who only go on habbo due to their jobs on fansites because they enjoy their fansite work more than a game that has limited things to excite us and keep you going back
Sulake/Habbo you should remember that without such sites you would not be anywhere near as popular as yo are and this move is not only a pathetic money grabbing attempt but also a huge kick in the teeth to the habbos who have stuck with you over the years.

Look at file sharing and torrent sites :) all this sort of crap takes years to get to court and sorted out. As i said if habbo complained about this 4 years ago OK but as they didnt they are looking petty ******* ******s which infact they are.

I have alot of time for Habbox and especially HxF and although in my opinion it lost its way a little the last year or so I will do what I can to help defend it and keep it up and running.
I have saved no end of important things from habbo over my 7 years there and some of it is very negative towards sulake/habbo :o I dont want to say what just yet but will be trying to get my limited english working enough to write a good article that will be far more damaging to sulake than a few fansites that get donations to help keep running. I will see how it goes over this and then if they continue to bully I will be emailing every newspaper, magazine and anything else i can think of and im sure some would investigate and take up the story.

Habbo you have sunk to an all time low for you and believe me that is low.
I hope we can find out who exactly made this decision and the reasons be explained to us all.

I suggest Habbox emails all other official sites offering vip etc and make their own list of habbo related sites and all resign from habbo's crappy dictatorship (official list) as being official means jack **** since callie left :o people either loved her or hated her but she really did alot for the community including alot of fansite events etc.

@club habbo
You should fight them with the other sites instead of doing what they ask unless they have promised you all another badge for being good? :rolleyes:

I would bow down to you if i knew in real xxx

13-11-2008, 09:39 PM
There is no need to change site name but habbo may force HxF to removed all images including alts in a habbo style and maybe even any reference to habbo :s

Perhaps the forum could be owned by another person........ (just change name and address on domain name etc to anything) habbox.com distance itself as much as is needed from hxf.

Personally I would tell them to get F***** and see just how far they are going to take it. I imagine they would ban sierk's habbo accounts and demand their images are removed :s

After selling something for over 4 years and then habbo deciding it is not allowed would most likely be laughed out of court in they were stupid enough to take it that far.

There is no way Habbox could keep running without its donations so i dont think there is much option but to ignore the morons at habbo and let them do their worst.

Habbox is the most popular fansite in habbos history and so many people use it imagine if the domain got into the wrong hands? If it was pushed so far habbox had no option to stop donations I would sell the domain name to a po.rn site or site that advertises po.rn :o sierk would make a packet from such a popular domain and imagine the damage such a move would do to habbo and sulake :) alot more damage than habbox getting a few donations each month.

I am sick to death of Habbo and their money grabbing tactics and now bullying ways towards sites that help promote them. Imagine if all the fansites closed :o there are so many habbos who only go on habbo due to their jobs on fansites because they enjoy their fansite work more than a game that has limited things to excite us and keep you going back
Sulake/Habbo you should remember that without such sites you would not be anywhere near as popular as yo are and this move is not only a pathetic money grabbing attempt but also a huge kick in the teeth to the habbos who have stuck with you over the years.

Look at file sharing and torrent sites :) all this sort of crap takes years to get to court and sorted out. As i said if habbo complained about this 4 years ago OK but as they didnt they are looking petty ******* ******s which infact they are.

I have alot of time for Habbox and especially HxF and although in my opinion it lost its way a little the last year or so I will do what I can to help defend it and keep it up and running.
I have saved no end of important things from habbo over my 7 years there and some of it is very negative towards sulake/habbo :o I dont want to say what just yet but will be trying to get my limited english working enough to write a good article that will be far more damaging to sulake than a few fansites that get donations to help keep running. I will see how it goes over this and then if they continue to bully I will be emailing every newspaper, magazine and anything else i can think of and im sure some would investigate and take up the story.

Habbo you have sunk to an all time low for you and believe me that is low.
I hope we can find out who exactly made this decision and the reasons be explained to us all.

I suggest Habbox emails all other official sites offering vip etc and make their own list of habbo related sites and all resign from habbo's crappy dictatorship (official list) as being official means jack **** since callie left :o people either loved her or hated her but she really did alot for the community including alot of fansite events etc.

@club habbo
You should fight them with the other sites instead of doing what they ask unless they have promised you all another badge for being good? :rolleyes:

Coming from an Ex-Hobba makes it even better loll.
You are right there. Habbox needs the money and pretty much every trader on habbo visits habbox.com. Habbox.com controls habbo trade so yeah it is kinda stupid.

13-11-2008, 09:44 PM
Brillaint Jr i loved the read, all the points were hit directly on the head we need to unite against this as users of Habbo and members of the community who provide the money to pay their wages and keep the game alive, in all fairness they should be helping us and providing fansites with all the help they can offer. I dont want to repeat everything you have just said but Amen :D

13-11-2008, 09:45 PM
Habbox should tell Habbo to go and **** themselves.

Sulake are the most theifing *******s around, how do they expect sites to run without VIP. And why all of a sudden have they decided after years and years of VIP that they want it to stop now? Some stupid fat **** working for them obviously gotten a bit too greedy.

I would tell them to stick there official status where the sun don't shine, if they are gonna be *******s to every fan site, then be *******s back - It don't take a lot to wind sulake up.

Like JRH2002 said, he has some bad stuff on Habbo over 7 years of being on there, and I know of a few more old Habbo's who could put stuff together which I am sure sulake would be in the **** for. They have not been the best with the data protection act over the years.

13-11-2008, 09:48 PM
silly rule

i dont mind paying for vip

13-11-2008, 09:49 PM
Somebody write a proffessionally address letter for us to copy and email them, i know it isnt individually wrote by us but if enough send it in they have to listen because it means we all want what the email suggests. If enough people complain, potential thousands. They would listen as they would be scared of Habbo failing.

13-11-2008, 09:54 PM
They aren't just saying remove the images if you don't remove it, but they are also claiming they can force you to have a domain change due to your domain containing "Habbo".

What I love is, is the fact they say at the end "we want to work with fansites" yet they threaten you throughout the whole email with legal action.

13-11-2008, 09:54 PM
I've been against this rule from the start, which is why I still had my VIP service on sale up until i recived this email. I'm afraid no matter what work around you think of, if you are are reciving money and users are reciving something in return, Habbo will take legal action against you.

Below is a quote from the email I recived:

This rule is not a condition for being an official fansite, but a condition for all sites who wish to use the name 'Habbo' or 'Habbo Hotel' in domain names or make use of any graphics, code or written content created by Sulake. Failure to abide by that rule can result in Sulake withdrawing permission for that site to use those items which in non-legal terms means you would then have to change your domain name and take down all Habbo graphics, any homepage articles you'd copied and dispose of any code created by Sulake you may be using. This includes not linking to any site that does not follow the fansite way, whether this is a scam site or premium VIP site or porn site. If you do you are breaking the Fansite way and we will take action in the usual manner (although not run a cease and desist/ removal immediately), but the site charging a premium will be removed immediately.

It also applies to unofficial fansites, i've tried the whole "my forum isn't official" scenario with them, and they're having none of it.

13-11-2008, 09:57 PM
habbo fansite owners should get discount offers etc for the great things they do in helping promote habbo. :@ i was having a bit of time off hxf but when i heard about this i had to log in because it has got me really angry.

Sites need to make a huge fuss and stick together :) maybe hold special protest events :o if an alternative to habbo site was used to hold events that day so alot less users went on :o dont buy credits protests etc :o
I am sure there are people on here with many ideas of how to annoy sulake and lose them money.

Maybe its worth considering servers run from the backstreets of some lawless dump of a country where habbo's only chance of getting anything removed is if they can get the isp's in the uk etc to ban habbox.com (i am sure gordon brown would sanction terrorist laws for sulake for a small donation)

Maybe habbox can post up a template petition letter and the list of habbos and sulakes staff emails and we can bombard them with them until they at least give a full explanation before things get taken further.

13-11-2008, 10:01 PM
I've been against this rule from the start, which is why I still had my VIP service on sale up until i recived this email. I'm afraid no matter what work around you think of, if you are are reciving money and users are reciving something in return, Habbo will take legal action against you.

Below is a quote from the email I recived:

It also applies to unofficial fansites, i've tried the whole "my forum isn't official" scenario with them, and they're having none of it.

Just ignore them ;) this is what could unite most fansites after all the petty squabbles between members over the years. All get together and fight :) and a dirty tricks campaign to try and ruin habbos reputation if it gets that far.

13-11-2008, 10:02 PM
I wish to start an uprising against this pm me, i suggest we do something big i have a few ideas.

13-11-2008, 10:07 PM
Everything you are saying Jrh is true. They are taking it way too far and it is definitely a money-grabbing scheme.
The whole Official status means nothing - How often do Habbo actually do anything for Habbox?
Occasionally we get an interview or something. We sometimes have the choice to have a member of Habbo staff do something with the fansite, But there isn't really anything to do.

I sort of agree about the 'Get together' thing - It could work out.

13-11-2008, 10:08 PM
It seems this isn't Sulake's doing but the request of the cookie money hungry Habbo UK staff as I believe this rule is only in place on the UK hotel? Best thing to do is to take it up with Sualke, if enough people email in then they'll be bound to listen.

13-11-2008, 10:10 PM
Has anyone had an explanation as to why after 4 years, Sulake now want to stop sites from obtaining members support for funding sites? There has to be a reason! Sulakes profits must be rising at a dramatic pace with all the new furni released over the last 12 months or so, so surely it can't be money.

13-11-2008, 10:11 PM
I wish to start an uprising against this pm me, i suggest we do something big i have a few ideas.

maybe start this in the staff forums and then once you have a plan of attack that sierk agrees with then get the members involved :) it needs to be organised well :)

maybe a group could be made that members can join on the forum? also a group made on habbo homes for fighting this?

Habbo MUST at least explain. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ******* idiots

13-11-2008, 10:11 PM
Everything you are saying Jrh is true. They are taking it way too far and it is definitely a money-grabbing scheme.
The whole Official status means nothing - How often do Habbo actually do anything for Habbox?
Occasionally we get an interview or something. We sometimes have the choice to have a member of Habbo staff do something with the fansite, But there isn't really anything to do.

I sort of agree about the 'Get together' thing - It could work out.
Official or not, the rule stays :(

13-11-2008, 10:13 PM
Official or not, the rule stays :(
I know :PI was supporting Jrh's thing about the official status not meaning anything anymore..

I like the idea of the group on Habbo + The fighting back + definately the emailing :P

13-11-2008, 10:14 PM
Has anyone had an explanation as to why after 4 years, Sulake now want to stop sites from obtaining members support for funding sites? There has to be a reason! Sulakes profits must be rising at a dramatic pace with all the new furni released over the last 12 months or so, so surely it can't be money.
Inflation - The prices of cookies have gone up and so the Habbo Team need a few extra bucks to keep themselves full :eusa_whis
Less money being speant on fansites = more spare money for people to spend else where

It seems it's only the UK doing this, the US having nothing regarding it and neither do any of the other hotels:

13-11-2008, 10:15 PM
I am going to do it seperately from Habbox as i dont want it to fall upon them. This will be a venture on its own but if you wish to give me a hand i am helpful. Further details PM please people.

13-11-2008, 10:16 PM
Inflation - The prices of cookies have gone up and so the Habbo Team need a few extra bucks to keep themselves full :eusa_whis
Less money being speant on fansites = more spare money for people to spend else where

It seems it's only the UK doing this, the US having nothing regarding it and neither do any of the other hotels:

What if you are official on more than one hotel? :P

13-11-2008, 10:18 PM
Inflation - The prices of cookies have gone up and so the Habbo Team need a few extra bucks to keep themselves full :eusa_whis
Less money being speant on fansites = more spare money for people to spend else where

It seems it's only the UK doing this, the US having nothing regarding it and neither do any of the other hotels:

Official Habbo Fansites Must NOT:

*Offer Hacking, Scripting or Editing Programs.

*Publish any unreleased news regarding updates, new furni or features without Sulake's prior permission.

*Ask visitors for their Habbo passwords or personal information such as telephone numbers or home address.

*Charge users for premium services such as VIP access.

*Act as an affiliate for a commercial entity, nor offer merchandise (including Habbo furni) or services for sale.

*Offer to buy, sell or trade Habbo accounts for real money or Habbo Credits.

*Break the law or talk others into breaking it.

*Publish any material which may be offensive to other users or contains sexual content.

*Publish any personal information, pictures, video or documents belonging to Sulake Corporation Oy.

*Use slander or any other form of bullying in order to harass other people.

*Disrupt the operation of any other official or unofficial fansite nor disrupt the Hotel community.

*Replicate any part of the Habbo Hotel service ('Retro' Hotels, Habbo Home clones etc).

*Represent that your site is approved by or affiliated with Sulake Corporation Oy or that any other content on your site is approved by or affiliated with Sulake Corporation Oy.

It's not only the UK :P

13-11-2008, 10:19 PM
Official or not, the rule stays :(

but when unofficial they dont have much hold over the site :) this could go through court and if so then so be it lol i can imagine a multi national company with legal representatives there sueing 200 people who are mainly mid teens because they were selling something that was not for profit but to help keep their site running to help promote the company whos actually sueing them lollllllllllllllllllllll this is so funny the more you think about it. :s they need to drug test sulake staff asap.

