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03-08-2007, 08:15 AM
Jeff used to get in a lot of trouble for slacking it in WWE in 2001/2002. He had a poor work ethic and went to TNA. But I also hear he has a drug problem, so that could be the cause too.

03-08-2007, 08:17 AM
I thought he got over the whole drug thing?
Anyway , hes better off them as his competitive edge is always better.

03-08-2007, 11:50 AM
I think raw do have so much main event talent with the likes of Randy Orton,Kennedy,HHH(when he returns),HBK(when he returns) and alot more. And yet people still say, Why is the smackdown roster so bad? I for one am a huge fan of the cruzerwight divison, but we dont wnt to see an open inventational at every ppv

03-08-2007, 03:25 PM
I think raw do have so much main event talent with the likes of Randy Orton,Kennedy,HHH(when he returns),HBK(when he returns) and alot more. And yet people still say, Why is the smackdown roster so bad? I for one am a huge fan of the cruzerwight divison, but we dont wnt to see an open inventational at every ppv

The Cruiserweight title is crap now. Helms had it for a long time and he was barely defending it, and now Chavo is barely defending it. I like the matches but the division is dead

03-08-2007, 05:02 PM
I reckon Smackdown is underrated. It's usually a lot better than Raw is, but treated as inferior by the fans and the company.

03-08-2007, 05:20 PM
I reckon Smackdown is underrated. It's usually a lot better than Raw is, but treated as inferior by the fans and the company.

I agree, Smackdowns booking is way better than Raws.

04-08-2007, 12:28 AM
I think a reason for raw's slump in rating is becuase of poor bookings. Who wants to see Santino Marrela v Umaga again?

04-08-2007, 09:19 AM
Apparently it's because of a glitch in the ratings system.

04-08-2007, 03:16 PM
Khali has a new move - some claw that he crushed Ric Flair with.
Matt Hardy beat MVP in an arm wrestle and a match as MVP ran!

05-08-2007, 01:11 AM
Mvp shouldn't be in arm wrestling contests. There shouldn't even be arm wrestling contests in the wwe. Its a grapple wrestling show and it dosent matter who is stronger in a arm wrestling match. Its survival of the fittest. To be big in the wwe you need good in ring skills, and that why mvp is going to be the next big thing

05-08-2007, 01:19 AM
- In his latest blog entry, RAW commentator Jim Ross said that Jeff Hardy
will be absent from WWE television "for the next month or so," ruling him
out from the biggest pay-per-view of the Summer. Hardy was sent home this
past Monday from RAW for reasons that were not made public but it now seems
that Hardy was suspended from the company for around a month. As reported in
one of the earlier issues this week, Hardy had been in trouble before
re-joining WWE and was usually late for live events and television tapings
not to mention his own battles with personal problems.

05-08-2007, 11:37 AM
We already know that..

Anyway, apparently Undertaker is returning september 16th :D

05-08-2007, 02:16 PM
Orly ?

05-08-2007, 02:56 PM
Check out the new wwe unforgiven poster. Undrtakers on the front

06-08-2007, 09:44 AM
I read on PW that WWE are considering ending the brand extension. That'd be the best news in years.

06-08-2007, 10:03 PM
Thats great to hear. At least now we maybe starting to see some hal decent matches I would love to see
Cm Punk v Randy Orton v HHH v Hbk in a fatal fourway for a world title

06-08-2007, 10:16 PM
Thats great to hear. At least now we maybe starting to see some hal decent matches I would love to see
Cm Punk v Randy Orton v HHH v Hbk in a fatal fourway for a world title
That would suck, replace CM Punk with edge :8

07-08-2007, 12:15 AM
It would suck?
So what what you like to see?
WWE has come to terms on the release of Idol Stevens as of today. We wish Idol the best in all future endeavors.

07-08-2007, 12:16 AM
WWE has come to terms on the release of Idol Stevens as of today. We wish Idol the best in all future endeavors.

07-08-2007, 12:49 AM
lols, infraction for u ;);)

McMahon returns tonight :D

07-08-2007, 12:51 AM
Raw goes live in around 7 minutes but they have just taped sunday night heat and here is the reuslts
They aired a ten minute video package promoting live events, charity, etc etc. All that stuff. Crowd was half and half for Cena when his mug popped up on the Titan Tron during these videos.

Lilian Garcia comes out and welcomes the crowd to the HBC center. It's actually the HSBC center. Ooops!

No dark matches tonight.

WWE Sunday Night Heat:

Cody Rhodes vs. Ryan O'Reilly. Decent match with O'Reilly in control for most of it. Cody came back at the end with a DDT and rolled him up for the 1,2,3.

Davari vs. Super Crazy. Back and forth match between the two. Davari won with a camel clutch. After the match, he grabbed a mic and babbled in Arabic and then left.

Val Venis vs. Sterling Fetus (w/ a Mohawk hairdo). Val Venis wins this one with the money shot.

07-08-2007, 12:52 AM
It's a shame they make Cody Rhodes out to be crap.

07-08-2007, 12:54 AM
Four matches into his spell in the WWE
4 matchs
2 looses
2 wins

07-08-2007, 01:18 AM
Raw Started; Mr McMahon wanted every superstar under contract in the ring, he started talking and ordered a battle royal, winner becomes GM.

Edit: Regal is the new GM of Raw.

07-08-2007, 01:55 AM
Coachman Assistant

07-08-2007, 04:03 AM
That would suck, replace CM Punk with edge :8

That would suck, replace orton with edge :8

William Regal is the new gm of raw, that's great. Raw was pretty good this week.

07-08-2007, 01:21 PM
Someone explain what a dark match is to me please :]

07-08-2007, 01:25 PM
Someone explain what a dark match is to me please :]
A dark match is a match that happens before an event/taping to pump the crowd up. They sometimes happen after the event.

07-08-2007, 02:41 PM
A dark match is a match that happens before an event/taping to pump the crowd up. They sometimes happen after the event.

They are not just to "pump the crowd up". The matches are for wrestlers to practice specific things in rehearsal-mode for upcoming televised matches, like PPVs.

Also, dark matches are any matches not televised, ala every match on a house show card.

07-08-2007, 02:47 PM
Some dark matches are awesome. Wrestlers lose the "title" in post-show matches all the time, but turn up the next week with the same title. I think Flair won the NWA title several times in dark matches but they didn't count.

Anyway, Regal as GM sounds a little repetitive, I'm sure it's been done before.

07-08-2007, 03:10 PM
Some dark matches are awesome. Wrestlers lose the "title" in post-show matches all the time, but turn up the next week with the same title. I think Flair won the NWA title several times in dark matches but they didn't count.

Anyway, Regal as GM sounds a little repetitive, I'm sure it's been done before.
aye regal was commisinor yonks ago

07-08-2007, 04:55 PM
Atleast its better than having Eugene as gm
I used to love Eugenes bouncey castle office

07-08-2007, 10:23 PM
I feel sorry for Eugene, having to portray a mentally challenged guy led him to an overdose at one point. Not to mention his character is as stale as ever.

07-08-2007, 10:39 PM
Eugene without the gimmick is actualy a good wrestler believe it or not

08-08-2007, 07:13 PM
The story written prior to the Benoit tragedy had a current Raw superstar being revealed as Vince McMahon's "illegitimate child." Believe it or not, at that time, the plan was to reveal Mr. Ken Kennedy as Vince's "son." Yes, Kennedy.

The plan may have changed, but that was the storyline worked out as of a few months ago.

08-08-2007, 07:16 PM
Misterrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr McMahooooooooooooooooooooooooooonn

Doesnt have the same ring :[

09-08-2007, 10:52 AM
Smackdown main writer Michael Hayes is ushing to sign x-pac ... can you blmae him tbh we have no cruiser weight talent and he;s a good all rounder look at are current champ dissrespectfull to the belt tbh and also any one noticed how since shannon moore came back he is yet to win a match :S

09-08-2007, 11:12 AM
The show started with a dark match, pitting the Dalton's (Festus and Jesse) defeating Mike Mondo/Nick Nemeth (Formally of the Spirit Squad). Jesse got the pin with a frog splash.

In the second dark match, Chuck Palumbo beat Paul Burchill (who came to the ring dressed like a ninja and then unmasked) with his finisher.

On to Smackdown, Batista beat Domino in the first match. I was about 8 feet from where they come out and that Batista pyro is the loudest thing you will ever hear.

Mark Henry won a squash and a druid appeared after the match, signaling the return of the Undertaker is upon us.

Torrie Wilson vs Victoria (I forget the ending but Kenny Dykstra and Jimmy Wang Yang interfered, Michelle McCool returned as well).

We then thought we were being treated to the returning Rey Mysterio, but it ended up being Chavo Guerrero dressed as him. Chavo cut a promo as Rey, until eventually defeating Eugene.

MVP cut a promo from WWE head quarters as he was not in Youngstown.

Matt Hardy beat Finlay by count out after interference from Hornswoggle and Jamie Noble.

Kane beat the crap out of Finlay backstage.

Kane beat the returning Sylvan. After the match. Finlay destroyed Kane with the shlaylee (sp?)

Chris Masters did an open Masterlock Challenge. One big hometown dude accepted but after he told Masters that he was fresh out of prison, Masters picked someone smaller and destroyed him.

Main event: Great Khali beat Ric Flair (Batista also got beat down for his troubles).

SD! results.

09-08-2007, 01:15 PM
Sounds like a bad show. Batista is stale and a bore

09-08-2007, 01:32 PM
Batista sucks tbh and talent like matt hardy and finaly are overlooked

09-08-2007, 02:03 PM
TNA chants at WWECW (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=BvBRXlH7U3U) :rolleyes:

09-08-2007, 04:05 PM
Embarrassing. Sorry to anyone who actually enjoys TNA and don't just follow TNA to spite WWE, but the few that ruin it for the rest give TNA fans a bad name.

Anyway, if that brand extension rumour is true I have a feeling Khali and Cena will face off at one stage. SummerSlam ain't looking too bad either.

