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Results 1 to 7 of 7
  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    No Idea

    Post Not Major Diet Plan

    Right, im kinda on a mission to losing a little bit of weight. I arn't very smart on diets etc, but I know what a good diet is, and i dont want one like that. I want nothing major. Jus something that could probs make me shed 1lb a week or sumat. Here it is =S

    Breakfast: An fried egg with 2 slices of brown bread OR Bowl of cheerios/cruncy nut with a cup of milk

    10:40 AM School: Probably a protein bar or a piece of fruit

    12:40 AM School Lunch: White bread with 2 slices of chicken breast with some lettuce

    4:00Pm Home: Dunno Lol, Mention What I could have here pls

    Dinner: Always Varies, can't say what im going to have as there isn't a plan here. It always has different energy groups like carbs, proteins etc, Ill drink a cup of milk next to dinner

    Exercise: 1 Hour a day on my exercise bike, Just recieved it from delivery a couple of hours ago =D

    Hmm. Can anyone estimate roughly how many Calories im taking in

    Oh btw, My Stats: 14 Years Old, 5 Foot 5, 168 Pounds =O
    Hey =]

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2005

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    I was about to comment on this aswell. Just reposting information and making new threads won't encourage others to post, it will just make them annoyed as you keep making similar threads. Try going to your local gym and asking for advice there. They're bound to help.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2006


    Quote Originally Posted by Myzas View Post
    Right, im kinda on a mission to losing a little bit of weight. I arn't very smart on diets etc, but I know what a good diet is, and i dont want one like that. I want nothing major. Jus something that could probs make me shed 1lb a week or sumat. Here it is =S

    Breakfast: An fried egg with 2 slices of brown bread OR Bowl of cheerios/cruncy nut with a cup of milk

    10:40 AM School: Probably a protein bar or a piece of fruit

    12:40 AM School Lunch: White bread with 2 slices of chicken breast with some lettuce

    4:00Pm Home: Dunno Lol, Mention What I could have here pls

    Dinner: Always Varies, can't say what im going to have as there isn't a plan here. It always has different energy groups like carbs, proteins etc, Ill drink a cup of milk next to dinner

    Exercise: 1 Hour a day on my exercise bike, Just recieved it from delivery a couple of hours ago =D

    Hmm. Can anyone estimate roughly how many Calories im taking in

    Oh btw, My Stats: 14 Years Old, 5 Foot 5, 168 Pounds =O
    Yeah. i'd say 12 stone for a 14 year old at 5'5 is overweight. My best advice is to stick to fresh foods but a variety. Don't just eat salad everyday. Have plenty of water, and your fruit&veg portions. Vary your exercise as well, such as swimming perhaps. I wouldn't focus on getting certain foods from different food groups (carbs protein vitamins etcetc) in your body at this stage. Carbs are used for energy and potentially can lead to fat. Just eat healthily and you'll start seeing the weight come off.
    i don't play habbo anymore.
    Asher 00006772
    msg me if you need me.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    No Idea


    oo btw i jus cheked im 5 foot 7
    Hey =]

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2007


    i'm the same height as you (5ft 7), about 8 months ago i was 13 stone (fat *Removed*) now i am 10st 1lb go me.

    i also dont exercise much, just change your eating habits and eat healthily if you can and it will work out good :]

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    Last edited by Nick-; 28-03-2007 at 09:08 PM.
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    bed xo

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    if your thinking of a going on a diet
    look at the diet and what food you have to eat
    and think
    can i eat this for the rest of my life?

    yeah, i dont think so

    you dont need to go on a diet
    just eat moderate amounts of all the different food groups
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    I feel alive
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