They cant stop anybody mentioning habbo :s a newspaper writes a bad article on habbo but are not allowed to use the word habbo? haha
Fight them all the way habbo will come out of it with so much negative publicity win or lose so the only way they can win is drop this stupid idea ;)

13-11-2008, 10:19 PM
It seems this isn't Sulake's doing but the request of the cookie money hungry Habbo UK staff as I believe this rule is only in place on the UK hotel? Best thing to do is to take it up with Sualke, if enough people email in then they'll be bound to listen.

Its in place on other hotels too!

Has anyone had an explanation as to why after 4 years, Sulake now want to stop sites from obtaining members support for funding sites? There has to be a reason! Sulakes profits must be rising at a dramatic pace with all the new furni released over the last 12 months or so, so surely it can't be money.

They never say why, they just say what they'll do if you don't follow what they say.

13-11-2008, 10:22 PM
Its in place on other hotels too!

They never say why, they just say what they'll do if you don't follow what they say.
well then I think we all need to demand a legitimate answer?!

13-11-2008, 10:27 PM
Its in place on other hotels too!

They never say why, they just say what they'll do if you don't follow what they say.

It takes them months to remove all the exposed sites etc so something this trivial i think they will make themselves look stupid.
You sites all need to join forces to win this because your site is at risk otherwise :o you may get vip to keep going for the next year but the cash will soon run out.

I read somewhere lost_witness said until anybody says anything it would be ok to keep selling vip etc so this must have come from the **** heads at head office.

Back to the days of secretly ebaying furni to pay site bills? :eusa_wall

13-11-2008, 10:27 PM
It's not only the UK :P
O.o didn't notice it, I need a dose of coffee :(

There's one easy way of getting around this all. Removing VIP and replacing it with a donation system, users donate to the site and in return you get a thank you reward of being added to a usergroup with special privledges. They cannot do anything about that as users are not "Paying" but "Donating" out of their own will.
If they do not allow gifts to be given out then surely they should scrap the badge system on the hotel client or maybe even scrap credits and HC as they are forcing user's too pay for their extra privledges. Far too much Irony and stupidness behind this all.

13-11-2008, 10:28 PM
Back to the days of secretly ebaying furni to pay site bills? :eusa_wall
Lol good idea :P!

I joke obviously..

13-11-2008, 10:30 PM
They're too greedy, like that time they asked all Habbo users to do some silly survey which lasted about 30 mins, then sold the results on the Sulake site in a book for 500 euros. Greedy, robbing *****.

13-11-2008, 10:31 PM
I think Habbo are chatting crap to be honest.

How can they say they will force you to change your domain if it contains the word Habbo? So if I go and set up a company called Glasses Ltd (Example) then i can e-mail every website with the word glasses in there domain and threaten them to do what I want and if they dont oblige they have to change domains? I don't think so!

They are talking through there arse if you ask me, and what they are doing is probably breaking some form of law in some way.

13-11-2008, 10:32 PM
I think Habbo are chatting crap to be honest.

How can they say they will force you to change your domain if it contains the word Habbo? So if I go and set up a company called Glasses Ltd (Example) then i can e-mail every website with the word glasses in there domain and threaten them to do what I want and if they dont oblige they have to change domains? I don't think so!

They are talking through there arse if you ask me, and what they are doing is probably breaking some form of law in some way.
No it's because Habbo is a registered copyright trademark and all the legal blabber.

13-11-2008, 10:34 PM
There's one easy way of getting around this all. Removing VIP and replacing it with a donation system, users donate to the site and in return you get a thank you reward of being added to a usergroup with special privledges. They cannot do anything about that as users are not "Paying" but "Donating" out of their own will.

Apparently that was brought up at the official fansite meeting, and redtiz said that any fansite trying to avoid the rule will be treated as breaking the rule.

13-11-2008, 10:35 PM
Well there is a solution to that, don't call it VIP, use it as a form of donations to help fund for hosting and such, then for that they get a coloured name and extra features to show your appreciation. Sorted.

13-11-2008, 10:36 PM
I think Habbo are chatting crap to be honest.

How can they say they will force you to change your domain if it contains the word Habbo? So if I go and set up a company called Glasses Ltd (Example) then i can e-mail every website with the word glasses in there domain and threaten them to do what I want and if they dont oblige they have to change domains? I don't think so!

They are talking through there arse if you ask me, and what they are doing is probably breaking some form of law in some way.
Technically HabboxForum reffer's to "Habbox" Forum, the term Habbox can be broken up further into Hab and Box , Sulake may have the term Habbo copyrighted but they haven't got "Hab" registered and so nothing can be done about that and Habbox will have a solid defence if Sulake do try to take legal action :).

oo I just got a idea, someone email into BBC watchdog / BBC news , i'm sure they'd be interested on how large companies are trying to squeeze money out of the small coumminity sites ran by teens :)

13-11-2008, 10:37 PM
It takes them months to remove all the exposed sites etc so something this trivial i think they will make themselves look stupid.
You sites all need to join forces to win this because your site is at risk otherwise :o you may get vip to keep going for the next year but the cash will soon run out.

I read somewhere lost_witness said until anybody says anything it would be ok to keep selling vip etc so this must have come from the **** heads at head office.

Back to the days of secretly ebaying furni to pay site bills? :eusa_wall

Yeah, Lost_Witness has never had a problem with it, so it's pretty much the Sulakers themselves rather than the office staff.

Trying to find loopholes here much! :(

13-11-2008, 10:37 PM
well then I think we all need to demand a legitimate answer?!

In my opinion this does seem highly unfair on sites like Habbox and ClubHabbo which have to maintain themselves and as you guys say the amount of advertising and promoting Habbo fansites do deserves habbos respect if nothing else, the forced removal of a key feature which allows many of these sites to maintain themselves seems rather untoward and worrying.

Its in place on other hotels too!

They never say why, they just say what they'll do if you don't follow what they say.

Personally by the sounds of it I don't think it really shows much gratitude to refuse to listen to fansites that many struggle because habbo has added a rule that makes little sense other than indicating they want to eliminate any competition for "customers" although VIP is more of a donation if anything. :( I very much hope habbo can reconsider or something when they see the sort of effect it has on many fansites (however I'd rather they we didn't have to feel the effects first for them to realize this is a bad idea). I hope that this decision has not been made by people who do not appreciate what habbo fansites do for habbo and just see them as a marketing problem - I don't think making fansites remove VIP will actually help them make much more money anyway if people want to buy credits of HC they will I doubt buying fansite VIP will prevent them from doing it.

13-11-2008, 10:37 PM
Well there is a solution to that, don't call it VIP, use it as a form of donations to help fund for hosting and such, then for that they get a coloured name and extra features to show your appreciation. Sorted.

Yeah that is what I just mentioned to Jrh.

Habbox should try some hard core advertising, approach runescape to advertisie a banner on all Habbox sites lol

13-11-2008, 10:38 PM
O.o didn't notice it, I need a dose of coffee :(

There's one easy way of getting around this all. Removing VIP and replacing it with a donation system, users donate to the site and in return you get a thank you reward of being added to a usergroup with special privledges. They cannot do anything about that as users are not "Paying" but "Donating" out of their own will.
If they do not allow gifts to be given out then surely they should scrap the badge system on the hotel client or maybe even scrap credits and HC as they are forcing user's too pay for their extra privledges. Far too much Irony and stupidness behind this all.UkchaserAl said that no service what-so-ever can be given in return for a donation otherwise it would be considered breaking the Habbo Way.

I've said from the very beginning 'Just take no notice till you get the email' and I believe that's what they've been doing and it's worked so far, but when they get the email there's 3 options I imagine, work-arounds are not an option and there's no point reasoning with them, whether this be pathetic or ridiculous, everyone has to comply.

You could ignore the email but then one day we'll end up trying to get on the Habbox Network only to find their host has shut them down because they could obviously believe a multi-million pound business.

Comply and go mad with adverts.

Remove all reference's to Habbo on HabboxForum and seperate it from Habbox.

Or I guess you could simply sell the site for a fortune and leave someone else to sort it out before you either; Have to close the site, have to start paying yourself or end up in court. I believe it's called Jumping off a sinking ship but it's what I'd do. Sell habbox for a fortune, move on and enjoy the cash. The longer you leave it, the more chance it'll end up closing or depreciating, or ending up in a commerical court ;)

13-11-2008, 10:38 PM
We should have a protest, All get naked and go into the lobby and not move til they let us keep VIP! :P

13-11-2008, 10:38 PM
Technically HabboxForum reffer's to "Habbox" Forum, the term Habbox can be broken up further into Hab and Box , Sulake may have the term Habbo copyrighted but they haven't got "Hab" registered and so nothing can be done about that and Habbox will have a solid defence if Sulake do try to take legal action :).

oo I just got a idea, someone email into BBC watchdog / BBC news , i'm sure they'd be interested on how large companies are trying to squeeze money out of the small coumminity sites ran by teens :)
Go find the email then. ;)

13-11-2008, 10:40 PM
Go find the email then. ;)
http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/gotastory/ :)

13-11-2008, 10:41 PM
http://www.bbc.co.uk/watchdog/gotastory/ :)
Go send the email then. ;)

13-11-2008, 10:43 PM
I would like to know what their intentions are with this, because it can't possibly be down to the money spent on VIP could go to Habbo Credits/HC. There is no logic in that.

Just wait till they get in contact with Habbox I guess, and if and when they do, get jrh2002 to show them common sense and logic. Habbo WILL be hopeless with no fansites and it is fansites that are probably behind them making all their money and activity anyway. Unless they propose to advertise Habbo through other means, but as far as I am aware, fansite news is what drags people to events :/

Also, you can't call it donations unless you are suggesting Habbox don't give you VIP, because as far as I am aware, donating money for something in return is called buying or trading ;) Which is how Habbo/Sulake will see it.

13-11-2008, 10:45 PM
I guess if we changed the domain to HxForum or something, and adapted the skins to be all non-habbo, we could still house all the departments on HxForum (but not link to it from Habbox.com), keep running Habbox.com as official, and still offer VIP. That's one of the only options I can see to enable us to still run properly :P That is if nothing else can be sorted out. It's all getting a bit dramatic!

13-11-2008, 10:47 PM
lol we dont have a problem with paying for VIP - its a thing we choose to do via free will x[

13-11-2008, 10:48 PM
@ Kardan - Whether the site is official or not, It does not matter. On the fansites rules it says all rules apply to both Official and Unofficial fansites ;)

What I'm saying is that if HabboxForum no longer makes itself so it's a fansite then it won't fall under the rules ;) So it'd need a name change and just remove Habbo related images.

13-11-2008, 10:48 PM
Somebody write a proffessionally address letter for us to copy and email them, i know it isnt individually wrote by us but if enough send it in they have to listen because it means we all want what the email suggests. If enough people complain, potential thousands. They would listen as they would be scared of Habbo failing.

Apparently that was brought up at the official fansite meeting, and redtiz said that any fansite trying to avoid the rule will be treated as breaking the rule.

Thats pathetic.

Sulake/Habbo can not legally stop people from giving money to fansites. Its just not allowed.

If habbox is going to look for a route of conservatism but want to keep VIP then I would suggest maybe an alternate way of conacting staff in control of giving VIP to users (possibly through an external site not linked to Habbo in ANY way) and then user's would pay a fee there. The payment would be recorded on the site automatically and would alert the VIP-Staff to give the user VIP on the forum.

As the VIP staff act as a 'middle-man' then nothing can really be done as they are just working on two seperate sites.

However, if Habbox arent going to budge on this then im sure all users would be behind them 100% even if it means changing to a new domain and remove all links to Habbo.

If Habbo think this rule can just be instated without any change in fansites then they are very wrong. Fansites will either change or disband due to lack of funds.

13-11-2008, 10:52 PM
I still don't see why we should have to remove all the habbo images - as the main boost for Habbox(forum/live/w.e) is Habbo, So by doing this Habbox becomes a completely different site altogether.

Maybe instead of us all complaining/ranting about Habbo (even though it is fun - but the thing behind it is very annoying..) doing this perhaps start shooting ideas for ways Habbox can get money without VIP.
There is already the
Donate to Habbox - which they can't stop us doing.
Advertising - 1 way of getting money..

13-11-2008, 10:52 PM
Sulake Can Shut Forums Down Froum Using Coprighted Material And Charging People To Use It Many Game Based Forums Have Been Shut Down By Nindendo For Not Putting The Nindendo Copyright On It.

13-11-2008, 10:52 PM
I guess if we changed the domain to HxForum or something, and adapted the skins to be all non-habbo, we could still house all the departments on HxForum (but not link to it from Habbox.com), keep running Habbox.com as official, and still offer VIP. That's one of the only options I can see to enable us to still run properly :P That is if nothing else can be sorted out. It's all getting a bit dramatic!
Problem with that though, is HabboxForum will have to get rid of Habbo News, Habbo Alterations, Trading Forums and any direct links to Habbox.com - because Habbox is affiliated with Habbo, it is official and uses their images so any thing like www.habbox.com in links, even if it has a name like "Official Fansite" and links to "habbox.com" would have to be scrapped.

This is what SkaterChu dragged up:

This rule is not a condition for being an official fansite, but a condition for all sites who wish to use the name 'Habbo' or 'Habbo Hotel' in domain names or make use of any graphics, code or written content created by Sulake.