09-08-2007, 04:12 PM
I hope Matt Hardy gets the title off MVP at summerslam.
I mean i have nothing against MVP just when he was badmouthing Matt saying "You can never beat me" after Matt beat him at an arm wrestle , he strook me as well up his own **** :]
And then Matt beat him!
I just think Matt deserves a title that isn't a tag one after all this time.

09-08-2007, 05:58 PM
I totally agree. Matt hardy fully deserves a push.

09-08-2007, 10:10 PM
Matt Hardy deserves. Its hard to belive that in WWE he hasn't won a singles title

10-08-2007, 02:42 AM
Matt Hardy deserves. Its hard to belive that in WWE he hasn't won a singles title

He won the cruiserweight title, european title and the hardcore title..

But he hasn't won a major singles title yet. (WWE,World Heavyweight,U.S,Intercontinental)

10-08-2007, 09:31 AM
apparantly, that's the no mercy poster.

10-08-2007, 10:32 AM
Thats well cool. I am not at all yhappy about this push they are giving mr kennedy I am happy that randy is scheduled to beat cena not sure if it's a dq or count out though so may not win the title that would be grim.... And Umaga as a face is just silly.

10-08-2007, 12:15 PM
apparantly, that's the no mercy poster.
That is v.good.

10-08-2007, 12:23 PM
Thats well cool. I am not at all yhappy about this push they are giving mr kennedy I am happy that randy is scheduled to beat cena not sure if it's a dq or count out though so may not win the title that would be grim.... And Umaga as a face is just silly.

Kennedy isn't a disrespectful low-life who is in the business just because of the generation of wrestlers in his family, Orton is. Kennedy can wrestle, Cena can't. Done.

10-08-2007, 04:52 PM
Kennedy is better on the mic and ALOT better in the ring than Cena

10-08-2007, 05:06 PM
apparantly, that's the no mercy poster.
Damn hes hot

10-08-2007, 07:24 PM
Orton's past generations have been terrible. You can't credit his career to that, Bob Orton was WEAK. Orton only got the title because they wanted a new "youngest champion in history" gimmick because Brock Lesnar ****** off WWE. Doesn't mean Orton isn't worthy now though.

10-08-2007, 08:35 PM
Cena can't wrestle?

List of 4 **** or more matches John Cena has.

John Cena vs JBL at Judgement day 05 - **** 1\2
Cena vs Christian vs Jericho at Vengeance 05 - **** 1\4
Cena vs Jericho at Summerslam 05 - ****
Cena vs Angle at Unforgiven 05 - ****
Cena vs HHH at Wrestlemania 22 - ****
Cena vs Edge vs HHH at Backlash 06 - **** 1\2
Cena vs RVD at one night stand 06 - ****
Cena vs Edge at summerslam 06 - ****
Cena vs Edge at unforgiven 06 - *****
Cena vs Umaga at royal rumble 07 - **** 1\2
Cena vs HBk wrestlemania 23 - ****
Cena vs Hbk Raw 07 - ****
Cena vs edge vs hbk vs orton backlash 07 - **** 1\4

Cena > Kennedy In Ring.

Kennedy's better on the mic (well it's debatable since they're both great but I prefer Kennedy, kennedy has more charisma (well it's debatable since they both have alot of charisma.

Cena gets a bigger reaction than Kennedy.

So Overall Cena > Kennedy. Don't call be biased because I hate cena and love kennedy.

10-08-2007, 09:05 PM
Cena still cant wrestle

10-08-2007, 09:23 PM
Cena still cant wrestle


10-08-2007, 09:27 PM
I hate how people always say he can't wrestle and never back it up :rolleyes:

10-08-2007, 09:54 PM
He can wrestle just not very well. He gets carried by better wrestlers and has brawl-type matches with less talented wrestlers. The "heel" (bad guy) always carries the matches, so Cena does get a lot of help.

11-08-2007, 02:52 AM
He can wrestle just not very well. He gets carried by better wrestlers and has brawl-type matches with less talented wrestlers. The "heel" (bad guy) always carries the matches, so Cena does get a lot of help.

Cena is a natural on the mic, and he's able in the ring, but he isn't fantastic. The competitors in the matches listed carried him through them.

MVP has been diagnosed with a potentially life-threatening heart problem.

11-08-2007, 12:52 PM
I guess he could be better, but I still have respekt for him in the ring and on the mic.. I despise Kennedy.. I`m not sure why, I just.. do.

11-08-2007, 12:53 PM
He's OKAY in the ring imo.
He sucks when outside though , all that smacktalk annoys me.

11-08-2007, 02:35 PM
Cena is a natural on the mic, and he's able in the ring, but he isn't fantastic. The competitors in the matches listed carried him through them.


Yeah he's no chris benoit or kurt angle but he really isnt that bad in ring.

FU (Fireman's carry powerslam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wrestling_throws#Fireman.27s_carry_ta keover))
**** (Stepover toehold sleeper (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wrestling_holds#STS))
Five Knuckle Shuffle (Fist drop with theatrics (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wrestling_attacks#Fist_drop))
Throwback (Running neck snap (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neckbreaker#Neck_snap) on a standing opponent)
Freestyle / Protoplex (Jumping release fisherman suplex (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suplex#Fisherman_suplex))
Killswitch / Protobomb (Spin-out powerbomb (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Powerbomb#Spin-out_powerbomb))
Flying shoulder block (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wrestling_attacks#Shoulder_block)
Twisting belly to belly side slam (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suplex#Belly_to_belly_suplex)
Repeating clotheslines (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wrestling_attacks#Clothesline)
Sitout hiptoss (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wrestling_throws#Hip_toss)
Running one handed bulldog (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wrestling_throws#Bulldog)
Diving leg drop bulldog (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Professional_wrestling_aerial_techniques#Diving_le g_drop_bulldog)

12-08-2007, 12:38 PM
Cena isn't the best grappler, but it would be boring if evryone had a kurt Angle like style based arouns suplex's and submissions. But I think like Matt Hardy he is a good wrestler because he brings his own style to the ring he's taking older moves and modernised them. So his in ring skills are quite good, as for Kennedy I don't rate him at all unlike cena he dosn't come up with what's said in his promos or in ring segments. And I don't like him in ring. The in ring talent at the moment is Matt Hardy, Elijah Burke, CM Punk, John Morrison, Shelton Benjamin, and Chris Masters I think these guys are the future of the WWE. Also I still think Edge has some juice left in his tank and if Jericho does come back we have cena edge and Jerico 3 ring veteran that are gonna still be here for a while. Lashley Triple H King Booker aswell we don't need Kennedy Undertaker is retiring in the next year anyway but Kennedy shouldn't be going any where he just takes other peoples moves he hasn't done anything thats already been done before.
Wow what an essay I think I got most of that out :)

13-08-2007, 08:47 PM
Angle doesn't really have a good style. He's too spontaneous and unpredictable, so the realism kinda goes out of the window when he's in a match. Cena isn't as bad as most people think either.

14-08-2007, 01:40 AM
Cena and Angle can put on a good match together?
Remeber no way our 2005?

14-08-2007, 01:43 AM
Cena and Angle can put on a good match together?
Remeber no way our 2005?
Wasnt it 2006?

14-08-2007, 02:11 AM
Nope 2005.
Because both Angle and Cena got the finalof the #1 contender torny to face eith big show or jbl depending on the outcomeof the first every bared wire steel cage
Winners are in the smackdown main event @ wrestlemania 21

14-08-2007, 08:53 AM
Stephanie comfirmed that Mr Macmahon's kid is a wwe superstar. He gave Kennedy a funny look then went over to mark Henry.
Umaga and Cena won.
HHH Will face king booker at summerslam
Matt Hardy has to face some boxing legend instead of MVP -.-'

14-08-2007, 09:06 AM

Stephanie confirmed machmahon's kid is a wwe superstar?

14-08-2007, 10:57 AM
SNME Taping results.

Saturday Night's Main Event:
SNME opens with Vince backstage with Coach. Coach says with all the info he was given he will match up the dates and locations of Vince's trysts to the Superstars. Vince says he forgot about one with a black woman in Kansas City in the 70's. Coachman says he's adopted and from Kansas City. Vince stares at him and says it's going to be a long night.

It's announced that MVP has pulled out of his boxing match. It's Matt Hardy vs. Evander Holyfield.
Batista and Kane vs. Finlay and Great Khali. The announcers are JBL, Michael Cole and Jim Ross. Kane's ribs are taped Batista hits the Batista bomb on Finlay for pin.

Cena vs. Carlito later, billed as the Big Apple Showdown.

Backstage, MVP says the doctor won't let him box so he got the next best thing. Evander Holyfield asks him how his ticker is. MVP says he was scared for a minute but he's better than anyone else so he's already bounced back. He pals around with Holyfield.

John Cena vs. Carlito. The crowd chanted "Let's go Mets/Let's go Yankees". Cena wins via submission with the ****. Randy Orton attacked him immediately and threw him outside, then into the stairs. Crowd chanted "Randy." Orton got a chair from under the ring. He hit an RKO on the floor into the chair on Cena. Cena sold it like he was dead. Crowd chanted for Orton while women chanted "sucks" in response. Match was whatever. Angle was very good. They showed a young boy looking sad over Cena but once he realized the camera was on him, he started mugging for it. Cena took a long time leaving, holding his jaw.

Michael Buffer comes out for the boxing match. Divas are the ring girls.

Backstage, Todd Grisham asks Orton what he was doing. Orton said he sent a loud and clear message to Cena as to what he's going to get at Summerslam. He promises to win the title.

Hardy has 2 cornermen with him. MVP comes out with an entourage. Evander has his own Titantron video. MVP makes Buffer introduce him first, right down to "straight up ballin'" The crowd did the "What" chant during the referee's instructions!
Hardy is wearing a boxing helmet.. Holyield isn't. MVP keeps getting on the apron to give him instructions. Holyfield knocks Hardy down in round one. End of round
MVP argues with Holyfield's trainer between rounds. Round two starts and Hardy acting half out of it. Holyfield tells the ref to check him. MVP gets in the ring and tells him to keep beating up Hardy. Holyfield turns his back and MVP grabs him. Holyfield knocks out MVP. The ref rings the bell. Holyfield left immediately. Hardy left. MVP was left on the mat being checked on by his entourage. No announced decision.