Donate to Habbox - which they can't stop us doing.
Advertising - 1 way of getting money..
You can't call it donating when you get charged £1 and get VIP in return. You'll have to donate and get nothing in return to call it donating.

13-11-2008, 10:54 PM
In the UK it is legal to be known by and use as many names as you like as long as you use a different DOB. This must be the same by european law? maybe sierk can say hes uses the name Hab Box since he was little and sue habbo for stealing his name lol
I cant see them getting anywhere over the domain name. :o maybe habbo should purchase every domain name that includes the word 'HABBO' for its market value? ******s lol

13-11-2008, 10:55 PM
You can't call it donating when you get charged £1 and get VIP in return. You'll have to donate and get nothing in return to call it donating.
I meant - On Habbox.com don't they have a thing where you can use Paypal to donate to habbox?
Or is this only at christmas? :S

13-11-2008, 10:57 PM
Thats pathetic.

Sulake/Habbo can not legally stop people from giving money to fansites. Its just not allowed.

If habbox is going to look for a route of conservatism but want to keep VIP then I would suggest maybe an alternate way of conacting staff in control of giving VIP to users (possibly through an external site not linked to Habbo in ANY way) and then user's would pay a fee there. The payment would be recorded on the site automatically and would alert the VIP-Staff to give the user VIP on the forum.

As the VIP staff act as a 'middle-man' then nothing can really be done as they are just working on two seperate sites.

However, if Habbox arent going to budge on this then im sure all users would be behind them 100% even if it means changing to a new domain and remove all links to Habbo.

If Habbo think this rule can just be instated without any change in fansites then they are very wrong. Fansites will either change or disband due to lack of funds.The point is Sulake currently own copyright to Habbo Hotel and all their images, at their request they can get them to be removed for any reason.

I would try contacting the media very soon yes, the sooner the better. I wouldn't try Watchdog though it doesn't seem the right thing for them.

To be fair I think if so much of you have a problem with it, perhaps you should buy VIP? I was hoping I wouldn't need to say that but how can people moan about it when they don't support HabboxForum fianicially anyway.

I think it will have a slight affect on Habbo but if you get the UK Office or Press on your side you have a good case. I'm quite confident though this will only be a problem to ClubHabbo or Habbox though because if any other fansites do it they'll be so small they'll be over-looked.

13-11-2008, 10:59 PM
Problem with that though, is HabboxForum will have to get rid of Habbo News, Habbo Alterations, Trading Forums and any direct links to Habbox.com - because Habbox is affiliated with Habbo, it is official and uses their images so any thing like www.habbox.com (http://www.habbox.com) in links, even if it has a name like "Official Fansite" and links to "habbox.com" would have to be scrapped.

This is what SkaterChu dragged up:

You can't call it donating when you get charged £1 and get VIP in return. You'll have to donate and get nothing in return to call it donating.

The Habbo discussion wont have to cease. Habbo cannot stop the discussion of their site on forums.

And donating doesn't have to be selfless... if Habbox wish to return the generousity of members then they should be able to.

13-11-2008, 10:59 PM
Habbox should do a big campaign with every other fansite, get big banners on the websites and forums getting people to e-mail sulake or a ceartin media etc complaining, otherwise if they dont there is chance of closure.

13-11-2008, 11:00 PM
I meant - On Habbox.com don't they have a thing where you can use Paypal to donate to habbox?
Or is this only at christmas? :S
Ooo, you've discovered a possible loop hole :P Allow donations on Habbox.com, and award the member on HxForum.com with VIP (obvs a made up name for now). Technically you're getting a small reward from another source on another site, which is technically avoiding going against donations :P But the forum will have to be owned by someone else, the domain and the license. I believe that's how it works at least... I read something like that somewhere :P

The Habbo discussion wont have to cease. Habbo cannot stop the discussion of their site on forums.

And donating doesn't have to be selfless... if Habbox wish to return the generousity of members then they should be able to.
True, but you can't have permanent forums, especially like HabboxForum has now with Habbo Trade forums, alt forums, and news forums. It will look like a fansite and will come under a fansite. They would all have to be removed or put into one catagory and make the forum look like a gaming chat forum if anything.

Habbox will have to give everyone VIP, when they donate money, to avoid arguments. In doing that, it's not a donation, it's buying VIP. It's an exchange, not a donation :)

13-11-2008, 11:01 PM
Maybe its worth considering servers run from the backstreets of some lawless dump of a country where habbo's only chance of getting anything removed is if they can get the isp's in the uk etc to ban habbox.com (i am sure gordon brown would sanction terrorist laws for sulake for a small donation)

Hong Kong =]

13-11-2008, 11:02 PM
If they just said Donations and then gave a special usergroup to Donators but don't sa you will or put "WE MIGHT GIVE VIP TO SOME DONATORS" but give to them all :p

13-11-2008, 11:04 PM
Hong Kong =]Gordon Brown would struggle to sanction the People's Republic of China because they host some forums.

13-11-2008, 11:05 PM
If they just said Donations and then gave a special usergroup to Donators but don't sa you will or put "WE MIGHT GIVE VIP TO SOME DONATORS" but give to them all :p
That would be crafty, but knowing Habbo they will complain about that. They seemed to of complained and even banned a member who used this forum when they made a remark about Lost_Witness (or someone in the offices at least).

13-11-2008, 11:05 PM
Ok darlings, I'm here to save the day.
Sulake clearly think they're just messing with kids who want to earn a few bob from running a fansite, but scare tactics don't get around my skills and truths :8

Take the risk? Sure. The site would then be closed as we are using habbo images.

Incorrect. Sulake own the copyright to the images, yes, but copyrighted images can still be displayed by those other than the holders as long as credit is given. Think about the multitude of Runescape, WoW, Final Fantasy, Pokémon and every other type of fansite around - all you have to do is have a footnote saying "images copyright Sulake.ltd" etc etc

I think Habbox should get legal advice, because I don't think it's right to be expected to run a site without any financial help. The money that it costs owners to run sites is quite a bit of money and the owners do not make a profit, while it's a very tiny splash in the ocean to the likes of Sulake, who make millions.

No need darling, we have a free genius :D

I'm afraid no matter what work around you think of, if you are are reciving money and users are reciving something in return, Habbo will take legal action against you.

Again, if you give credit to Sulake for any images you have on your site you'll be fine. Receiving money for something that's actually illegal such as a retro/backwards engineered client would leave you extremely open to legal action, but images and names don't fall under that. I've got no love for your site specifically but I don't think anyone (let alone someone who has actually done fairly well with their site as opposed to a 10 year old with a web domain) to get pushed under by this.

They cant stop anybody mentioning habbo :s a newspaper writes a bad article on habbo but are not allowed to use the word habbo? haha

Truth. They can't make us change our name any more than they can force images off our site if we give proper credit. Copyright on something simply means that no-one else can claim ownership or creation of it, it doesn't mean no-one else can so much as say something.

UkchaserAl said that no service what-so-ever can be given in return for a donation otherwise it would be considered breaking the Habbo Way.

..And so we come to my final piece for now. Sit back ladies and gentlemen as a simple yet entirely legal loophole is mentioned to you.
"Donations" whereby each person will get extras does count as selling a service - this is the same anywhere you go. However, a competition with a cost to enter is not the same thing.

Here's a little story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down: at a school fayre when I was young, I was told of the wonders of the beer tent. Of course, I couldn't go in, but it was pure genius that I learned that day. Being a children's event and not having an alcohol license, they could not legally sell beers, so a "raffle" was set up whereby anyone with a ticket ending in 5 or 0 would "win" a beer. Of course, every ticket ended in a 5 or 0, and because alcohol can indeed be given as a gift or prize to anyone over 18, it was entirely legal.

If worst comes to worst and we are forced to remove VIP, we can implement this in its stead without any legal worries. Sell competition tickets with a prize of VIP priviledges and make it so that each ticket wins. It's not illegal to set your own competition rules, and if people still want to see that as selling a service, a seperate domain for it could be set up (not directly affiliated with Hx of course) whereby THEY sell tickets to an online competition, the prize being HxF VIP.

13-11-2008, 11:08 PM

This is just a start. Join if you wish to make a difference.

13-11-2008, 11:10 PM
Ok darlings, I'm here to save the day.
Sulake clearly think they're just messing with kids who want to earn a few bob from running a fansite, but scare tactics don't get around my skills and truths :8

Incorrect. Sulake own the copyright to the images, yes, but copyrighted images can still be displayed by those other than the holders as long as credit is given. Think about the multitude of Runescape, WoW, Final Fantasy, Pokémon and every other type of fansite around - all you have to do is have a footnote saying "images copyright Sulake.ltd" etc etc

No need darling, we have a free genius :D

Again, if you give credit to Sulake for any images you have on your site you'll be fine. Receiving money for something that's actually illegal such as a retro/backwards engineered client would leave you extremely open to legal action, but images and names don't fall under that. I've got no love for your site specifically but I don't think anyone (let alone someone who has actually done fairly well with their site as opposed to a 10 year old with a web domain) to get pushed under by this.

Truth. They can't make us change our name any more than they can force images off our site if we give proper credit. Copyright on something simply means that no-one else can claim ownership or creation of it, it doesn't mean no-one else can so much as say something.

..And so we come to my final piece for now. Sit back ladies and gentlemen as a simple yet entirely legal loophole is mentioned to you.
"Donations" whereby each person will get extras does count as selling a service - this is the same anywhere you go. However, a competition with a cost to enter is not the same thing.

Here's a little story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down: at a school fayre when I was young, I was told of the wonders of the beer tent. Of course, I couldn't go in, but it was pure genius that I learned that day. Being a children's event and not having an alcohol license, they could not legally sell beers, so a "raffle" was set up whereby anyone with a ticket ending in 5 or 0 would "win" a beer. Of course, every ticket ended in a 5 or 0, and because alcohol can indeed be given as a gift or prize to anyone over 18, it was entirely legal.

If worst comes to worst and we are forced to remove VIP, we can implement this in its stead without any legal worries. Sell competition tickets with a prize of VIP priviledges and make it so that each ticket wins. It's not illegal to set your own competition rules, and if people still want to see that as selling a service, a seperate domain for it could be set up (not directly affiliated with Hx of course) whereby THEY sell tickets to an online competition, the prize being HxF VIP.Nice loophole and all that but that would hugely put people off buying VIP if they have to go through all that. It would complicate the system massively and confuse some users. I would rep you for the idea but I'm on mobile skin lol.

13-11-2008, 11:12 PM
[SIZE=3]If worst comes to worst and we are forced to remove VIP, we can implement this in its stead without any legal worries. Sell competition tickets with a prize of VIP priviledges and make it so that each ticket wins. It's not illegal to set your own competition rules, and if people still want to see that as selling a service, a seperate domain for it could be set up (not directly affiliated with Hx of course) whereby THEY sell tickets to an online competition, the prize being HxF VIP.
How do you propose Habbox do that when Habbo can't see the ticket/raffle system? Habbox will have to show Habbo the numbers in the hat or the numbers member have. Otherwise it will just look like calling a cat a dog, by which I mean "you're still selling VIP, but calling it a raffle where everyone wins!"

The seperate domain could work. Just get a manager to buy a domain and have VIP go through that as a raffle/competition or product. I don't think sierk could own it, because Habbox will fall in the same predicament, but with an extra domain involved.

13-11-2008, 11:14 PM
Habbo can have a look at the system if they really want - there's no law against setting your own terms for a competition, and those terms could easily be that all tickets have winning numbers.

13-11-2008, 11:16 PM
Habbo can have a look at the system if they really want - there's no law against setting your own terms for a competition, and those terms could easily be that all tickets have winning numbers.
Then they would notice that each ticket results with everyone getting the same prize, which as far as I am aware, would still be selling premium services but trying to make it complicated. That's how they might see it though.

13-11-2008, 11:18 PM
Whatever they see it as, it's a legal loophole. We'd know and they'd know that it's a way around their rules, and hell we could even make that a known fact by publishing it, but it still wouldn't be against any laws.

13-11-2008, 11:21 PM
They would make a new rule up though?

13-11-2008, 11:21 PM
Yes, Habbox has been ordered to remove its VIP services.

FJ it doesn't really work like that, RuneScape is alowed to shut down sites as the idea is someone is making money as a result of using their images. Yes, Habbox is not for profit, but it makes revenues through VIP donations. Therefore, Habbo has the right to take us down, even if we really haven't done anything wrong. If we post a message about L_Ws mother, they can yank our right to use their images and content, so that's what they'll do if we run a competition.

We were going to announce this seperately but I guess cat's out of the bag. VIP will be leaving end of November however we will continue to honor any VIP payments through their end, so if you really wanted you could buy VIP for two years and have it.

13-11-2008, 11:25 PM
Yes, Habbox has been ordered to remove its VIP services.

FJ it doesn't really work like that, RuneScape is alowed to shut down sites as the idea is someone is making money as a result of using their images. Yes, Habbox is not for profit, but it makes revenues through VIP donations. Therefore, Habbo has the right to take us down, even if we really haven't done anything wrong. If we post a message about L_Ws mother, they can yank our right to use their images and content, so that's what they'll do if we run a competition.