CM Punk & Boogeyman vs. John Morrison & Big Daddy V next. Tazz joined the announcers for the match. Punk got a big reaction. Good when Punk and Morrison were in. Punk surprised Morrison with a small package for another clean win.

Vince McMahon comes to the ring with Jonathan Coachman. Coach gives a long monologue about Vince who cuts him off and tells him to get on with it. Coachman says he's going to help Vince with the child. He says Vince once had a tryst in Kentucky so he is certain this could be his child...and out comes Eugene.
Eugene says that he became a wrestling fan because his Mom told him she met Vince. He says his Uncle Eric told him he nailed his Mom and that's why he tried to put Vince out of business. He tells Vince, "I love you Dad". Vince said he used protection and tells Eugene to get out of the ring.
Coachman then tells of a story of Vince in a Port Authority bathroom so his son could be...Balls Mahoney. Vince says Balls is not his son. Mahoney tells him to think about it and to embrace it. He says Vince has balls. Vince says "I have no balls". The crowd chants "Vince has no balls". He yells at Balls to leave.
Coachman tells Vince of the Wrestlemania 2 afterparty in LA and that this person could be his daughter. Out comesMelina. Vince says that Melina isn't her daughter and cannot be. Coachman asks why not and Vince whispers something. Coach says that's disgusting. Vince tells Melina that the meeting that they had on July 4th was totally harmless. She says that Vince better hope so because if she's his daughter, she will take him for everything she owns. She walks out.
Vince demands to know who his child is. Long dramatic pause. Glass breaks and out comes Steve Austin.
Austin says Vince could be his dad and Vince says there's no chance in hell. Austin says they missed out on so many good things in life...playing catch, water skiing, building a go-cart, the birds and the bees, drinking beer. Crowd is going "what, what, what".
Austin says it would be easy to stun Vince but the big problem is Vince's "overactive grapefruits" so he wants to help him out. He kicks Vince low and low blows him. Austin stuns Coachman and has a beer bash.
After they go off the air, Austin asks the crowd if they want to see him drink a beer with Vince. He says it is his first time in the Garden in years. Vince takes it and Austin hits the stunner. Austin does a long celebration. He gives Jim Ross a beer and takes his cowboy hat. Vince and Coach get up. Austin says the only way he's not going to kick their *** is if they sing. Vince asks Coach if he can sing harmony. They badly sing "I Left My Heart in San Francisco". Austin knocked their heads together. He helps Coach up then hits another stunner.

14-08-2007, 12:31 PM
Why do wwe have real crapy segements?
Example: WWE Dating Game
WWE Idol
Tna have a better show in one hour than wwe have in two

14-08-2007, 12:40 PM
Why do wwe have real crapy segements?
Example: WWE Dating Game
WWE Idol
Tna have a better show in one hour than wwe have in two
TNA are dreadful aswell.
You have Goldust 2.0 aka La Parka's gay cousin.
An american football player getting special treatment and He and Ron Killings will get a tag title shot
Angle with all the gold.
X Division is what made TNA special, and they're killing it.
Eric Young and Robert Roode fued lasting about 8 months.
and so, so much more.

14-08-2007, 02:37 PM
What's with this "Vince's son" thing?

14-08-2007, 04:32 PM
Kennedyyyyyyyy Is the one apparently

14-08-2007, 04:35 PM

14-08-2007, 07:25 PM
TNA are dreadful aswell.
You have Goldust 2.0 aka La Parka's gay cousin.
An american football player getting special treatment and He and Ron Killings will get a tag title shot
Angle with all the gold.
X Division is what made TNA special, and they're killing it.
Eric Young and Robert Roode fued lasting about 8 months.
and so, so much more.

Vince Russo is the one killing the X-Division. That's why TNA is more entertainment-orientated. He will kill TNA like he killed WCW.

Pacman Jones can't physically compete in TNA thanks to a legally binding contract authorised by a judge.

15-08-2007, 08:47 AM
SD! tapings.

Dark Match:

*D'Lo Brown defeated a local wrestler.


*WWE United States champion MVP comes out and says that he won;t be cleared to box this Saturday on Main Event, but he wants to talk to Matt Hardy. Hardy comes out and MVP challenges him to take the Masterlock Challenge. Chris Masters comes out. Hardy nearly breaks it but MVP kicks him and lays him out.

*Backstage, Vince McMahon and Jonathan Coachman arrive, seeking Vince's illegitimate child.

*WWE Tag Team champions Deuce and Domino defeat The Major Brothers.

Backstage, Vince McMahon and Jonathan Coachman meet with Teddy Long and Kristal Marshall. The Great Khali bursts in protesting that he has a match with Kane later. Coachman reminds Vince of "that time in India" and Vince wonders if Khali could be his son.

*Finlay vs. Jamie Noble is a no contest when Kane hits the ring.

*Chavo Guerrero pinned Shannon Moore.

*Batista comes out and discusses what The Great Khali did to Ric Flair last week. Khali appears on the Titantron. Batista promises to take the World title at Summerslam.

*Vince McMahon and Jonathan Coachman are discussing that anyone could be Vince's son and that it could be The Great Khali or Batista. Big **** Johnson shows up dressed like a baby and starts dancing.

*Mark Henry defeated unidentified wrestler (It was East Coast indy wrestler Plazma, who worked for Jersey All Pro, among other groups). After the match, Henry takes the mic and says he's not scared of the Undertaker. The lights go out and Undertaker's gong strikes as his music plays. The lights go on and Henry goes to the back but mysteriously there is sand everywhere as he walks to the back.

*Backstage, Kristal Marshall asks Torrie Wilson and Michelle McCool to be her bridesmaids in her wedding to Teddy Long. Victoria walks by with Kenny Dykstra and agrees to be one as well. Kristal says she's picked her bridesmaids. Victoria slaps McCool. McCool slaps Kenny then fights with Victoria. Teddy Long sets up a match between the two.

*Vince McMahon and Jonathan Coachman are walking in the back and encounter Jimmy Wang Yang and Funaki. He wonders if one of them are his son. Kane shows up from behind and says, "Hello, Dad."

*Victoria defeated Michelle McCool after Kenny Dykstra interfered.

*WWE World champion The Great Khali defeated Kane. Finlay interfered. Batista makes the save but gets caught by Khali's claw.

*WWE re-taped the women's bout, this time with Michelle McCool defeating Victoria.

15-08-2007, 12:35 PM
Looks an ok show

16-08-2007, 12:54 AM
Kennedyyyyyyyy Is the one apparently

na, it gon' be Super Crazy or Khali.. fo sho. We all know Vince likes to tap his Mexican/Indian women. ;)

18-08-2007, 12:27 PM
Current WWE Summerslam 2007 Card (to be up dated)
My Predictions
ECW Champion John Morrison vs. CM Punk (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/3900088311/preview/) John Morrion, But im not to sure I am a fan of both guys in the match
WWE Champion John Cena vs. Randy Orton (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/3900088/preview/) Randy Orton I hate Cena! (New Champion!)
Triple H vs. King Booker (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/390008831/preview/) Triple H. They arn't going to have HHH lose on his return
World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali vs. Batista (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/39000883/preview/) Batista even if I do hate the guy
Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/390008832/preview/) Rey, Same reason I have for HHH winning
Just 8 days until the biggest party of the summer!

18-08-2007, 08:17 PM

Stephanie confirmed machmahon's kid is a wwe superstar?

Wasn't it obvious?:S

SNME sounds ok. The austin segment sounds great and the rest seems ok. I don't think i'll be watching though.

18-08-2007, 08:30 PM
Same sounds bad as per usual

21-08-2007, 09:07 PM
does anyone else hate king booker?

tbh he reminds me of every bully ive ever seen :rolleyes:

cant wait till he gets whats coming to him

21-08-2007, 09:15 PM
does anyone else hate king booker?

tbh he reminds me of every bully ive ever seen :rolleyes:

cant wait till he gets whats coming to him
lmao, i love his character, makes me laugh.

21-08-2007, 09:22 PM
lmao, i love his character, makes me laugh.
His voice annoys me!
And his wife or queen or w/e!
tbh i did laugh when booker couldve won the money in the bank until hardy thretened to twist of fate her , he tried to save her but got one for his troubles!

22-08-2007, 12:38 AM
His voice annoys me!
And his wife or queen or w/e!
tbh i did laugh when booker couldve won the money in the bank until hardy thretened to twist of fate her , he tried to save her but got one for his troubles!
lol, his voice is annoying but its his character, he talks so posh and then all of a sudden he's like "listen man what the hell is your problem".

22-08-2007, 06:29 PM
Well i been watching smallville lately and so far batista, kane , jeff jerret (i think) and ashley have all apeared in episodes in this current series.
Kane even choke slammed sum1 lol.

22-08-2007, 10:29 PM
Anyone watching Summerlsam on sunday night
Im watching it on alive feed, no way ill be dishing out 15 odd pund just to see Cena's *** get kicked. But that will be great

22-08-2007, 10:33 PM
^ I'm just watching it on Galaxiawrestling (http://galaxiawrestling.blogspot.com/) on monday.

23-08-2007, 02:51 PM
World title spoiler
- Current plans have Batista taking the title from The Great Khali this weekend at SummerSlam and hold the title until Survivor Series or Armageddon, around the time Edge is set to return. Edge is set to take the title and hold it until WrestleMania 24 where he will defend the title against The Undertaker in the SmackDown main event.

24-08-2007, 12:21 PM
Im going round to my brothers house to watch summerslam.

Im still not certain Orton will be given the belt...

Talking about king booker I love it when he breaks character...

'Kiss my ring jerome'
'Damnit man kiss ma ring!'

Also, I heard WWE are talking to some british wrestling companies about making a european developmental territory Like OVW and FCW.