We were going to announce this seperately but I guess cat's out of the bag. VIP will be leaving end of November however we will continue to honor any VIP payments through their end, so if you really wanted you could buy VIP for two years and have it.

Gah you arent on MSN are you? Cos I had an great idea on how to overcome all this :P

13-11-2008, 11:26 PM
Yes, Habbox has been ordered to remove its VIP services.

FJ it doesn't really work like that, RuneScape is alowed to shut down sites as the idea is someone is making money as a result of using their images. Yes, Habbox is not for profit, but it makes revenues through VIP donations. Therefore, Habbo has the right to take us down, even if we really haven't done anything wrong. If we post a message about L_Ws mother, they can yank our right to use their images and content, so that's what they'll do if we run a competition.

We were going to announce this seperately but I guess cat's out of the bag. VIP will be leaving end of November however we will continue to honor any VIP payments through their end, so if you really wanted you could buy VIP for two years and have it.

NOOOOOOOOOOO! :@:@:@:@:@:@

13-11-2008, 11:26 PM
Yes, Habbox has been ordered to remove its VIP services.

FJ it doesn't really work like that, RuneScape is alowed to shut down sites as the idea is someone is making money as a result of using their images. Yes, Habbox is not for profit, but it makes revenues through VIP donations. Therefore, Habbo has the right to take us down, even if we really haven't done anything wrong. If we post a message about L_Ws mother, they can yank our right to use their images and content, so that's what they'll do if we run a competition.

We were going to announce this seperately but I guess cat's out of the bag. VIP will be leaving end of November however we will continue to honor any VIP payments through their end, so if you really wanted you could buy VIP for two years and have it.
Have you replied to them, trying to reason with them with how utterly stupid this move is? :P

13-11-2008, 11:30 PM
FJ it doesn't really work like that, RuneScape is alowed to shut down sites as the idea is someone is making money as a result of using their images.

We aren't making profit as a result of their images though, it would be different if you got a free picture of a Habbo with your VIP but it's completely different and non-related.

Yes, Habbox is not for profit, but it makes revenues through VIP donations. Therefore, Habbo has the right to take us down, even if we really haven't done anything wrong. If we post a message about L_Ws mother, they can yank our right to use their images and content, so that's what they'll do if we run a competition.

Hence having the "competition" on another domain - VIP manager could easily own it and still not have it as an official part of the site, and there would seriously be no legal action they could bring against us. Also as you mentioned, we are non-profit, so we aren't actually making any business off their name.

13-11-2008, 11:32 PM
http://www.habbo.co.uk/groups/87930/id Join the group more information coming soon.

13-11-2008, 11:34 PM
What no!! I'll be made redundant!!

Yes, Habbox has been ordered to remove its VIP services.

FJ it doesn't really work like that, RuneScape is alowed to shut down sites as the idea is someone is making money as a result of using their images. Yes, Habbox is not for profit, but it makes revenues through VIP donations. Therefore, Habbo has the right to take us down, even if we really haven't done anything wrong. If we post a message about L_Ws mother, they can yank our right to use their images and content, so that's what they'll do if we run a competition.

We were going to announce this seperately but I guess cat's out of the bag. VIP will be leaving end of November however we will continue to honor any VIP payments through their end, so if you really wanted you could buy VIP for two years and have it.

13-11-2008, 11:35 PM
What no!! I'll be made redundant!!
Think about his children! :(

:O! I have a cunning idea... You pretend to be a dad, I'd be a son and nvrspk4 could be the mum. We shall give them a guilt trip when they see our muddy little faces! :D

13-11-2008, 11:36 PM
Thinking of charity here we're gonna rock these fools haha

13-11-2008, 11:36 PM
Yes, Habbox has been ordered to remove its VIP services.

FJ it doesn't really work like that, RuneScape is alowed to shut down sites as the idea is someone is making money as a result of using their images. Yes, Habbox is not for profit, but it makes revenues through VIP donations. Therefore, Habbo has the right to take us down, even if we really haven't done anything wrong. If we post a message about L_Ws mother, they can yank our right to use their images and content, so that's what they'll do if we run a competition.

We were going to announce this seperately but I guess cat's out of the bag. VIP will be leaving end of November however we will continue to honor any VIP payments through their end, so if you really wanted you could buy VIP for two years and have it.

Its a very sad day if you dont FIGHT this bullying bunch of scum bags.
I really thought Sierk would relish getting stuck into them over this. I have always found Sierk a very strong character who has always fought for whats right :(
Habbox has got a great fanbase now who would stop with them whatever :o get in touch with some other games to see if they would have a problem with VIP and promote their site? imagine all the lost revenue to habbo then and then change from being habbo related and then just minor habbo news etc.

Has any explanation been offered from habbo?

If you dont have any fight I might as well log back out and not come back.

13-11-2008, 11:39 PM
Would it be possible to register as a charity?

People will not be paying for VIP features, but will simply be donating towards the charities main goal - to raise money for a specified charity. And if management choose to, these people may just by chance receive features others don't. They can't complain for that surely - as admins, mods etc. have different features from normal users so why not just make those who donate to charity coincidently get something extra.

That way, we could give the donations towards a charity, but in the UK the company is actually allowed to keep a percentage for the upkeep of the company.

The charity could even be interchangable, with users getting to vote each month which charity the donations go to?

Another quick thought of a loop hole... People who decide to 'donate' for the upkeep of the website happen to become 'Staff'.
We could invent a new role that includes all the features of vip, but maybe some element of optional 'work' that could be done and it could just be a coincidence that those who donate generally appear to be the main people with this 'job'. They can't criticise us for hiring staff with extra features than others to run the site.

13-11-2008, 11:40 PM
Its a very sad day if you dont FIGHT this bullying bunch of scum bags.
I really thought Sierk would relish getting stuck into them over this. I have always found Sierk a very strong character who has always fought for whats right :(
Habbox has got a great fanbase now who would stop with them whatever :o get in touch with some other games to see if they would have a problem with VIP and promote their site? imagine all the lost revenue to habbo then and then change from being habbo related and then just minor habbo news etc.

Has any explanation been offered from habbo?

If you dont have any fight I might as well log back out and not come back.

I agree. Why not fight it?

Its easy to see that Habbo are just taking... where's the give? There should be a comprimise and we should demand it.

13-11-2008, 11:42 PM
Would it be possible to register as a charity?

People will not be paying for VIP features, but will simply be donating towards the charities main goal - to raise money for a specified charity. And if management choose to, these people may just by chance receive features others don't. They can't complain for that surely - as admins, mods etc. have different features from normal users so why not just make those who donate to charity coincidently get something extra.

That way, we could give the donations towards a charity, but in the UK the company is actually allowed to keep a percentage for the upkeep of the company.

The charity could even be interchangable, with users getting to vote each month which charity the donations go to?

Another quick thought of a loop hole... People who decide to 'donate' for the upkeep of the website happen to become 'Staff'.
We could invent a new role that includes all the features of vip, but maybe some element of optional 'work' that could be done and it could just be a coincidence that those who donate generally appear to be the main people with this 'job'. They can't criticise us for hiring staff with extra features than others to run the site.

Great idea :)

not many will know this but its eitherr 90 or 95% of charity donations can be used as expenses and only 10 or 5% needs to go to the cause :o
And with hx donating any profits at xmas they have a tack record of doing this before this stupid rule existed. would make a great story for the papers if sulake were trying to close a site down that donated any profits to a childrens charity like child line etc.

+ rep if i can.

13-11-2008, 11:42 PM
Will there be different ways to get VIP or the same as VIP but obviously not called VIP a different way, nvr? If so, I will buy a few years of VIP now before it vanishes forever. I already have VIP until late 2010 lol.

13-11-2008, 11:46 PM
Would it be possible to register as a charity?

People will not be paying for VIP features, but will simply be donating towards the charities main goal - to raise money for a specified charity. And if management choose to, these people may just by chance receive features others don't. They can't complain for that surely - as admins, mods etc. have different features from normal users so why not just make those who donate to charity coincidently get something extra.

That way, we could give the donations towards a charity, but in the UK the company is actually allowed to keep a percentage for the upkeep of the company.

The charity could even be interchangable, with users getting to vote each month which charity the donations go to?

omg steal our idea why don't you! Hahaha but yeah we've got the best discussion going on this, and it's actually quite feasible. I'm more than happy to look into it fully because obviously I have a duty to look after the community and from what I can tell they ain't too happy about this :P

Great idea :)

not many will know this but its eitherr 90 or 95% of charity donations can be used as expenses and only 10 or 5% needs to go to the cause :o

lol yeah that was mentioned, it's pretty nifty just as long as we don't make *actual* profit

13-11-2008, 11:49 PM

I'm thinkign along the lines of introducing like a 'Charity Department' with a Charity Manager. And we will nto actually be breaking any rules because we are simply asking our forum users to donate towards the charity that we as a company support (just like ASDA and big retailers support charities and ask you to donate instore etc.)

And then those who donate, will become part of the charity group that will be dedicated to promoting the charity etc. and it just so happens that they get the same vip features as they would have.

They can't penalise us for having 'staff'. It is the same principle as nvrspk having a green name, smods havign a red etc. - we just choose that our charity workers have the colour of their choice.

omg steal our idea why don't you! Hahaha but yeah we've got the best discussion going on this, and it's actually quite feasible. I'm more than happy to look into it fully because obviously I have a duty to look after the community and from what I can tell they ain't too happy about this :P

And as well as doing the donation service, we should offer other alternatives to make money such as runnign sponsors or competitions etc. to prove we are actually dedicated to the charity as long as we actually give them a set percentage each year.

13-11-2008, 11:55 PM
If you dont fight this please delete my account please :) I will be ashamed to be and have been part of something with no heart left in it :( this is why i mention habbox losing its way over the last year or so :( properclone and jack etc would have fought this tooth and nail and sierk would have took this as far as possible.

Come on NVR kick some arse and dont roll over for these idiots.

Do habbo think some sites are to powerful? they realise the small ones run for a few pounds per month and the big ones cost 100s so will most likely die out :( FIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT if you dont the site will collapse.

13-11-2008, 11:58 PM
If you dont fight this please delete my account please :) I will be ashamed to be and have been part of something with no heart left in it :( this is why i mention habbox losing its way over the last year or so :( properclone and jack etc would have fought this tooth and nail and sierk would have took this as far as possible.

Come on NVR kick some arse and dont roll over for these idiots.

Do habbo think some sites are to powerful? they realise the small ones run for a few pounds per month and the big ones cost 100s so will most likely die out :( FIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT if you dont the site will collapse.

I will fight!

13-11-2008, 11:59 PM
If you dont fight this please delete my account please :) I will be ashamed to be and have been part of something with no heart left in it :( this is why i mention habbox losing its way over the last year or so :( properclone and jack etc would have fought this tooth and nail and sierk would have took this as far as possible.

Come on NVR kick some arse and dont roll over for these idiots.

Do habbo think some sites are to powerful? they realise the small ones run for a few pounds per month and the big ones cost 100s so will most likely die out :( FIGHTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT if you dont the site will collapse.

I agree. There is definitely a way around this, we just need to get together and think it through.

Continuing with the charity idea, it is no different to MissAlice donating her furniture which she has paid for, for competitions etc. and in return she gets a wee mention on the homepage or whatever.

Technically we are just accepting donations on behalf of the charity which is affiliated with us and we wil be passing on to them and using to turn it into greater for the charities benefit. It will then be presumed that those who donate generally have an interest in the charity overall and so will be put in a charity usergroup which is created to signify those dedicated to supporting the charity and therefore those who you will perhaps see around promoting it etc.

This is no different to nvr having a green name, or smods a red one - it is the same principle completely that we have the right to choose which colour our usergroups have - and it just so happens that those who choose to donate to the charity are part of the group containign previous vip features.

14-11-2008, 12:01 AM
I'm thinkign along the lines of introducing like a 'Charity Department' with a Charity Manager. And we will nto actually be breaking any rules because we are simply asking our forum users to donate towards the charity that we as a company support (just like ASDA and big retailers support charities and ask you to donate instore etc.)

And then those who donate, will become part of the charity group that will be dedicated to promoting the charity etc. and it just so happens that they get the same vip features as they would have.

And as well as doing the donation service, we should offer other alternatives to make money such as runnign sponsors or competitions etc. to prove we are actually dedicated to the charity as long as we actually give them a set percentage each year.

Charities are a bit more complicated than "here you go, have some money", hence charity donations for VIP would still look like any donation/sale method. What would be different is if we were "sponsored" by our chosen beneficiaries to get it, because then the reward is from them and not the site. It would be like getting one of the pin badges for giving a quid to Cancer Research init. I don't think we need a new department for it really seeing as how we already have one that doesn't have a lot to do atm *waves and jumps and screams* but yeah I think getting more into charity is a good idea even if we don't save VIP by doing it.

That said, I still think we can get around the VIP business without resorting to anything else, but I'm into the idea of charity now because of our discussions haha

14-11-2008, 12:03 AM
Imagine Sulake trying to close or impose sanctions on a site that is fully supporting Child Line or similar? all profits go to the charity and a greedy corporate company is trying to close them down :o
Sulakes name would be so damaged in the press :)

This is a great idea and i would do it and then see the morals of sulake :)

14-11-2008, 12:05 AM
Yeh well just restructure the current community department or whatever to make it more focussed towards the charity aspect, as if this went ahead it would be a very core focus of the website that would need to be totally integrated throughout.

I agree, the idea of getting a charity to sponsor or support us would be very benefical and would encourage and support it even more.

I donno if we would get away with the idea of giving them a sort of badge thing for donating, as that's kinda similair to vip maybe?

LOL yeh I'm enjoying the discussion haha

Charities are a bit more complicated than "here you go, have some money", hence charity donations for VIP would still look like any donation/sale method. What would be different is if we were "sponsored" by our chosen beneficiaries to get it, because then the reward is from them and not the site. It would be like getting one of the pin badges for giving a quid to Cancer Research init. I don't think we need a new department for it really seeing as how we already have one that doesn't have a lot to do atm *waves and jumps and screams* but yeah I think getting more into charity is a good idea even if we don't save VIP by doing it.

That said, I still think we can get around the VIP business without resorting to anything else, but I'm into the idea of charity now because of our discussions haha

14-11-2008, 12:06 AM
Precisely, I'd propose using as much of the money to keep the servers up etc as is needed (simple maintenance costs) and then have the rest go off for charitable uses. We'd be strictly non-profit and frankly if Sulake let us do it they'd even get a good name from us probably

And I didn't mean giving them a badge lol, I meant that's the equivalent of getting VIP for a donation

14-11-2008, 12:08 AM
Precisely, I'd propose using as much of the money to keep the servers up etc as is needed (simple maintenance costs) and then have the rest go off for charitable uses. We'd be strictly non-profit and frankly if Sulake let us do it they'd even get a good name from us probably

Exactly, we just take what we need to keep the site running and no more. The rest going to charity. TBH without this whole vip fiasco, I think thats a good idea in general as the money is actual going to something rellevant and meaningful.

Imagine Sulake trying to close or impose sanctions on a site that is fully supporting Child Line or similar? all profits go to the charity and a greedy corporate company is trying to close them down :o
Sulakes name would be so damaged in the press :)

This is a great idea and i would do it and then see the morals of sulake :)

Imagine Sulake trying to close or impose sanctions on a site that is fully supporting Child Line or similar? all profits go to the charity and a greedy corporate company is trying to close them down :o
Sulakes name would be so damaged in the press :)

This is a great idea and i would do it and then see the morals of sulake :)

Exactly, if they challenged us upon it, we can easily confront them upon their element of corporate social responsibility and if it came to it, with the huge community base on here, together we could publicly humiliate their reputation. I am pretty confident if a good few hundred of us got in touch with a couple of news papers, technology websites etc. and all of us spoke about how terrible it is they make us boycot a charity for their own corporate greed - they would backtrack pretty quickly.

14-11-2008, 12:12 AM
Can anybody help me to write a powerful email im adding it to my petition site and want it in a form so users can add their habbo names and hit submit if they believe in the cause this will then send the letter to sulake.

14-11-2008, 12:13 AM
I think this is stupid too.

But rules are rules.

I have been told if the Fansite does not remove the VIP prem the site can be shut down due to..
1. Having Habbo in the domain
2. Using Habbo images on the site

I heard about this email that was going to be send out about a month ago.

All the fansites should charge for vip, then habbo would have to remove the rule from the fansite way. They put it there because they realised that Habbo's were spending money to fansites based on Habbo it self and because Sulake can't get a cut of it, they just ban it full stop (stupid).

The fansites are one of the main advertisement for Habbo with out the fansites I don't think Habbo would be where it is now.

I had made a group about a month ago about it...

14-11-2008, 12:17 AM
I think this is stupid too.

But rules are rules.

I have been told if the Fansite does not remove the VIP prem the site can be shut down due to..
1. Having Habbo in the domain
2. Using Habbo images on the site

I heard about this email that was going to be send out about a month ago.

All the fansites should charge for vip, then habbo would have to remove the rule from the fansite way. They put it there because they realised that Habbo's were spending money to fansites based on Habbo it self and because Sulake can't get a cut of it, they just ban it full stop (stupid).

The fansites are one of the main advertisement for Habbo with out the fansites I don't think Habbo would be where it is now.

I had made a group about a month ago about it...

if you all club together then habbo will have fun sueing you all lol i would ignore them :)

As for the charity idea i think habbox with its previous charity donations has proof its non profit making and dropping an email about this to the previous charities to get their response would be a good start.

14-11-2008, 12:19 AM
I agree. I think this seriosuly needs to be considered by sierk and nvr - and if they decide to run with it get going asap and contact previous charities etc. like said

I must go now unfortunately, but I'll come on and check how it's developed tomorrow hehe


if you all club together then habbo will have fun sueing you all lol i would ignore them :)

As for the charity idea i think habbox with its previous charity donations has proof its non profit making and dropping an email about this to the previous charities to get their response would be a good start.

14-11-2008, 12:19 AM
if you all club together then habbo will have fun sueing you all lol i would ignore them :)

As for the charity idea i think habbox with its previous charity donations has proof its non profit making and dropping an email about this to the previous charities to get their response would be a good start.

Well, that would go down well in the papers. :eusa_danc

*Virtual world sues users over premium services*

It's not as if the owners are wanting to make money...

14-11-2008, 12:19 AM
I love the idea of sponsoring a charity, and the idea that kids supporting kids is even more appealing. ChildLine or similar would be awesome. Perhaps members that give could easily be known as sponsors ;)

14-11-2008, 12:20 AM
I love the idea of sponsoring a charity, and the idea that kids supporting kids is even more appealing. ChildLine or similar would be awesome. Perhaps members that give could be easily known as sponsors ;)

Exactly my luv! ;P

14-11-2008, 12:25 AM
My fansite was told we were aloud to have VIP, as long as it was accepted as a donation towards the site. Thats what the Hotel Manager told us atleast.

14-11-2008, 12:26 AM
My fansite was told we were aloud to have VIP, as long as it was accepted as a donation towards the site. Thats what the Hotel Manager told us atleast.

when was this? is your site official? what hotel is it for? no gay emails recieved from sulake yet?


14-11-2008, 12:28 AM
Exactly my luv! ;P

You go to bed!

Yeah I'm gonna get in contact with Nigel and put forward the idea of charity, perhaps not to save VIP but it's something I'd like to do anyway really, and it seems to have good support already based on this thread/that convo

14-11-2008, 12:28 AM
no gay emails

LMAO :')

14-11-2008, 12:30 AM
You go to bed!

Yeah I'm gonna get in contact with Nigel and put forward the idea of charity, perhaps not to save VIP but it's something I'd like to do anyway really, and it seems to have good support already based on this thread/that convo

Whos Nigel?

14-11-2008, 12:32 AM
Whos Nigel?

The charity idea is quite a good'un I must admit. It's nice to do regardless of the VIP situation :D

14-11-2008, 12:34 AM
Simple way round this.... Change the V.I.P to 'Donated' Then its not really vip :)

14-11-2008, 12:34 AM
^i'm with digital

14-11-2008, 12:35 AM

The charity idea is quite a good'un I must admit. It's nice to do regardless of the VIP situation :D

Hard work when ppl start using first names instead of habbo names lol

I think its a great idea and a way forward :) i would line up a charity to start all this from just before vip needs stopping :) then on that date resign from the official list out of protest and then do good for the children og britain or the world :)

Dont back down Mr Nigel we need you :eusa_danc

14-11-2008, 12:36 AM
Yes, Habbox has been ordered to remove its VIP services.

FJ it doesn't really work like that, RuneScape is alowed to shut down sites as the idea is someone is making money as a result of using their images. Yes, Habbox is not for profit, but it makes revenues through VIP donations. Therefore, Habbo has the right to take us down, even if we really haven't done anything wrong. If we post a message about L_Ws mother, they can yank our right to use their images and content, so that's what they'll do if we run a competition.

We were going to announce this seperately but I guess cat's out of the bag. VIP will be leaving end of November however we will continue to honor any VIP payments through their end, so if you really wanted you could buy VIP for two years and have it.

Right before the Christmas charity thing too:(.

Can't VIP be given away for free since it can't be sold anymore?

14-11-2008, 12:39 AM
Right before the Christmas charity thing too:(.

Can't VIP be given away for free since it can't be sold anymore?

The site will collapse or have to downgrade servers to continue to keep going in which case the lack of reliability will drive people away so expect it all to fall apart without a fight.

14-11-2008, 12:40 AM
Would it be possible to register as a charity?

People will not be paying for VIP features, but will simply be donating towards the charities main goal - to raise money for a specified charity. And if management choose to, these people may just by chance receive features others don't. They can't complain for that surely - as admins, mods etc. have different features from normal users so why not just make those who donate to charity coincidently get something extra.

That way, we could give the donations towards a charity, but in the UK the company is actually allowed to keep a percentage for the upkeep of the company.

The charity could even be interchangable, with users getting to vote each month which charity the donations go to?

Another quick thought of a loop hole... People who decide to 'donate' for the upkeep of the website happen to become 'Staff'.
We could invent a new role that includes all the features of vip, but maybe some element of optional 'work' that could be done and it could just be a coincidence that those who donate generally appear to be the main people with this 'job'. They can't criticise us for hiring staff with extra features than others to run the site.

Or make them "Respected Members" or "Habbox Helpers"
Habbo won't know who donated.

14-11-2008, 12:46 AM
The site will collapse or have to downgrade servers to continue to keep going in which case the lack of reliability will drive people away so expect it all to fall apart without a fight.

More advertisements I suppose:P.

14-11-2008, 12:46 AM
http://habbopetition.com Hoping to get a powerful email in there for visitors just to click submit and it will be sent to sulake.

14-11-2008, 12:48 AM
http://habbopetition.com Hoping to get a powerful email in there for visitors just to click submit and it will be sent to sulake.

The idea is genuine, though can't Sulake revoke Habbox's privileges to all Habbo images and text if we rebel?

14-11-2008, 12:56 AM
This is nothing to do with Habbo this is me has no affilate with Habbox or any other fansite. Im just driving to start a movement i want a powerful email anyone think they can write one i might contact a article write.

14-11-2008, 12:59 AM
Hard work when ppl start using first names instead of habbo names lol

I think its a great idea and a way forward :) i would line up a charity to start all this from just before vip needs stopping :) then on that date resign from the official list out of protest and then do good for the children og britain or the world :)

Dont back down Mr Nigel we need you :eusa_danc

I'm fairly sure that's not his real name lol, I just pick random names that start with N to call him and Nigel seems to be the most used :D

http://habbopetition.com Hoping to get a powerful email in there for visitors just to click submit and it will be sent to sulake.

Your heart's in the right place mate but I don't see it helping, rather it would be annoying to them and be a hindrance - a load of kids sending the same angry email is not the same as reasoning with them or working with/around them, and petitions really aren't known for their successes, especially against corporate giants.

14-11-2008, 01:06 AM
I'm fairly sure that's not his real name lol, I just pick random names that start with N to call him and Nigel seems to be the most used :D

He probably has an Indian name. I dunno
Ah well, hope habbox work a way around this.

14-11-2008, 01:10 AM
Well anything is better than nothing at the moment they are just walking all over us. It wont be an angry email and powerful email, on trying to come to some sort of way to solve this issue.

14-11-2008, 03:11 AM
My name isn't Nigel :P But you are free to call me one of the many names I've been given, Norman, Nathan, Nigel, Ned, Speedy, Grapefruit, Zigzagoon, the list goes on.

Have you replied to them, trying to reason with them with how utterly stupid this move is? :P

Yes, several times. Then they stopped replying to my emails and gave sierk the letter.

We aren't making profit as a result of their images though, it would be different if you got a free picture of a Habbo with your VIP but it's completely different and non-related.

No but we offer a service and people buy VIP to gain privileges on that service and Habbo images are a part of that service.

Hence having the "competition" on another domain - VIP manager could easily own it and still not have it as an official part of the site, and there would seriously be no legal action they could bring against us. Also as you mentioned, we are non-profit, so we aren't actually making any business off their name.

They still give money for special privileges which is explicitly forbidden.

Its a very sad day if you dont FIGHT this bullying bunch of scum bags.
I really thought Sierk would relish getting stuck into them over this. I have always found Sierk a very strong character who has always fought for whats right :(
Habbox has got a great fanbase now who would stop with them whatever :o get in touch with some other games to see if they would have a problem with VIP and promote their site? imagine all the lost revenue to habbo then and then change from being habbo related and then just minor habbo news etc.

It is ridiculous, and of course we've asked them to change the rule. However our requests have been rebuked and we've been told to make the money via ads (which is insane) but we will reply, however we've been given a deadline of December 1st and we will stick to that simply because I don't want services to be interrupted if we get shut down. We are going to ask them if they will allow us to do the Charity benefit but that too is still up in the air.

Has any explanation been offered from habbo?

They sent us a letter if that's what you mean, but offered no rationale for the decision.

Would it be possible to register as a charity?

People will not be paying for VIP features, but will simply be donating towards the charities main goal - to raise money for a specified charity. And if management choose to, these people may just by chance receive features others don't. They can't complain for that surely - as admins, mods etc. have different features from normal users so why not just make those who donate to charity coincidently get something extra.

That way, we could give the donations towards a charity, but in the UK the company is actually allowed to keep a percentage for the upkeep of the company.

The charity could even be interchangable, with users getting to vote each month which charity the donations go to?