24-08-2007, 01:29 PM
Rumour has it that Mr. Kennedy is Mr.McMahon's kid! There is going to be (apparently) a huge battle between Steph, Shane and Kennedy which results in a street fight between Shane and Mr. Kennedy for the right to be a McMahon. It seems a little obvious to me though... Mr Kennedy... Vincent Kennedy McMahon :rolleyes:. There was also a small rumour about Vince "dying" again and Mr Kennedy getting all the money aswell not to sure on that.

Also, ALL the McMahon's (Linda, Shane & Steph aswell as Vince) are returning to our screens at request of USA Network (who air Raw in the US) and during the Mr. Kennedy vs Shane & Steph, Triple H and Steph are set to get "back together" (in WWE) in a bid to recreate the popular "McMahon-Helmsley era".

I can't wait for Summerslam, my parents bought it as a well done for my A Level results :D

25-08-2007, 05:45 PM
My picks for SS:

(Btw I got them all right for GAB but forgot to post them here..)

Cena, Batista, Rey, CM Punk (this is what im hoping for, I don't actually think CM will win.), HHH, Umaga, Beth Phoenix, Finlay.

25-08-2007, 08:05 PM
WWE Champion John Cena vs. Randy Orton (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/3900088/preview/) Orton Hate Cena!!!!!
Triple H vs. King Booker (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/390008831/preview/) HHH
World Heavyweight Champion The Great Khali vs. Batista (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/39000883/preview/) Batista
Rey Mysterio vs. Chavo Guerrero (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/390008832/preview/) Mysterio
ECW Champion John Morrison vs. CM Punk (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/3900088311/preview/) Cm Punk
Umaga vs. Carlito vs. Mr. Kennedy (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/3900088312/preview/) Kennedy!......Kennedy!!!
Kane vs. Finlay (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/390008831211/preview/) Kane
Divas Battle Royal (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/matches/39000883122/preview/) Either Melina Mikie or Beth but Victoria is always a threat
Watching it for free on a live stream!
I hope this years 'Slam is much better than last years one

26-08-2007, 12:05 AM
My picks for SS:

(Btw I got them all right for GAB but forgot to post them here..)

Cena, Batista, Rey, CM Punk (this is what im hoping for, I don't actually think CM will win.), HHH, Umaga, Beth Phoenix, Finlay.
I agree with that, apart from the CM Punk, i see nitro retaining.

26-08-2007, 01:07 AM
WWE News / Notes

Nothing like an estate battle. The big debate right now is who died first, Nancy or Daniel Benoit, because that will determine who gets Benoit's multi-million dollar estate ("which include two lavish homes, several bank accounts and lucrative investments"). If Nancy died first then Benoit's other two children, David and Megan, currently living in Canada, inherit everything, whereas if Daniel died first it goes to the Toffoloni (Nancy) family. Nancy did not have a will, and Georgia law's Slayer's Statute states that legally Chris is considered to have died first so that his heirs cannot profit from the crimes.

If Nancy died first her estate flowed to Daniel, and David and Megan would be next in line after Daniel. If Daniel died first Nancy's estate would flow to her family. The coroner has stated that Nancy likely died Friday and Daniel late Saturday night/early Sunday morning, but the Toffoloni's are now arguing that. It's going to be tough, because witnesses saw all three family members alive Friday evening around dinner time, and other witnesses saw Chris and Daniel playing by their pool on Saturday afternoon. So the only way Daniel could have died first is if Benoit killed them both later Saturday night. Problem is, the level of decomposition suggested that Nancy had been killed much earlier, and it'll be tough to argue otherwise since the coroner is pretty insistent. The Toffoloni's lawyer is noting that issues relating to body size and the temperature of the rooms where the bodies were found could have resulted in mistakes being made in the order of deaths. An initial hearing on the matter takes place August 28th.

Clifford Stearns, one half of the Congressional committee that sent letters to WWE, TNA and the NWA requesting drug testing information, visited Dory Funk Jr.'s wrestling school in Ocala, FL this week. Apparently he's in pretty good shape and worked out a bit with the crew on the wrestling drills. I suspect Dory and Stearns have been talking for awhile, hence the comical inclusion of NWA into this whole mess. Stearns also ended up making an appearance on Funk's BANG! TV show that he produces locally.

The plan is still for Ken Kennedy to be the illegitimate son of Vince. They do, however, have a contingency plan if it ends up bombing, that being that Kennedy forged the papers and lab results and is basically a CON ARTIST trying to screw his way into a billionaire family. Stephanie will likely be involved in the storyline around October or November, in a deal where she will be put in jeopardy and Hunter will make the save, revealing himself to be Vince's son-in-law and setting the stage for the Raw main event at WrestleMania, which at press time is going to be Hunter as a babyface vs. Kennedy, likely for the title and with all the members of the McMahon family somehow involved.

Shane has been told he won't be needed in the ring until around Royal Rumble, so he'll probably be Kennedy's first family victim. Bonnie Hammer of the USA Network loves the storyline, by the way, and wants a big three hour special in October as they did last year with the Homecoming show. It may become an annual event, and unless things change the plan is to slowly drop hints week after week on Raw and not reveal Kennedy as the child until that show. The talk of Raw moving to three hours in the fall has greatly died down, and it appears as of this week there is little chance of it happening.

For Smackdown, WrestleMania main event is currently Edge vs. Undertaker for the title. If Edge is back in time, the idea is he'll either beat Dave for the belt at Survivor Series or Armageddon, then hold it through Mania.

Mark Henry's deal is up soon and he is not entering into negotiations for a new one. He's looking at acting and other non-wrestling stuff. This also explains his comments in the American-Statesman newspaper after Benoit's death about how he drove alone to shows because he had less of a chance of suffering an accident, and because he didn't want to be in the car if recreational or performance-enhancing drugs belonging to other wrestlers were found during a routine search.

"If they get caught, then I'd be (considered) guilty, too. If we get pulled over we're both going down," he said. Henry has been with the company since signing a ten-year deal shortly after his 1996 Olympics bid. It took him a long, long time to catch on to this business, and so he spent years in developmental, and when he was brought up he was often saddled with gimmicks so absurd (Mae Young's lover, etc.) that it seemed pretty obvious the company was hoping he'd quit so they could get out of the deal. But instead, he kept working, saved his money, and is now to the point where, like a number of other fairly young guys, he can walk away from this business forever if he wants. He's being built up for Undertaker's return match, and after that, who knows. Maybe they'll make him the right offer and he'll stick around, but it's said that right now he's enjoying the countdown to freedom.

Undertaker wanted to return at SummerSlam, but Vince told him to hold off and he's now scheduled to return at the September PPV. Believe it or not, part of the reason was because Vince felt a SummerSlam return would give the wrestlers the message that they needed to rush back from injuries. He feels now is not the right time to be sending that message.

It is believed that a Ric Flair retirement storyline is going to start imminently, perhaps in the next few weeks, to culminate at either Royal Rumble, No Way Out or WrestleMania. I'm sure Flair would prefer the latter. He's been talking for a long time about this being his last year as a regular in-ring competitor.

Monday night was a test run to see how Lawler and Tazz would do as a team, and some people were impressed. Neither Ross nor Tazz were told. Vince has been wanting to split up Ross and Lawler for some time, feeling the combo is "too Southern", and Kevin Dunn is strongly against it. If it's made permanent, Lawler would join Joey Styles in ECW, and occasionally work matches there as well. Dusty Rhodes really wants Lawler on ECW. Lawler and Ross are really tight and would not be happy with that change.

Lots of talk of another PPV being axed in 2008, probably Cyber Sunday. Instead of doing it as a PPV, they might switch it to another special three-hour Raw with the same concept.

Smackdown vs. Raw may miss its November deadline as Vince is going back and forth about whether to leave Chris Benoit in the game. He's in it now and Vince wants him out, but to have him removed would require the game being delayed and they'd miss out on the 2007 holiday season revenue, which is always the most lucrative quarter for video games.

The waiter in the Simmons/Maria/Santino skit on Raw was Raw head writer Brian Gewirtz, who wrote and directed the whole thing.

The Condemned is out on DVD September 18th.

Booker is said to be close to signing a new three-year deal with WWE. He has specifically asked that his new deal allows him to sit in on producer's meetings. Basically, the meetings take place before TV or PPV where Vince goes over the scripts. The agents sit there and give feedback and talk about how the talent is either progressing or not progressing, and suggest finishes.

HHH sits in on both the PPV and Raw producer meetings and plays both puppermaster and class clown. The belief is that Booker knows he'll be working with Hunter through at least mid-September and doesn't want to be buried in the meetings. It's also said to not be a written deal, but rather a verbal agreement so that he's not required to attend the three-hour-plus meetings if he doesn't want to. It should be noted that about a month ago Booker did an interview and said he was very happy to be going to Raw, but that he would have quit the business if they'd asked him to go to ECW. According to sources in WWE, he was never scheduled to go to ECW.

John Lauranitis has been putting over Steve Keirn super hard to both Vince and Steph for the job he's done with the new Florida developmental territory. We're told regardless of what he says, it's still a complete disaster. They just this month got air conditioning in the facility. Yes, it's in Florida and they didn't get AC until August. I should note that Booker was nearly ready to walk away after he was passed over for developmental after Deep South got axed. He'd invested in cameras, a warehouse, a new ring, gear, etc., all in the hopes of becoming the next territory. I guess because Lauranitis and Keirn were tight, they decided to go with him despite the fact that he had no experience or setup. The other fascinating thing is Bruce Prichard lives a few minutes from Booker's school and had offered to stop by every day on his off days and work with the students, plus Undertaker and a few other legends including Steve Williams are close enough that they could also help out. One source said Lauranitis just loves going down there, checking out the school, and then leaving to party in Tampa.

Stephanie is pushing hard to get D-Lo Brown a job on Raw as a mid-card act. He was backstage last week. His career went way downhill after Darren Drozdov was paralyzed in a match with him after a botched running powerbomb on October 5, 1999. People have always insisted that there is no connection, but as soon as that happened that was the beginning of the end for D-Lo.