Another quick thought of a loop hole... People who decide to 'donate' for the upkeep of the website happen to become 'Staff'.
We could invent a new role that includes all the features of vip, but maybe some element of optional 'work' that could be done and it could just be a coincidence that those who donate generally appear to be the main people with this 'job'. They can't criticise us for hiring staff with extra features than others to run the site.

I love the idea but I don't think it will work.

Here's an excerpt from the email:

This rule is not a condition for being an official fansite, but a condition for all sites who wish to use the name 'Habbo' or 'Habbo Hotel' in domain names or make use of any graphics, code or written content created by Sulake.

This includes not linking to any site that does not follow the fansite way, whether this is a scam site or premium VIP site or porn site. If you do you are breaking the Fansite way and we will take action in the usual manner (although not run a cease and desist/ removal immediately), but the site charging a premium will be removed immediately. We recognise that popular fansites require money for hosting and other services which is why you ARE allowed to put donation buttons and adverts on your site. In the case of donation buttons, you may not offer a gift or service in return for donating, but you can publish the names of donators anywhere on your site as a 'thank you'.

Those knock down some of the suggestions.

What would be good was if a serious media source got a hold of this :P We'll email Sulake and Habbo but there's not much we can do past that, in the meantime our main objective will be continuing services without interruption.

14-11-2008, 03:25 AM
Sluke are stupid :| habbox will just die without funding... How do they have any rights to close the website? It's not like V.I.P is uncommon in forums, the sole purpose of V.I.P is help with the funding of the website and in return the people who 'donated' get access to a few extra forums and get a different coloured user name and a few extra things then normal members. What effect does this have on Sluke? NONE except they must think that people will give them more money if they don't donate to forums?

Maybe someone should give them a ring and make a complainant? Unless anyone can think of a way round this?

14-11-2008, 03:27 AM
For the record, Habbox is not closing in the near future, we have funds for the short term, and we are working on alternate plans for the long term if we don't get to reinstate VIP.

14-11-2008, 03:36 AM
What about if habbox sell something? Such as rep? and people who but certain amouts will be given a rank (v.i.p with a different name) in return? It's not donating and its not v.i.p lol dnt see why it wouldn't work

14-11-2008, 04:42 AM
Selling rep is still offering a service for money. I for one will still be donating to keep Habbox going even if we can't get VIP back, but obviously won't be getting anything other than the enjoyment of the forum for it :P

Maybe Sulake just got tired of having to trundle through hundreds of fansite applications and decided that forcing them closed through finance was a good way of making their jobs easier lol

14-11-2008, 07:26 AM
I think this is stupid too.

But rules are rules.

I have been told if the Fansite does not remove the VIP prem the site can be shut down due to..
1. Having Habbo in the domain
2. Using Habbo images on the site

I heard about this email that was going to be send out about a month ago.

All the fansites should charge for vip, then habbo would have to remove the rule from the fansite way. They put it there because they realised that Habbo's were spending money to fansites based on Habbo it self and because Sulake can't get a cut of it, they just ban it full stop (stupid).

The fansites are one of the main advertisement for Habbo with out the fansites I don't think Habbo would be where it is now.

I had made a group about a month ago about it...They haven't made that much of a difference to Habbo, they've kept a few more people at Habbo and made them a few K but it's nonsense that we got them where they are today.

Sorry but I'm not willing to go down the charity root, I think it's far too complicated and if I wanted to donate to Charity I'd do it directly. I'd rather just give directly to Habbox as a donation and get nothing in return. It's inevitable the amount of people buying this charity service will be a lot less than ever bought VIP.

Perhaps you should consider getting rid of a service such as HabboxLive which would save you lots of bandwidth and Shoutcast hosting but tbh, most websites survive off advertising fine.

prophet muhammad
14-11-2008, 07:38 AM
They will think that they're losing money. Every 1 pound spent on Habbo forums, is 1 less pound spent on Habbo. It isn't really the case on this forum though, is it? Half the VIPs don't use Habbo. Habbox dosen't need Habbo to run as they have proved for about two years lol (2004-2007).

Can you not do what Habbo Forum used to do? Just put on the VIP page that users are donating £1.50 and will get a VIP colour of their choice to show that they've donated.

That's the bit that makes me laugh, what are they going to do to an unoffical fansite providing a perfectly legitimate service? Sulake can't govern the internet :P I don't know who they think they are but I think we'd be pretty safe if we were unofficial and carried on selling VIP.

What's Sulake's motivation for this btw? I haven't seen any sort of justification for it

14-11-2008, 08:20 AM
The whole thing is pathetic.
Sulake are acting like spoilt brats.

14-11-2008, 08:21 AM
I dont mind if I didnt get anything in return I'd still donate £1.50 a month to habbox which I would use on vip.
As jordy said a few pages back, sell the forum, make a new domain HxForum.com and your loaded :P

14-11-2008, 08:44 AM
Can Sierk not just move the website to a dedicated server hosted in Hong-Kong, Sweden or Amsterdam?

We may loose our official status but Sulake can't do jack as we will be hosted offshore.

14-11-2008, 08:55 AM
The whole thing is pathetic.
Sulake are acting like spoilt brats.

Leah, they arn't acting like spoilt brats. They ARE spoilt brats.

Can Sierk not just move the website to a dedicated server hosted in Hong-Kong, Sweden or Amsterdam?

We may loose our official status but Sulake can't do jack as we will be hosted offshore.

Doesnt that matter? :o

14-11-2008, 09:13 AM
I think it's the credit crunch that has done it.

Sulake are losing money < Habbox are getting money
Sulake wants money < Habbox have more money

It's a credit < VIP situation.

14-11-2008, 09:15 AM
I think it's the credit crunch that has done it.

Sulake are losing money < Habbox are getting money
Sulake wants money < Habbox have more money

It's a credit < VIP situation.

Lol I doubt the credit crunch is affecting it.

If an 11 year old kid, wants credits they get 'em.

14-11-2008, 09:25 AM
This makes me so angry, I can't believe all the money Sulake rake in and now they're kicking the little guys in the teeth. Habbox has been promoting Sulakes virtual world service, Habbo, for years now and I don't see why they should be so pathetic.

We seriously should write to everyone we can, yes we may seem 'small' in relation to Sulake and media giants, but I'm sure with enough up-roar we can get something done. I know this isn't Watchdog's thing, but I do know that Watchdog only require something like 200 complaints in order to consider a slot on their show. This forum easily get's over 500 users online at different times during the day, so if 1 in 3 users did something, we have a chance of humiliating Sulake to hell and back.

We, as Habbos, pay money for credits and provide Sulake with profit. I think that until they stop being so god damn pig greedy and pull their act together, the users of HabboxForum should rebel and not buy credits... even start a riot in Hallway 1 or something.

I don't play Habbo, so as a forum user I will not be told how and how I cannot spend my money. It's my money which I have earned and Sulake have no right telling people how and how they cannot spend their money, they can get ******. It's my ******* money and I'll do whatever I like.

Once you realise that Sulake is, in a way, telling you how to spend your money you'll want to compaign to stop this, why should we let a corporate giant kick a load of teens in the teeth. It's my money and they can bugger off, they have no right telling me how to spend it.

I will fight with anyone and everyone who wants to, because we need to. We can't just let them do this, we need to teach them a lesson. Everyone who doesn't play Habbo doesn't have to abide by Sulakes silly rules.

I'm going to be emailing Habbo, Sulake and a few newspapers this evening and try and get as much coverage as possible. Sulake need to learn they can't just control the internet, and sorry, but whoever said Habbo would be where it was today without fansites is wrong. If it wasn't for a fansite, I would have never discovered Habbo.

I'm going to compile a list of places we can all email/ring.

14-11-2008, 09:38 AM
Powerful but 1000000% right.

I will happily email some people if have have any ideas who to email :)

Only trhing with sulake is they will get tere automated email. Spam them LOL

P.S. Nick i would +Rep you but im not allowed.

14-11-2008, 10:07 AM
Sulake are a bunch of ******* useless fat ugly *****.

They are doing this to get one up on all the fansites, they are now telling you to stop doing VIP services. Next they will tell you to stop doing rare values and then next they will say they don't allow forum's.

If they win this one then they will have you, and they will only get worse. Sulake were hard to work with when I was here, they would send e-mails all the time to properclone or 8freak8 demanding stuff to be removed etc, so now they are clearly 100 times worse.

They say get your means from advertising, yet if you start getting sites such as runescape (example) to advertise then I give you 5 minutes before they set advertising rules

Have you tried contacting your host and send them the emails and see what they say?

14-11-2008, 10:20 AM
I am glad you like and are seriously considering the charity idea. I guess it is a simple suggestion at the moment and would obviously need a lot of development and tailoring to be rellevant, but surely if you suggest this and put it forward to Sulake it is a starting point. Then if they refuse it, clearly they are trying to prevent a site dedicated to charity so their morals can be easily questioned - and this can be very easily done so through the media.

14-11-2008, 10:22 AM
Isn't it up to the actual website to make money etc, they aint' etc charging for habbo features are they, its part of the forum :S

14-11-2008, 10:32 AM
Well it is techncially, but they are using images designed by habbo all over the forum and also contain 'habbo' in the domain which they technically own copyright to...

14-11-2008, 11:16 AM
Oh Poo!
I like the v.i.p
Stupid sulake!!

14-11-2008, 11:27 AM
Just let them take legal action, it would make them a laughing stock if it appeared in the media.

le harry
14-11-2008, 12:08 PM

14-11-2008, 12:45 PM
Thing is people think that we cant make a difference but the reason habbo make money mainly is because of us lot we buy credits to pay their salaries. Without us they would fail so if you unite and stand up together they will have to listen. Im with nick.

le harry
14-11-2008, 12:50 PM
jeez this is turning into some revolutionary movement

14-11-2008, 01:06 PM
Good thats what needs to happen, sulake dictating to us its ridiculous.

14-11-2008, 01:08 PM
lol@the above. It is, I believe!

I will still donate to Habbox anyway but it is stupid that Sulake want to control financial aspects of independent sites. Maybe all VIP could be released until the dreadful date of 1st Dec so people can experience amazing vip for a long time as you could make yearly purchases available. Habbox Anniversary VIP and Xmas Vip could be released or "FINAL EVA VIPZ!11" :p

14-11-2008, 01:24 PM
Thing is people think that we cant make a difference but the reason habbo make money mainly is because of us lot we buy credits to pay their salaries. Without us they would fail so if you unite and stand up together they will have to listen. Im with nick.

I seriously doubt that would work at all. There is around 500 active users of this forum. Fair enough if we all stick together (which is very unlikely in the first place) then there could be made a difference. However, the proportion of our community is very very little in reference to the number of active habbos. Around 5% if we are lucky.

Also, even if you tried this not everyone is going to support it - so you can't even class they numbers.

There is no point in starting a whole "STAND UP AND BOYCOT SULAKE" cause it just won't work.

It appears for now anyway, the only way around this is to exploit a loophole - such as using the charity idea.

14-11-2008, 01:35 PM
This inst just for Habbox users this could be everyone every fansite UK or not, talk like that is why Sulake knows they can just tell us what to do because they knwo we wont stand up and will just be walked all over.

14-11-2008, 01:40 PM
Just wondering, what will happen to those people who have already bought VIP? Will they still have features or will they have them taken off them?

14-11-2008, 01:44 PM
Just wondering, what will happen to those people who have already bought VIP? Will they still have features or will they have them taken off them?
Everyones subscriptions will run till they are supposed to. If you by 2 years worth of VIP before we stop selling, that is what you'll get.

14-11-2008, 01:57 PM
One question, if we brought say 2 years worth today, if 3 months time if we wanted to change colour would you change the vip colour for us? this is the reason i only buy a month a time becuase i love changing colours every few months lol.

14-11-2008, 02:05 PM
Well, i think this is a stupid idea. Habbox is offical and it should stay this way, i showed my freind this thread and he said Habbox is offical not HabboxForum or HabboxLive, but they are all parts of habbox, im not to sure, but its a stupid idea, because fansites will begin to shrink until there is only 1 or 2 left.

14-11-2008, 02:07 PM
Well, i think this is a stupid idea. Habbox is offical and it should stay this way, i showed my freind this thread and he said Habbox is offical not HabboxForum or HabboxLive, but they are all parts of habbox, im not to sure, but its a stupid idea, because fansites will begin to shrink until there is only 1 or 2 left.

This rule applies to all official and unofficial fansites, HabboxForum being unofficial and still getting told to stop selling VIP.

prophet muhammad
14-11-2008, 02:16 PM
If they stop you selling it, you can give them some bad press lol. "By stopping us selling VIP, you're stopping a charity getting nearly £200 a year" (Xmas VIP)

14-11-2008, 02:21 PM
This inst just for Habbox users this could be everyone every fansite UK or not, talk like that is why Sulake knows they can just tell us what to do because they knwo we wont stand up and will just be walked all over.

Well you go ahead with your one man revolution if thats what you want, but in my opinion it will flop and trying to 'stand up' and have some big virtual war with sulake (a global, multi-millionare company) sounds pretty dire.

Like I say - I see the only way forward being through exploiting possible loop holes.

14-11-2008, 02:33 PM
This inst just for Habbox users this could be everyone every fansite UK or not, talk like that is why Sulake knows they can just tell us what to do because they knwo we wont stand up and will just be walked all over.