Unless plans change, Batista is beating Great Khali for the belt at SummerSlam and they'll do another stip match on the September PPV (unless the match is so horrible the program immediately ends). I can only hope the stip match is PUNJABI PRISON.

There is talk that Extreme Expose may all share Playboy leading up to next year's WrestleMania. Yes, Brooke's *** in Playboy. So we all just have to live another seven or eight months.

Highlanders will probably be jumping to Smackdown, hence the increased number of jobs lately.

Hart Foundation 2.0 is the current working name of the Harry Smith/Teddy Hart/Nattie Neidhart crew. Court Bauer, who was on the writing crew until just recently, gave them that name back when he was promoting MLW and was the main guy pushing for them to come to Smackdown. It is believed they'll be starting on the house shows this fall, and the company really wants to get Bret in to do an angle to introduce them. The trade-off would be promoting his new book, which I'm pretty sure hits the streets in October. It's been pared down from the size of War and Peace, but is still huge with very small type.

If Bret won't do it, Jim Neidhart is said to be one hundred percent willing. Michael Hayes is super high on Teddy, thinking his attitude is similar to Hayes' own when he was a superstar heel back in World Class. He thinks something that is missing today is guys living their gimmick, which is what he feels Teddy is doing (I'll say). He wants to bring them in as heels but that's almost certain to be overruled as a number of folks, including Stephanie, think the Harts are too famous to be booed right off the bat. At this point, TJ Wilson, who has basically been a member of the family forever and was (and may still be) dating Nattie, will not be part of the group, and will likely ultimately be brought to Smackdown as a cruiserweight. Apparently he's really upped his promo game and is a totally different TJ from a few years back.

According to several sources, Matt Sydal has been sent a WWE developmental contract and just has to sign it. He may already have done so at press time.

Those who have seen Batista's book say it's insane. Batista has said he's the most boring guy in the world, which sounds like it would make for a terrible book, but as it turns out he talks nonstop about who he hates and does not respect in the locker room (this is major trouble in the making since he's hated by most of the locker room as it is), his thoughts on certain creative decisions, etc. He also talks "almost recklessly" about the number of women he's banged. It's said to be totally different from all the other WWE books.

Foley has been trying to get a larger and more regular role on Raw. Unfortunately at this point Vince is not in his corner, basically thinking that Foley was a big deal in 1998 but doesn't really click with the fans today. Ironically, it's the same criticism Hunter has had for Foley over the past year.

Shantelle Taylor, who was released last week, was originally scheduled to debut on Raw as a hot masked babyface who would reignite the women's division and try to replicate the Rey Jr. phenomena on the A-show. There was a lot of talk last year of moving Rey to Raw, but it never happened, then Rey went down with a knee injury. Her debut was delayed and delayed and Lauranitis finally decided to axe her, figuring if they wanted to use her at some point they could sign her again but it was pointless to have her continue sitting in developmental and getting paid (she'd been there over two years). The flaw in the female Rey plan was that she was cute and a good worker, but nowhere near Rey's level.

Dusty Rhodes is telling people he wants to slow down. He's currently on the road five or six days a week, and at his age that's killing him. Plus, he feels that he was an important part of rehabilitating Smackdown in 2006, which helps vindicate him from past criticisms of being a crapty booker. He's also thrilled that Cody is finally getting his big break, and doesn't want people thinking that it has anything to do with him being on the writing crew. He wants to step away from creative and take on a role similar to that of Pat Patterson, where he'd work a limited number of days in the role of an advisor. He'd also like to re-release his book through WWE with updated chapters, though I have no idea how far that idea has gotten or how interested WWE would be.

This coming week's Raw will air live on Sci-Fi instead of USA due to the US Open Tennis tournament. Raw will air on tape delay on USA after tennis as well.

Rosie got a dark match on Raw and was backstage at Smackdown Tuesday night just prior to us going to press for another one. He's dropped a lot of weight, and the late word was that there was a good chance of him being re-signed.

credit:F4W Newsletter


Credit: Gerweck.net

Former X-Division champion Samoa Joe has been telling people that he would rather accept an entry level WWE contract (believed to be $50,000 per year), rather than resigning with TNA. Joe is not happy in TNA, and doesn’t want to stay with the company when his current contract expires.


For you knock-off's

Summerslam Stream - http://tnawweczw.proboards60.com/index.cgi

26-08-2007, 01:40 PM
Spoiler tags?

26-08-2007, 03:54 PM
I agree with that, apart from the CM Punk, i see nitro retaining.
Same here, but like I said on my post I really want CM to win, Nitro ****** me off. :D

26-08-2007, 04:15 PM
My picks-
McCool/Phoenix, Finlay, Kennedy, Mysterio, HHH, Punk (Punk should really get it now, Morrison rules tho. :eusa_whis), Khali and Orton.

26-08-2007, 04:17 PM
Same here, but like I said on my post I really want CM to win, Nitro ****** me off. :D
Yeah he is annoying and Punk deserves the title.

26-08-2007, 04:26 PM
Yeah he is annoying and Punk deserves the title.
Ja. So are you going to be watching the PPV today?

26-08-2007, 04:27 PM
Ja. So are you going to be watching the PPV today?
Nope, gotta pay £15 :P, what about you?

26-08-2007, 04:29 PM
Nope, gotta pay £15 :P, what about you?
Maybe, tickets at the local theatre is $10 i think. But the PPV looks really, really bad for a Summerslam. I'm still undecided though, I haven't missed a Summerslam in a long time.

26-08-2007, 04:31 PM
Maybe, tickets at the local theatre is $10 i think. But the PPV looks really, really bad for a Summerslam. I'm still undecided though, I haven't missed a Summerslam in a long time.
$10 is good lol, i was going to purchase it but my sky is being a piece of crap and wont let me, lol, i think it will be a good summerslam.

26-08-2007, 11:10 PM
My picks-
McCool/Phoenix, Finlay, Kennedy, Mysterio, HHH, Punk (Punk should really get it now, Morrison rules tho. :eusa_whis), Khali and Orton.

LMAO @ URE SIG!! That guy had me in fits of laughter. He looks like Howard from the Halifax adverts.


27-08-2007, 12:12 AM
Free live stream : http://wrestlenewz.com/live/pic.php

27-08-2007, 02:43 AM
The following is from TMZ.com:

Hulk Hogan's son Nick was involved in a car accident tonight in Clearwater, Fl. Law enforcement tell TMZ Hogan was involved in a serious car accident with multiple victims around 7:31 p.m. ET tonight. The accident happened on Court Street, a main drag in downtown Clearwater, causing the entire street to be shut down for hours. No call was made to police, the accident was actually called in by a police officer who rolled up right after the accident happened. No word on injuries.

Here is the Associated Press article: CLEARWATER - Nick Bollea, son of Tampa Bay's most popular wrestler, Hulk Hogan, and his friend were injured after his car careened out of control and struck a palm tree in the median of the four lane highway on Court Street, police said. Both were taken by helicopter to Bayfront Medical Center in St. Petersburg. The high-speed crash occurred at 8 p.m., police said. Bollea was driving eastbound on Court Street, approaching downtown Clearwater when it crashed. The car was destroyed on impact, police said. The Fire Department had to free the men. Police said the wreck is shutting down traffic ��" east and westbound ��" on Court Street, the primary traffic artery in the city. Police are at the scene interviewing witnesses who say the car was moving at a high rate of speed. Hulk Hogan had moved his family to Miami so his children could pursue acting and singing careers. His daughter, Brooke, has a music career, while Nick's passion is cars, according to a bio on the show's website. Terry "Hulk Hogan" Bollea, the popular wrestler also known for his reality show, "Hogan Known Best," is one of Tampa Bay's most popular celebrities. His children have gained notoriety because of the show. On a recent show, Hogan's wife and his children want one of the biggest wrestling stars to undergo a makeover. They make fun of the way the Hulkster dresses. They tell him he has to dress better now that he's in Miami. They joke that he's no longer in Clearwater, where people don't dress as nice.

27-08-2007, 03:20 AM
^ I hope Nick Hogan is okay.

My picks for SS:

(Btw I got them all right for GAB but forgot to post them here..)

Cena, Batista, Rey, CM Punk (this is what im hoping for, I don't actually think CM will win.), HHH, Umaga, Beth Phoenix, Finlay.
So I got 6/8 right, 7/8 because I knew CM wouldn't win, but i'll say 6/8 anyways.

Before I wasn't really mad that Cena kept winning, but now i'm genuinely mad, he has to lose. :@

27-08-2007, 04:51 AM
Orton was pulling that match all the way through.. his RKO connected soooo well too & I was hoping he was gonna nail a top-rope RKO when they were píssin' about in the ring-corner.

shít finish though.. deserved better.

27-08-2007, 05:29 AM
Orton still isn't ready for the title. Usually I'd be opposed by Cena retaining the title but I'm starting to think nobody can carry the WWE like he does.

27-08-2007, 09:00 AM
He might not be ready but he did pull that match with Cena.

Raw lacks a genuine title holder except Cena. Kenndy, Orton, Umaga & Lashly aren't ready. Only person I think deserves another run is Booker, mainly 'cos his mic work is good atm & has the ability to have a title run without killin' it.

Cripple H is next in line for the strap I think.. but hes got a story line with Kennedy coming up so I'm not entirely sure.

27-08-2007, 10:46 AM
Well Triple H has enough backstage pull to make it happen. But Trips, along with Edge, are the only two legitimate heels I enjoy watching in the WWE right now. I never liked Booker T, not even in the WCW, he's lacking that certain something that makes a consistent main-eventer.

27-08-2007, 12:50 PM
Orton carried that match and deserved it sop badly? any how can you say that Orton isnt ready? did you know he was the youngest every world champion?

27-08-2007, 01:05 PM
Orton carried that match and deserved it sop badly? any how can you say that Orton isnt ready? did you know he was the youngest every world champion?
Only for a month and lost it on his second title defense.