I can't see how not buying stuff such as credits on Habbo etc will prevent them from closing such fansites as Habbox, that's quite an immature approach to such a problem. Even if we were to unite, such a big company as Habbo wouldn't listen, plus there wouldn't be that many people who would want to participate. Your idea of standing up and not buying credits etc is somewhat absurd.

14-11-2008, 02:51 PM
Theres like only 2 ways you can work around this.

Make Habboxforum tottally separate from Habbox.com (Have no links from Habbox.com to Habboxforum) which is a bit stupid to do really as both sites go hand in hand.

Or you can instead of having people Buying VIP you can have people giving Donations in which you get free VIP if you Donate as now it's classed as a donation and not a purchase. I dunno if this one would work but i'm sure it's correct.

14-11-2008, 02:54 PM
The domain doesnt matter. If I buy a domain called "HelloHabboIsMyName.com", they cant tell me what to do cos it has HABBO in my domain.

Theres like only 2 ways you can work around this.

Make Habboxforum tottally separate from Habbox.com (Have no links from Habbox.com to Habboxforum) which is a bit stupid to do really as both sites go hand in hand.

Or you can instead of having people Buying VIP you can have people giving Donations in which you get free VIP if you Donate as now it's classed as a donation and not a purchase. I dunno if this one would work but i'm sure it's correct.

I am sure there is no link on habbox.com to habboxforum? I am sure someone said that. Also it doesnt matter as habboxforum is still a habbo fansite even if its unofficial. People don't seem to understand that main point ...

Also I suggested the other idea to Jin last night and he said they are getting something in return, so its not allowed.
Hence the way to do it is to name the usergroup "Habbox Helpers" or something or give it a random name. Habbo don't know who donates, so if they ask about this usergroup, say its habbox helpers =]

14-11-2008, 03:17 PM
I am glad you like and are seriously considering the charity idea. I guess it is a simple suggestion at the moment and would obviously need a lot of development and tailoring to be rellevant, but surely if you suggest this and put it forward to Sulake it is a starting point. Then if they refuse it, clearly they are trying to prevent a site dedicated to charity so their morals can be easily questioned - and this can be very easily done so through the media.

It appears for now anyway, the only way around this is to exploit a loophole - such as using the charity idea.

If the big guns have decided that we're going to comply and stop VIP until things can be sorted officially between us and Sulake, I'm gonna have to resign myself to the fact that that's what's gonna happen. The charity idea I'm still well up for and have some ideas for already, but it won't be in exchange for VIP - just out of the goodness of our pixel hearts ^_^

This inst just for Habbox users this could be everyone every fansite UK or not, talk like that is why Sulake knows they can just tell us what to do because they knwo we wont stand up and will just be walked all over.

Every fansite all together is still less than 0.1% of the Habbo population lol, rebellion and war might sound like a laugh but it's not gonna happen.

One question, if we brought say 2 years worth today, if 3 months time if we wanted to change colour would you change the vip colour for us? this is the reason i only buy a month a time becuase i love changing colours every few months lol.

Something could probably be sorted for that, although I think it's only VIP+ that gets the colour changing feature at the moment

The domain doesnt matter. If I buy a domain called "HelloHabboIsMyName.com", they cant tell me what to do cos it has HABBO in my domain.

True, no-one has copyright over what a domain is allowed to be called, but that's far beyond the point by now lol

Hence the way to do it is to name the usergroup "Habbox Helpers" or something or give it a random name. Habbo don't know who donates, so if they ask about this usergroup, say its habbox helpers =]

That, my friend, is what's known as copyright fraud and corporate irresponsibility :P

14-11-2008, 03:17 PM
Theres like only 2 ways you can work around this.

Make Habboxforum tottally separate from Habbox.com (Have no links from Habbox.com to Habboxforum) which is a bit stupid to do really as both sites go hand in hand.

Or you can instead of having people Buying VIP you can have people giving Donations in which you get free VIP if you Donate as now it's classed as a donation and not a purchase. I dunno if this one would work but i'm sure it's correct.

If someone gives us money, donates it, or whatever if they get anything in return for that it is not allowed. The most we can do is put their name on the site.

14-11-2008, 04:10 PM
Has anyone sent in a email to watchdog / bbc news or any other program that deals with these types of stories?

haha I forgot about the Xmas VIP, Sulake are stealing money from chairty by doing this seeing as all Payments/donations made during the month of December is given to charity.

Sulake may be big but i'm sure if they get enough bad publicity from the media (or maybe even just a little) i'm sure the executives will not be impressed and will take action themselves.

14-11-2008, 04:23 PM
I aint read most ot his thread but if habbo changes to non-habbo stuff removing the habbo skins, images etc then sulake can't do anything? o.0

14-11-2008, 04:27 PM
Just turn HabboxForum into a Teen Discussion Forum rather than a Habbo orienated one? Seems the simple way forward if the donation thing doesn't work.

14-11-2008, 04:34 PM
woah at this debate - I hope Habbo/sulake actually listen..


This is just a start. Join if you wish to make a difference.
I joined + Sent the email :)

14-11-2008, 04:44 PM
I don't think if Habbox actually tried to get Sulake to change the rule, it will work. Reason is because there are 20 odd hotels, each hotel with this rule. Habbox is the most popular fansite, but it's over 80% for the UK Hotel, which is at the end of the day only 1 out of the 20 hotels, and I doubt Sulake will change a rule which is for all the fansites across the world because of Habbox, no matter how strong it is. Saying that, I'm sure there will be someway around this, which might take sometime to figure out but i'm sure management will find it in the end. This charity idea seems quiet good. One way around is from the extract it states that users can donate, but they can't get any features. Maybe if it was done with something secret like... if you donate, then you get a fasttrack up the usergroups, which would usually be done by posting more. Maybe if you donate you get another 2000 posts added, which will take you up to a certain usergroup. I don't think post counts should be used though, as it will completely remove the purpose of post counts, but maybe change it so it's something else. That doesn't really make sence lol erm, I'll try and explain better when I get more time free.

14-11-2008, 04:50 PM
dont sound good. but we will jsut have to wiat and see i suppose

14-11-2008, 04:55 PM
It may seem silly, but it also stops people from doing things such as accoutn trading for real cash (illegal).

14-11-2008, 05:39 PM
It may seem silly, but it also stops people from doing things such as accoutn trading for real cash (illegal).
It has nothing to do with that.

14-11-2008, 05:57 PM
It may seem silly, but it also stops people from doing things such as accoutn trading for real cash (illegal).
This has nothing to do with this at all. Please do not post if you haven't even read the thread or have an idea of it.

14-11-2008, 06:06 PM
Why the hell do Habbo have the right to sell sites that are used for Habbo disscusion that they cannot sell VIP lmao? Whatever the reason is for that, It's still a load of nonsense.

14-11-2008, 06:12 PM
It may seem silly, but it also stops people from doing things such as accoutn trading for real cash (illegal).
How does that effect VIP? And I believe you mean account. If you mean HxF accounts, non of that happens. If you mean Habbo accounts, that does not go on on HxF, it occurs on sites such as ***** and Dlox (before it closed) and I hardly think their sites are Habbo fansites. :rolleyes:

And I believe you mean account.

14-11-2008, 06:56 PM
The Dictators
This includes not linking to any site that does not follow the fansite way, whether this is a scam site or premium VIP site or porn site. If you do you are breaking the Fansite way and we will take action in the usual manner (although not run a cease and desist/ removal immediately), but the site charging a premium will be removed immediately. We recognise that popular fansites require money for hosting and other services which is why you ARE allowed to put donation buttons and adverts on your site. In the case of donation buttons, you may not offer a gift or service in return for donating, but you can publish the names of donators anywhere on your site as a 'thank you'.

How about give all members the same benefits as vip which you can? of course extra rep etc would need removing as thats not possible but here is the great idea :P

You can publish the names of donators anywhere on the site :o and the best way to publish names of donators is by making their name a different colour on the user list :) you are not offering a gift. a coloured name is only highlighting the people who donate :o and you are not offering any extra service to what any normal member can get :eusa_danc

14-11-2008, 07:05 PM
How about give all members the same benefits as vip which you can? of course extra rep etc would need removing as thats not possible but here is the great idea :P

You can publish the names of donators anywhere on the site :o and the best way to publish names of donators is by making their name a different colour on the user list :) you are not offering a gift. a coloured name is only highlighting the people who donate :o and you are not offering any extra service to what any normal member can get :eusa_danc
The repuation can also be added but it has to be in a manner that it is being provided from the goodness of a usser's heart saying thank you for them donating (Instead of adding it as a feature it's more of a thank you gesture) ;).

14-11-2008, 07:10 PM
The repuation can also be added but it has to be in a manner that it is being provided from the goodness of a usser's heart saying thank you for them donating (Instead of adding it as a feature it's more of a thank you gesture) ;).

Yes an ex admin member who has randomly got 50+ rep power loves to +rep all the people who have donated to hxf :P great idea

EDIT: Maybe the KKK can show appretiation by repping the donators ;) be like the old days with each other lol

I was thinking about this and i imagine some scum bags set up a site with vip and run with the cash :o if habbo gets alot of complaints about this happening they will have added this rule.

14-11-2008, 08:42 PM
Habbo fansites are going to die out. lol

14-11-2008, 08:57 PM
Just turn HabboxForum into a Teen Discussion Forum rather than a Habbo orienated one? Seems the simple way forward if the donation thing doesn't work.

But its still posting Habbo articles and habbo news and images.

14-11-2008, 09:04 PM
I'd quite like the sound of the charity idea suggested earlier. However it'll be interesting to see the other ways nvr comes up with the raise money.. I hope Habbo allow Habbox sell their yearly xmas VIP for charity

14-11-2008, 09:05 PM
I think the Fansite VIP not being allowed SUCKS

We pay for HC, that is a form of VIP


14-11-2008, 09:06 PM
errr, quick question because im not reading all 20 pages, i thought habboxforum had nothing to do with habbox? under completely different management and doesnt really relate to habbox at all.

anyway, whats the reason they dont like VIP as well? Because the moneys going to the fansites rather than sulake? I thought that habbox get a lot of revenue anyway from the ads? and i mean A LOT!

14-11-2008, 09:18 PM
errr, quick question because im not reading all 20 pages, i thought habboxforum had nothing to do with habbox? under completely different management and doesnt really relate to habbox at all.

anyway, whats the reason they dont like VIP as well? Because the moneys going to the fansites rather than sulake? I thought that habbox get a lot of revenue anyway from the ads? and i mean A LOT!

Well read the thread then because your first question has been aswered about 40 times. It doesn't matter if the site is official or not. Habbo Fansite rules applies to ALL habbo fansites, regardless of whether it's official or not. If you cant be bothered reading the thread, don't ask questions then.

And yep, they want all the money lol.

14-11-2008, 09:21 PM
**** soil, im not reading all 216 replies :/ and yes, but its only official ones that would suffer. Whats gonna happen to the unofficial ones? nothing because they can't. Yeh they can stoip you using their images but you can always change them, they cant stop you from talking about them or posting news though

14-11-2008, 09:30 PM
What i don't understand is how they have it in their intentiont that they can close unofficial sites aswell! Under what grounds can they do that? Do they feel like fansites are getting all their money or something?

14-11-2008, 09:42 PM
The Dictators
This includes not linking to any site that does not follow the fansite way, whether this is a scam site or premium VIP site or porn site. If you do you are breaking the Fansite way and we will take action in the usual manner (although not run a cease and desist/ removal immediately), but the site charging a premium will be removed immediately. We recognise that popular fansites require money for hosting and other services which is why you ARE allowed to put donation buttons and adverts on your site. In the case of donation buttons, you may not offer a gift or service in return for donating, but you can publish the names of donators anywhere on your site as a 'thank you'.

How about give all members the same benefits as vip which you can? of course extra rep etc would need removing as thats not possible but here is the great idea :P

You can publish the names of donators anywhere on the site :o and the best way to publish names of donators is by making their name a different colour on the user list :) you are not offering a gift. a coloured name is only highlighting the people who donate :o and you are not offering any extra service to what any normal member can get :eusa_danc

That is actually a great idea lol, but I doubt Habbo would allow us to show who donated by "publishing" their name on the forum in different colours.

I am very touched to see so many people complaining and supporting us :)

I think we first need to find out what the reason is behind this sudden change in policy, and wether it is Habbo UK or sulake headquarters behind it. Then we also know who we have to address about it.

Of course it is good to organise protests against it, but don't do anything illegal as they might blame Habbox for it.

I will get some legal advice to find out what exactly our position is in all this. But in any case if we can't work it out with Sulake in a friendly way we might lose our official status which would be a shame, considering how long it took us to get it lol.

Btw perhaps somebody can come up with a good way for us to make some (or a lot :P) of extra money, then it doesn't matter if we sell vip or give it for free.

14-11-2008, 09:43 PM
I'd still donate if I even didnt get VIP to be honest I dont use any features and use it for habbox really.

14-11-2008, 09:44 PM
Release all the different VIPs out from now until december 1st with options to purchase up to 2 years. People might pay lots as it's the last chance to get it?

14-11-2008, 09:50 PM
What i don't understand is how they have it in their intentiont that they can close unofficial sites aswell! Under what grounds can they do that? Do they feel like fansites are getting all their money or something?
they will no doubt be using habbo images so they could contact the host saying they are using copyrighted material. as they breached the terms of use

14-11-2008, 10:01 PM
That is actually a great idea lol, but I doubt Habbo would allow us to show who donated by "publishing" their name on the forum in different colours.

They would have to change their wording and rules if you did it this way thouggh :) maybe they donate to habbox.com and you will list them on there and also highlight their name to a colour of their choice from a list on hxf. I wouldnt go asking for clarification from habbo i would just do whats not against their rules and then make them amend them again and again.

I would consider running the forum as a seperate teen site as suggested and just keep habbox.com as habbo related. you could link to a teen site forum if u wished im sure? if not that do it using the banner for advertising as habbo says thats ok.

Personally I would resign as official and go back to posting strong stories even if negative to sulake ;) they never managed to close hx when it was going on back in the good old days lol they are to big for their boots and need exposing for what they really are.

I am so glad you are going to get legal advice :) they are not dealing with pushovers when it comes to hx :) I also like the idea of servers in countries where they have no powers at all and then you could even taunt them a little.

14-11-2008, 10:11 PM
They would have to change their wording and rules if you did it this way thouggh :) maybe they donate to habbox.com and you will list them on there and also highlight their name to a colour of their choice from a list on hxf. I wouldnt go asking for clarification from habbo i would just do whats not against their rules and then make them amend them again and again.

I would consider running the forum as a seperate teen site as suggested and just keep habbox.com as habbo related. you could link to a teen site forum if u wished im sure? if not that do it using the banner for advertising as habbo says thats ok.

Personally I would resign as official and go back to posting strong stories even if negative to sulake ;) they never managed to close hx when it was going on back in the good old days lol they are to big for their boots and need exposing for what they really are.

I am so glad you are going to get legal advice :) they are not dealing with pushovers when it comes to hx :) I also like the idea of servers in countries where they have no powers at all and then you could even taunt them a little.

That be funnier with having servers in different countries :eusa_whis

14-11-2008, 10:15 PM
they take action about porn sites with habbo in the name :s

I am going to buy hablowhotel.com (ha blow hotel) about random couples making vids in hotel rooms :o i will offer vip to anybody wishing to take part hahaha this is a joke btw ;)

14-11-2008, 10:17 PM
they take action about porn sites with habbo in the name :s

I am going to buy hablowhotel.com (ha blow hotel) about random couples making vids in hotel rooms :o i will offer vip to anybody wishing to take part hahaha this is a joke btw ;)

Dude? You offering REP+?

I do it for free :rolleyes:

14-11-2008, 10:17 PM
I've read up to page 20 and I will continue to read the rest of the pages in a moment.

I just wanted to say a couple of things... firstly, HabboxForum can't exploit loopholes. If one is found, Sulake will say that it's not allowed. The donation ideas, etc. are out of the window.

Secondly, I wanted to point something out. The scripting forums/sites contain many Habbo images (in posts, avatars, signatures and site banners), and I imagine that Sulake try to close them down a lot (as they're totally breaking the Habbo Way and ToS), however they haven't had legal action bought upon them, nor have they been closed.

HxF needs the money from V.I.P. to stay up - sure there's money atm, but in 6 months or so it'll become pretty hard to keep it up without a decent source of income, because advertisements aren't a great source. Also, I imagine that quite a few members will miss the V.I.P. features, I know I will. Sure, we can buy loads now to last us a lifetime, but I might not want to buy any for two months because I'll be away...

Just my thoughts on the subject; not much can be done. The only proper way to get it sorted would be to convince Sulake to change it's mind on the matter, which will be hard. The standing up to Sulake wont get very far, but good idea anyway.

14-11-2008, 10:23 PM
I've read up to page 20 and I will continue to read the rest of the pages in a moment.

I just wanted to say a couple of things... firstly, HabboxForum can't exploit loopholes. If one is found, Sulake will say that it's not allowed. The donation ideas, etc. are out of the window.

Secondly, I wanted to point something out. The scripting forums/sites contain many Habbo images (in posts, avatars, signatures and site banners), and I imagine that Sulake try to close them down a lot (as they're totally breaking the Habbo Way and ToS), however they haven't had legal action bought upon them, nor have they been closed.

HxF needs the money from V.I.P. to stay up - sure there's money atm, but in 6 months or so it'll become pretty hard to keep it up without a decent source of income, because advertisements aren't a great source. Also, I imagine that quite a few members will miss the V.I.P. features, I know I will. Sure, we can buy loads now to last us a lifetime, but I might not want to buy any for two months because I'll be away...

Just my thoughts on the subject; not much can be done. The only proper way to get it sorted would be to convince Sulake to change it's mind on the matter, which will be hard. The standing up to Sulake wont get very far, but good idea anyway.

I think if sulakes name morals and business practice were called into question in the media it will cause them alot more damage and they will lose alot more money than worrying over a few fansites taking 0.0000001% of their revenue. There are a few people currently digging out and dusting down a few of the big things from the past that will help discredit such a big organisation so dont think its all over just yet :)

14-11-2008, 10:25 PM
they take action about porn sites with habbo in the name :s

I am going to buy hablowhotel.com (ha blow hotel) about random couples making vids in hotel rooms :o i will offer vip to anybody wishing to take part hahaha this is a joke btw ;)
I'll be happy to help, Infact I even have www.pornboxforum.com registered :D

14-11-2008, 10:26 PM
That is actually a great idea lol, but I doubt Habbo would allow us to show who donated by "publishing" their name on the forum in different colours.

I am very touched to see so many people complaining and supporting us :)

I think we first need to find out what the reason is behind this sudden change in policy, and wether it is Habbo UK or sulake headquarters behind it. Then we also know who we have to address about it.

Of course it is good to organise protests against it, but don't do anything illegal as they might blame Habbox for it.

I will get some legal advice to find out what exactly our position is in all this. But in any case if we can't work it out with Sulake in a friendly way we might lose our official status which would be a shame, considering how long it took us to get it lol.

Btw perhaps somebody can come up with a good way for us to make some (or a lot :P) of extra money, then it doesn't matter if we sell vip or give it for free.

I know this might be off subject (hint hint) but some people buy thrones on Habbo and sell them again for more than they payed for making a profit. Obviously I am not suggesting that Habbox do this. :eusa_whis

14-11-2008, 10:43 PM
they take action about porn sites with habbo in the name :s

I am going to buy hablowhotel.com (ha blow hotel) about random couples making vids in hotel rooms :o i will offer vip to anybody wishing to take part hahaha this is a joke btw ;)

haha, sure it is ;) somebody will secretly take down the idea ;)

""Hablowhotel.com" Habbos No.1 e-porn site" can just imagine it now.

14-11-2008, 10:46 PM
haha, sure it is ;) somebody will secretly take down the idea ;)

""Hablowhotel.com" Habbos No.1 e-porn site" can just imagine it now.
e5 *Whisles*

14-11-2008, 10:48 PM
e5 *Whisles*
e5 + pelfe

lets go car washing to make habbox some money

14-11-2008, 10:55 PM
il wash ur car for £50 bren, the pieces would fall of so i'd have to buy a pritstick too which will cost money so yh £50 for ur car to be washed deal?

14-11-2008, 11:04 PM
his car aint worth 50 quid :( :P

14-11-2008, 11:05 PM
I will quite happily live up to my last name (hoare) for a few nights to earn habbox some money, i am sure i can get some customers from here. ;)

14-11-2008, 11:07 PM
I will quite happily live up to my last name (hoare) for a few nights to earn habbox some money, i am sure i can get some customers from here. ;)
ROFL, we need a women not a male !

14-11-2008, 11:14 PM
sorry, how much is your car worth o yh u dnt even have 1. and i can sell it for much more than £100 if i wanted to :)

14-11-2008, 11:14 PM
Jens type of thing ;) HIYA JENNI xox

who can legally drive and who can't? xoxox

14-11-2008, 11:15 PM
Why would i want a car i couln't drive 8-)

14-11-2008, 11:15 PM
ROFL, we need a women not a male !

:(:( i was looking forward to it now :(

Guess we could get buttons to do it :P

14-11-2008, 11:17 PM
She'l do it for free tho :(

14-11-2008, 11:18 PM
Maybe the KKK can show appretiation by repping the donators ;) be like the old days with each other lol

Are you incinuating that we were little more than a ring of +reppers? :o how very rude. Ignore the fact that people suddenly got much higher rep powers when we started liking them, that was coincidence a'iiiight

What i don't understand is how they have it in their intentiont that they can close unofficial sites aswell! Under what grounds can they do that?

Copyright on the images. I'm fairly sure it's ok to get away with simply doing a disclaimer of credit to Sulake/Habbo, and as there's no Habbo imagery being used in VIP I think it'll be fine to keep going regardless of these threats, but if Sierk's getting legal advice it's best to wait for that

14-11-2008, 11:19 PM
That is actually a great idea lol, but I doubt Habbo would allow us to show who donated by "publishing" their name on the forum in different colours.

I am very touched to see so many people complaining and supporting us :)

I think we first need to find out what the reason is behind this sudden change in policy, and wether it is Habbo UK or sulake headquarters behind it. Then we also know who we have to address about it.

Of course it is good to organise protests against it, but don't do anything illegal as they might blame Habbox for it.

I will get some legal advice to find out what exactly our position is in all this. But in any case if we can't work it out with Sulake in a friendly way we might lose our official status which would be a shame, considering how long it took us to get it lol.

Btw perhaps somebody can come up with a good way for us to make some (or a lot :P) of extra money, then it doesn't matter if we sell vip or give it for free.
You could just do a donating system what would work as such:

A ''Special Thankyou Award'' in which when a user donates a certain amount of money from the vip price, to what ever more they wish to donate, and the special thankyou award, basically gives users what VIP had offered.

14-11-2008, 11:25 PM
Are you incinuating that we were little more than a ring of +reppers? :o how very rude. Ignore the fact that people suddenly got much higher rep powers when we started liking them, that was coincidence a'iiiight

Its gone on for years with lots of different people as you know (i have never pointless repped ;) lol) :) the only time i see rep as an issue is if people are using it to abuse or bully people.

You could just do a donating system what would work as such:

A ''Special Thankyou Award'' in which when a user donates a certain amount of money from the vip price, to what ever more they wish to donate, and the special thankyou award, basically gives users what VIP had offered.

habbo has said offering rewards for any donations is not allowed so that wont get through the net im afraid.

14-11-2008, 11:27 PM
make a new site where people can pay for their name to go in a draw, with 100% win rate. they win a vip features on habboxfoum.

14-11-2008, 11:30 PM
make a new site where people can pay for their name to go in a draw, with 100% win rate. they win a vip features on habboxfoum.

Sounds good to me :)

14-11-2008, 11:45 PM
make a new site where people can pay for their name to go in a draw, with 100% win rate. they win a vip features on habboxfoum.

"Donations" whereby each person will get extras does count as selling a service - this is the same anywhere you go. However, a competition with a cost to enter is not the same thing.

Here's a little story all about how my life got flipped, turned upside down: at a school fayre when I was young, I was told of the wonders of the beer tent. Of course, I couldn't go in, but it was pure genius that I learned that day. Being a children's event and not having an alcohol license, they could not legally sell beers, so a "raffle" was set up whereby anyone with a ticket ending in 5 or 0 would "win" a beer. Of course, every ticket ended in a 5 or 0, and because alcohol can indeed be given as a gift or prize to anyone over 18, it was entirely legal.

If worst comes to worst and we are forced to remove VIP, we can implement this in its stead without any legal worries. Sell competition tickets with a prize of VIP priviledges and make it so that each ticket wins. It's not illegal to set your own competition rules, and if people still want to see that as selling a service, a seperate domain for it could be set up (not directly affiliated with Hx of course) whereby THEY sell tickets to an online competition, the prize being HxF VIP.


14-11-2008, 11:46 PM
I dont know if this has been said but I cant rly be bothered to read through 25 pages lmao so anyway ill say it nyway...

Isnt Habbo rly breaking their own rules... We have to pay for their vip service (habbo club) however they are like a multi-millionaire company however a fansite cannot sell vip who blatently are no millionairs....
I know Habbo isnt rly a fansite for Habbo but still they are breaking their own rules
And tbh its our own choice whether or not we buy VIP... we r not forced to buy it therefore its our own choice...
I just think they should become unofficial and then continue vip as I would imagine it costs quite a bit of money to keep habbox running per month...

I would just love to see how many forums still continue to sell vip servvice

14-11-2008, 11:55 PM
I dont know if this has been said but I cant rly be bothered to read through 25 pages lmao so anyway ill say it nyway...

Isnt Habbo rly breaking their own rules... We have to pay for their vip service (habbo club) however they are like a multi-millionaire company however a fansite cannot sell vip who blatently are no millionairs....
I know Habbo isnt rly a fansite for Habbo but still they are breaking their own rules
And tbh its our own choice whether or not we buy VIP... we r not forced to buy it therefore its our own choice...
I just think they should become unofficial and then continue vip as I would imagine it costs quite a bit of money to keep habbox running per month...

I would just love to see how many forums still continue to sell vip servvice

Habbo charge for their own services to keep their site running and use their own product (graphics etc) they dont like 3rd party sites making money from their product so it is different.

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