27-08-2007, 01:52 PM
Summerslam has happened? Is there any site that anyone knows where I can watch it?

27-08-2007, 02:02 PM
www.galaxiawrestling.blogspot.com (http://www.galaxiawrestling.blogspot.com) :)

Mostly been uploaded.

27-08-2007, 02:20 PM
Orton carried that match and deserved it sop badly? any how can you say that Orton isnt ready? did you know he was the youngest every world champion?

He isn't ready 'cos hes lost his style as a heel, he isn't entertaining like he used to be. He was more watchable back then 'cos he had the Evolution Break-Up storyline backing his title run, what's he got now? That "Legend Killer" angle is getting old & boring. His mic skills have taken a battering over the years & now the kid stumbles when tryin' to trash talk, so he's a less convincing heel.

What angle could he possibly pull to make himself a watchable champion?

27-08-2007, 03:29 PM
Orton defines average. There's more deserving champs on raw like cena,hhh and booker.

27-08-2007, 03:32 PM
www.galaxiawrestling.blogspot.com (http://www.galaxiawrestling.blogspot.com) :)

Mostly been uploaded.

tyvm but how do I watch it and in what order? I cant understand the language. :cry:

EDIT: Found it all. ty +repz

27-08-2007, 04:10 PM
Cena (after he won and got booed) went out to the crowd and ripped some kids sign from his hands that said "if cena wins we riot" and cena brought it in the ring, held it up, and then CALLED THE KID OUT!!!!! and called EVERYONE out who was booing him. there was only a select few that were cheering him (me included), and he acknowledged me!!!!! he came to the top rope which was like 50 ft from where we were sitting, and pointed right at me b/c i was the only one in the section bouncing up and down for him!!!!!! He acknowledged all sections of his fans cheering for him and seemed really happy that at least SOME people still like him. OH and then a fan threw a beer bottle into the ring, like inches away from cena, but cena turned his head and i dont even think he saw it. that was just messed up. people take it way too far sometimes, ya know??



27-08-2007, 04:44 PM
The following is from TMZ.com:

Hulk Hogan's son Nick was involved in a car accident tonight in Clearwater, Fl. Law enforcement tell TMZ Hogan was involved in a serious car accident with multiple victims around 7:31 p.m. ET tonight. The accident happened on Court Street, a main drag in downtown Clearwater, causing the entire street to be shut down for hours. No call was made to police, the accident was actually called in by a police officer who rolled up right after the accident happened. No word on injuries.

Here is the Associated Press article: CLEARWATER - Nick Bollea, son of Tampa Bay's most popular wrestler, Hulk Hogan, and his friend were injured after his car careened out of control and struck a palm tree in the median of the four lane highway on Court Street, police said. Both were taken by helicopter to Bayfront Medical Center in St. Petersburg. The high-speed crash occurred at 8 p.m., police said. Bollea was driving eastbound on Court Street, approaching downtown Clearwater when it crashed. The car was destroyed on impact, police said. The Fire Department had to free the men. Police said the wreck is shutting down traffic ��" east and westbound ��" on Court Street, the primary traffic artery in the city. Police are at the scene interviewing witnesses who say the car was moving at a high rate of speed. Hulk Hogan had moved his family to Miami so his children could pursue acting and singing careers. His daughter, Brooke, has a music career, while Nick's passion is cars, according to a bio on the show's website. Terry "Hulk Hogan" Bollea, the popular wrestler also known for his reality show, "Hogan Known Best," is one of Tampa Bay's most popular celebrities. His children have gained notoriety because of the show. On a recent show, Hogan's wife and his children want one of the biggest wrestling stars to undergo a makeover. They make fun of the way the Hulkster dresses. They tell him he has to dress better now that he's in Miami. They joke that he's no longer in Clearwater, where people don't dress as nice.
lmao again ?

damn he must be a crap driver

27-08-2007, 05:02 PM
There is a title match on raw tonight between cena and orton, i think orton will win the belt tonight, because WWE might not of let orton win the belt at SS because he already won it at SS against Benoit (and they dont want anything to do with benoit).

27-08-2007, 05:05 PM
highly doubt that about benoit

27-08-2007, 05:05 PM
Just a guess really, i think orton is ready for the title and he was supposed to take the title from cena...

27-08-2007, 05:12 PM
There is a title match on raw tonight between cena and orton


27-08-2007, 05:14 PM
lol, i read that somewhere on PWmania.com

27-08-2007, 05:51 PM
lol, i read that somewhere on PWmania.com

Theres always a title re-match the Raw after a PPV. I think Orton will win, 'cos they wanted to give Cena one last PPV win before he goes off to make Marine 2 (is what I heard).

27-08-2007, 07:05 PM
Nah, I reckon they'll go off crowd reaction @ SS and give Orton a face turn. He'll win the belt and then shake hands with Cena and everyone cheers and then Orton is champ for a bit!

27-08-2007, 07:12 PM
Nah, I reckon they'll go off crowd reaction @ SS and give Orton a face turn. He'll win the belt and then shake hands with Cena and everyone cheers and then Orton is champ for a bit!
I hope not, i like Orton has a heel.

27-08-2007, 07:37 PM
Yeah, hope Orton wins the belt tonight. I can't stand watchin Cena with the belt.

27-08-2007, 07:50 PM
anyone see Beth Phoenix's nip slip ? :eusa_whis

27-08-2007, 09:07 PM
Last time orton was a face, he sucked really bad.

27-08-2007, 09:18 PM
Orton to win tonight and HHH to win at survivor seris i thynk

27-08-2007, 10:36 PM

They are on about orton winning his first title, notice how they dont even mention benoit.

27-08-2007, 11:51 PM
Orton won't win the title, he'll probably just get DQ'd and the feud ends. ^Of course they don't mention Benoit, they never do anymore.

28-08-2007, 01:48 AM
Raw live

28-08-2007, 02:00 AM
LOL! I love the Carlito Cabana segment.

28-08-2007, 02:23 AM
lol @ daivari's `Durka Durka'

28-08-2007, 04:09 AM

They are on about orton winning his first title, notice how they dont even mention benoit.

August 15, 2004 wasn’t supposed to be Randy Orton (http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/randyorton/)’s time – at least, not according to his opponent, the capacity crowd filling Toronto’s Air Canada Centre, or the millions of our fans around the world watching on pay-per-view. Yet time came to a complete standstill when a lightning-fast RKO struck from nowhere, then restarted with Orton as the youngest World Heavyweight Champion in WWE history, and the focal point of WWE.com’s No. 7 Greatest SummerSlam (http://www.wwe.com/shows/summerslam07/) Moment.
Sure, it had already been an amazing year for Orton prior to his participation in the Biggest Party of the Summer. In addition to enjoying seven months as Intercontinental Champion – the longest such reign for that particular title in about 13 years – he was a proud member of Triple H (http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/tripleh/)’s apt-named faction, Evolution. He was also well on his way to making a name for himself as WWE’s Legend Killer, having spent the previous 12 months picking up victories over the likes of icons like Shawn Michaels (http://www.wwe.com/superstars/raw/shawnmichaels/) and Mick Foley.
For one to definitively predict, however, that Orton would capture sports-entertainment’s most coveted championship a mere 24 years, 136 days into his existence…well, they’d probably also have a bridge to sell you. It wasn’t that Orton had absolutely no chance of winning World Heavyweight gold – sooner or later. After all, he had triumphed in a Raw (http://www.wwe.com/shows/raw/) Battle Royal to grab the No. 1 Contender’s spot; besides, on any given day, especially in sports-entertainment, even the greatest underdog can overcome the largest obstacles.
Those facts not withstanding, consider why Orton’s SummerSlam win was especially impressive. Nearly 100 percent of the Canadian crowd was firmly against him. And the experience factor? Forget it. Orton was barely two years in WWE, so there should have been near-zero possibility of him obtaining a title that had eluded countless other ring greats throughout their entire careers.
Yet the facts are immutable. Say what you will about Orton, but on this August night, he immortalized himself in the annals of sports-entertainment. Withstanding everything the then-World Heavyweight Champion could throw at him, then beat him. And he didn’t achieve victory by resorting to some cheap low blow or rely on outside interference. He simply found his opening, drove his adversary face-first into the canvas with the front-facelock bulldog named with his own initials (Randall Keith Orton), and pinned him.
Admittedly, Orton’s championship reign in 2004 was brief; as a result of his unlikely victory at SummerSlam, he’d immediately fall out of favor with Evolution, and lose the World Heavyweight Title to Triple H at Unforgiven the following month. But the history he left behind remains intact; no one at that age has even come close to winning a World Championship, and it doesn’t look like there’s anyone on the verge of breaking such hallowed ground any time soon. But one needn’t tell that to Randy Orton. He no longer reflects on past history. These days, he looks forward to claiming a WWE Championship (http://www.wwe.com/inside/titlehistory/wwechampionship/)…no matter how many legends he has to destroy this time.

They simply refer to benoit as 'him', lol.

28-08-2007, 08:13 AM
Orton was one of the worst champions of all time. I think we all learned that he can never, ever, be a face.

28-08-2007, 08:55 AM
Orton was one of the worst champions of all time. I think we all learned that he can never, ever, be a face.
Yeah i agree. I was so excited when he beat Benoit at Summerslam because I was a big fan of when he was the IC champ in Evolution. Then when Evolution turned on him and Orton turned face I was really excited too. But the whole experiment went wrong, and as soon as he turned heel he's really awesome. See tonights Raw for example, him attacking Cena's dad and stuff is wicked.

28-08-2007, 02:34 PM
Damn.. booker should be given another title run, thought last night could'a been the night.

Nice to see "Meth Hardy" back on Raw, but, not an amazing performance.

That Kennedy/McMahon backstage thing was way too obvious where the "illigitimate Son" storyline was heading.

HHH's segment was nice.. but him & carlito's stare down was poor with an obvious finish to it.

The two tag match/segments were poor. Tag division has taken even another drop. Not featuring @ summerslam is a terrible decision by the writers. They need to sort it out. Kendrick & London were awesome on SD til' they moved to Raw where they've been doing F all since the draft.

Orton's ender was pretty sweet, just hope he doesn't do it every week like he did with RKO'ing Cena for the past month.

28-08-2007, 05:13 PM


28-08-2007, 05:28 PM
Who'd he kick ?

28-08-2007, 05:29 PM
Who'd he kick ?
Cena's dad.

Cheers for the gif, new youtube background for me :eusa_whis

28-08-2007, 05:45 PM
Glad JH is back:)

28-08-2007, 06:58 PM
Glad JH is back:)
Same :]
If he sorted out his problems he'd be absaloutley amazing!
I can never forget that cage match with Nitro , priceless!

28-08-2007, 07:39 PM

That actually looked the most real out of all of Ortons kicks.

28-08-2007, 07:45 PM
That actually looked the most real out of all of Ortons kicks.

Yeah I agree. He flipped him over the barrier so quickly I was like :O and then that kick was like OUCH. But I had to giggle @ the referee leaping off the side of the ring like some sort of SuperRef xD

Triple H's bit of Carlito's Cabana had me in hysterics. Pure gold.

28-08-2007, 09:26 PM
I second that

29-08-2007, 11:12 AM
spoilers for unforgiven & SD

Mysterio is facing khali for the belt at unforgiven should be a interesting match
and Cm Punk is facing morrison yet again
Before the first match took place at the SmackDown! Tapings, a Video package of WrestleMania 23 was shown. The bottom section and upper deck is pretty much sold out. There is probably around 9000 people in attendance to tonight’s tapings.

-- Johnny Jeter defeated Kenny Dykstra with a ensiguri

-- The Daltons defeated Dave Taylor Paul Burchill

-- Before SmackDown! Iraq tribute to the troops.

-- JBL on his way to the ring.


-- Opening video plays

-- Summer Slam Highlights

Show starts off with Teddy Long and the Great Khali in the ring. Teddy Long says that tonight they are going to determine a new number one contender for the World Championship title. Their will be a tournament to decide. Kane will face Finlay and Batista will face Mysterio. The winners of those two matches will face each other. Teddy then says, lets not wait until next week, lets get it started now!

Kane vs. Finlay
Kane dominates first half of match. Match ends when Kane hits Finlay with a clothes-line off the top rope. Kane then hit’s the choke slam on Finlay but the little ******* runs in and distracts Kane. Finlay rolls him up for the win.

Matt Hardy & MVP vs. Deuce and Domino

Matt Hardy was in the match the whole time and got dominated. MVP got the tag and through Hardy out of the ring and MVP got the win. So we have new tag-team champions. After the match MVP was in the ring celebrating with both titles while Matt looks on from the outside.

Backstage Vince tells Batista that he could very well be his son. He’s got the looks, and everything. Batista says, If I was your dad, id kill you.

In the Ring

Mark Henry on the microphone. Mark says the Undertaker is coming back at Unforgiven and that he is going to break his back. The lights go out and The Undertaker’s music plays. On the screen the video that they played ask week shows. The Undertaker didn’t come out but states that he will make his return at Unforgiven. Mark Henry stands in the ring while this is happening.

Video package shows of Mysterio’s return.

Batista vs. Rey Mysterio
Back and forth match. Rey Mysterio goes for the 619 but misses.At the end, Finlay runs down, hits Rey Mysterio. Mysterio wins by DQ and Rey advances to the finals.

Vince McMahon Segment

Vince comes to the ring with coach. Just like on Monday, Coach says he has a list of people Vince has slept with and he would like to bring them out. The first girl that comes out is from New York. Her name is Sheryl. Vince says he remembers that night because she is hot.

Next Coach brings out a 3-girls from Connecticut. He said he had a 3-some with them and he remembers them because it was New Years of 1997. Vince says he remembers that night because they are hot. He said he brought in the new years with a big bang.

Another female comes out by the name of Sister Merry. She is dressed like a nun. Sister Merry gets on the mic and says “Our one night together, who could ever satisfy me in the way you did in 1991 in the parking lot.” Vince says Merry gave her a new direction for church. He then comments that she is second to nun.

After that, Vince says next Monday on RAW, he has to confront the other members of the McMahon Family and he is not worried.

Chris Masters vs. Chuck Palumbo
Masterlock challenge

They set the chair up, as Palumbo was about to escape, Chris Masters let off the hold and ran out of the ring. On Palumbo’s way back to the back he has problems starting his bike.

-- Krystal Marshall and Teddy Long - Invitation to their marriage shows up on the screen.

-- The Dalton aired a promo that they are coming to SmackDown.

Rey Mysterio vs. Fit Finlay
Winner gets match at Unforgiven.

During the match, Khali comes down and gets in the ring and takes Mysterio and throws him. Rey Mysterio advances by DQ. After the match, they beat on Mysterio and Batista comes down to make the save on Mysterio.

-- Rey Mysterio vs. Khali for the title at Unforgiven.

-- After the match is over, they disassemble the ring and the announcers leave as they now set up for ECW.

29-08-2007, 11:16 AM
I just watched RAW, not too bad. The Triple H segment was funny - I forgot how good the guy is on MIC. Let's hope for a heel turn A.S.A.P.

29-08-2007, 09:37 PM
WWE news and notes

SummerSlam dark match was Cade & Murdoch beating London & Kendrick to retain the WWE Tag Titles

Vince was approached with the idea of doing a pro-wrestling off season a few times in the past couple months and completely blew it off every time.

Brian Gewirtz, the head writer of Raw, was at the ROH show in New York this past weekend. He really loves Delirious' character and has pushed for WWE to sign him. Whether anything comes of it, who knows. Gewirtz attends a lot of the shows in the area.

Johnny Ace has brought up the name Sid Vicious. I would guess that's a real long-shot. Ace and Vicious had heat for years because Ace was the agent in WWE that suggested Sid try the kick from the middle rope at the Sin PPV on January 14, 2001, a move which resulted in him very graphically shattering his tibia and fibula. That was pretty much the end of his career, though, in his mid-40s, he's done a couple of shows here and there in recent years and is said to be moving around all right. Ace was at an indy show this weekend that featured Vicious vs. Jerry Lawler.

Jamie Noble has gotten praise recently for speaking up during producer's meetings (he's working as an agent for the Cruiserweight division now) and giving different ideas for finishes and angles. There is a concern that finishes are getting too repetitive (Vince blew off the ideas for Orton beating Cena, if you'll recall), but of course the problem is that it's hard not to be repetitive when you have to book fifteen or so finishes a week 52 weeks a year.

The company is considering adding new original programming to WWE 24/7. There have been a number of ideas discussed, everything from "completely sleaze", whatever that means, to reality shows featuring the legends. In other words, poor knockoffs of Hogan Knows Best. I think that idea works if you have the right legends. If you have a guy with an awesome personality it's easy. If you don't, I can imagine it being wretched television.

Von Lilas of Derby City Wrestling didn't feel very good at class last Monday and ended up in the hospital two days later. He was apparently 30 minutes from having his appendix burst. It was removed and he'll be recovering for awhile.

The angle with John Cena's father will likely continue. Cena Sr., who has worked as manager Johnny Fabulous for Chaotic Wrestling in the Northeast for many years, has wanted a spot in WWE forever. Both Cena Jr. and Vince actually showed up at a Chaotic event a few months back as unbilled surprises. Cena ended up laying Vince out with an FU, then Vince bailed out the back door and left. You can imagine the reaction that got. Using Cena Sr. has been discussed for a long, long time, but Vince realized that you can only do the big angle with the father once (they've done minor angles in the past). Cena also has a brother that could also ultimately get involved.

Johnny Ace wanted a meeting with Takeshi Morishima when Morishima was in New York this past weekend. He's very high on him. NOAH put the ixnay on it, citing loyalty to Ring of Honor. That should give you an idea of how tight NOAH and ROH are, because in the grand scheme of the universe it seems insane to favor ROH over WWE. WWE had approached Morishima a year or so ago when he was down training at Harley Race's school. People had heard that he was potentially a new Terry Gordy, and there was interest in putting him on ECW since Masato Tanaka and Tajiri fell through. Ace pursued it, but NOAH shot it down then as well. All of this also seems to indicate that NOAH plans on him being a major player for the next several years.

Regarding the story of testing to see how Jim Ross would do with someone besides Jerry Lawler in the booth, the original plan was to team him up with JBL, but he was out of the country with his wife and Tazz got the nod.

MVP is cleared to wrestle, and in fact has been wrestling on the house shows. In other words, he wasn't pulled from SummerSlam for health reasons. They wanted to keep moving forward with his Matt Hardy competition gimmick, including the tag title match against the Greasers this week, so they didn't need to do the PPV match yet.

credit:F4W Newsletter

29-08-2007, 10:33 PM
WWE 24/7 sounds horrible. Sid Vicious needs to STAY away from WWE, too.

30-08-2007, 01:04 PM
I didnt expect the Tag Team thing on SD :S

30-08-2007, 08:24 PM
WrestlingObserver.com reported Thursday afternoon that World Wrestling Entertainment suspended ten wrestlers.

The suspensions were reportedly in response to information WWE received from the Office of the Albany County District Attorney in New York. While specific details are not available, WrestlingObserver.com notes that the information likely provided proven connections between the wrestlers and one of the Internet pharmaceutical companies linked to steroid distribution.

WWE had, at press time, not revealed the names suspended--with ten names out, however, some of their identities should become clear very soon.

Beginning in November, WWE will publicly reveal the identities of all wrestlers who fail drug tests.

Edited by Yoshimitsui (Super Moderator): Please don't make pointles comments.

30-08-2007, 10:14 PM
Dam you beat me to it. At least know it seem like wwe have learned from there mistakes with the passing of Eddie Duerrero and Chirs Benoit and know they are clamping down on drug use etc.
I wouldn't be suprised if it was Rey Mysterio and Triple H on the list becuase of there rehabilitation and a few old guys like Flair, Dreamer and Sandman also muscliy superstairs suck as Chris Masters. He has been in rehab before becuase of his addiction to pain killers

30-08-2007, 10:59 PM
Oh man that sucks that 10 will be off WWE tv for a while. Here's an article that lists 11 people were clients of the guy who gave steroids to Chris Benoit.


- Randy Orton
- Charles Haas, Jr.
- Adam "Edge" Copeland
- Robert "Booker T" Huffman
- Shane Helms - Gregory Helms
- Anthony "Santino Marella" Carelli
- John "John Morrison" Hennigan
- Darren "William Regal" Matthews
- Ken "Mr. Kennedy" Anderson
- Chavo Guerrero
- Mike "Simon Dean" Bucci

Man all the storylines are gonna be messed up if those 5 guys are suspended, but these people just could be clients and never got steroids, so it doesnt necessarily mean that these people are suspended.

edit: Espn put an article up listing more people as clients:

Shoichi Funaki, Chris Mordetsky (Masters), and the one and only Dave Bautista (Batista).

Wow how are they going to do smackdown without Batista.

31-08-2007, 12:35 AM
Ten wrestlers? That's insane. As much as it is good news from a moral standpoint, if they went and suspended talented wrestlers it could severely damage the product. Especially if the post above me is correct.

31-08-2007, 12:37 AM
Ten wrestlers? That's insane. As much as it is good news from a moral standpoint, if they went and suspended talented wrestlers it could severely damage the product. Especially if the post above me is correct.
It could also damage the product if they didn't suspend them.

31-08-2007, 01:35 AM
If a story like this is well documented by the press and the superstars involved don't get punished (that being suspenseion ect) then that would give the company a bad name. With some of the superstars being in story lines at presesnt and guys who are "at the top" of the wwe. It will give guys that don't get alot of time to show themselfs and push them.

31-08-2007, 02:52 PM
:( I know its the right thing for them to do but it is seriously going to screw up the storylines. Most importantly the McMahon's illegitimate child (who was meant to be Mr Kennedy) and the Orton V Cena storyline (that is if the rumours are true!).

It may also mean that the main storylines are based around the McMahon Family.. I can see a new McMahon-Helmsley era heading our way.

What a disappointment. I'd be really shocked if, as rumoured, Chavo Guererro is one of the 10 especially since what happened with Eddie.

31-08-2007, 02:57 PM
im hoping jh isntin them 10 superstars otherwise a 2 months suspension for him:(

31-08-2007, 03:08 PM
People are shcoked to see Batistra and chris Masters on the list how can you be shocked about that? Just look at them

01-09-2007, 10:00 AM
LMAO @ The new Tag Champs , Hardy and MVP match was a laugh. Matts punch to MVP's face was the tag , MVP threw him outta the ring and pinned Deuce.
Great! And damn , check the Size of Khali compared to Rey!

01-09-2007, 02:15 PM
WWE has lost it big this time.

If Orton goes, Cena Vs. Orton story line will be crippled.

If Kennedy goes, McMahon's illigetimate son will have to be put on hold.

If Booker gets done, his possible title runs/storylines could be hampered.

Morrison goes, then ECW are champless.

If Edge gets done, then his storyline with taker will be effected too.

01-09-2007, 05:27 PM
I agree with Hoodster
I think the WWE have to re-think what they're going to do.

01-09-2007, 08:28 PM
They are obliged to suspend them to prove a point but at the same time it'll mess up the programming and storylines :(

also, off topic: if anyone is into the whole e-fed thing there is a cool website where you can create your own wrestler! You can use the appearance of another wrestler or celebrity!

http://z7.invisionfree.com/wwnet/index.php? (http://z7.invisionfree.com/wwnet/index.php?)if you're interested :)

01-09-2007, 09:46 PM
Anybody that takes steroids deserves to be suspended, like them or not.

Smackdown was pretty good this week, and it will get even better since taker returns soon.

01-09-2007, 10:48 PM
They said with John Morrison that he will still hold the WWECW tittle and still wrestle but with out being payed

02-09-2007, 05:38 AM
Umaga\Hardy for the title on raw tomorrow. Looks like Umaga is gonna lose the title and get suspended.


02-09-2007, 09:20 AM
Looks like CM Punk is the new champ

02-09-2007, 11:42 AM
Its not your first day on the forum anymore :]

Its about time Punk was champ aswell , he deserves it ;]

So does Hardy tbh , well seeing as he's my favourite i reckon he should win everything :)

02-09-2007, 12:33 PM
Yeah, that is a bonus of the big stars getting fired. Give the minor ones chance to shine and become bigger players!

02-09-2007, 03:20 PM
I might have to start watching ecw weekly since nitro is gone and punk is champ.

02-09-2007, 04:06 PM
10 WWE Superstars suspended for using steroids.
Mr Kennedy, Chavo Guerrero, Gregory Helms, Randy Orton, John Morrison, Shoichi Funaki, Charlie Haas, Umaga, William Regal and Edge are all suspended.

Batista, King Booker, Santino Marella and Chris Masters have also been named by the US press as using the company. Their orders were probably placed before February 2006 though, so they will not be suspended.

Simon Dean has been fired also because of steroids.

The likely reason WWE didn't release the names of the suspended wrestlers is because they wanted to get the titles off them first. If they announced the names as being suspended and then they worked the TV tapings this weekend (which they are), it'd make WWE look bad to the media, not that they already don't.
CM Punk took the title from Morrison at the ECW taping so he's definitely suspended and off TV.
Rey Mysterio also won an 'I Quit' match at the SD! taping which will allow Chavo Guerrero to go serve his suspension.
Also, tomorrow night at the RAW taping Jeff Hardy and Umaga will kick off the show when Hardy challenges Umaga for the Intercontinental Championship. You can expect a title change here as well so they can take Umaga off TV to serve his suspension
--------------------------------------------- -- It looks like Batista and Randy Orton won't be suspended though....

Above is more spoilers about the steroid suspensions and title changes because of it.

All from Wrestlezone.com

02-09-2007, 04:09 PM
Simmon Dean? Havent see him scince Batista destroyed him like two years ago?

02-09-2007, 04:12 PM
He was on Heat, I saw him 2-3 months ago on RAW

02-09-2007, 04:13 PM
Eugene has been released :(

02-09-2007, 04:15 PM
Eugene has been released :(


WWE has come to terms on the release of WWE Smackdown talent Eugene as of September 1. We wish Eugene the best in all future endeavors.


02-09-2007, 04:16 PM
About time wasn't doing anything big right now

02-09-2007, 08:15 PM
Cryme Tyme released. :O

02-09-2007, 08:49 PM
Cryme Tyme released. :O
they hardly did anything anyway

02-09-2007, 10:46 PM

I loved Eugene and Cryme Tyme :(

OMG, they are getting rid of everything with a gimmick :(

02-09-2007, 10:56 PM
Crymetyme won't be making that...
Money money, yeah yeah,
that money money, yeah yeah.

02-09-2007, 11:03 PM
They gonna make that
Money Money Yh Yh! In Tna!! (I hope)

03-09-2007, 02:21 AM
They got fired, fired, yeah, yeah.

In all seriousness Cryme Tyme was the best tag-team on raw in terms of their gimmick. I actually will miss their segments. :(

edit: apperently it was due to a real life altercation with Cade and Murdoch.

03-09-2007, 03:30 PM
edit: apperently it was due to a real life altercation with Cade and Murdoch.


I'm gonna miss cryme tyme, great tag team :(

03-09-2007, 03:33 PM
So who is Vince's illegitimate child?

I don't want to give away the Spoiler about what happened on RAW. But who can it be now?

03-09-2007, 03:36 PM
I still think it'll be kennedy

03-09-2007, 06:29 PM

nvm found it

This weekend, WWE released SmackDown! wrestler Eugene and RAW tag team Cryme Time.
Eugene was released by WWE because he recently violated WWE's Wellness Policy for a third time. After a recent drug test, Eugene had a prescription drug show up in his system and he was unable to produce proof the drug was properly prescribed to him by a doctor.
As for Crime Tyme, there's a very interesting story behind this one. Backstage, there has been heat between Crime Tyme and Cade & Murdoch for several weeks. During an altercation at a house show this weekend, shad from Crime Tyme said to Trevor Murdock, "Whatever happens out there happens". This was seen as a direct threat and Murdoch addressed Shad's threat in front of the rest of the locker room.
Cade & Murdoch decided to pull a rib on Crime Tyme involving the referee of their match that night and a major swerve. There is a spot in the match where JTG gets bumnped out of the ring and gets back in right before getting counted out. The swerve is that the refs were going to count very fast at the end and disqualify Crime Tyme - -without them knowing hte real finish to the match. After it went down, Crime Tyme was shocked -- but immediately gave the referee their finishing maneuver - took off his belt and auctioned it off in the crowd!
Although the referee was protected during the move and they stayed in character by auctioning off his belt, Crime Tyme still performed their finisher on somebody who did not expect it or was trained to take it and were seen as the real "bad guys" of the whole situation. They were released after the show.

03-09-2007, 06:57 PM
Cryme Tyme was the best

Yo' yo' yo' it's Cryme Tyme

03-09-2007, 07:25 PM
Raw taping results.

It's not a sell out, but a large crowd tonight.

- Lilian Garcia came out.


- Val Venis defeated Jay Bradley.

- Super Crazy defeated Shawn Spears.

- Hacksaw Jim Duggan defeated Chad ?

- Lance Cade and Trevor Murdoch defeated The Highlanders.


- Raw begins with a video segment of Randy Orton attacking John Cena's father Johnny Fabulous. The crowd is perfect, cheer when they should and boo when they should.

- Jeff Hardy defeated Umaga to capture the IC title.

- They are showing Triple and Carlito as upcoming tonight, not sure if its a match or the Cabana. They are also advertising "the McMahon family confrontation."

- Segment with Vince and Carlito. Vince suggests a handicap match because Umaga is mad about his loss. So it'll be Umaga and Carlito vs. Triple H.

- Another segment with Melina talking to William Regal about things she has done with Vince in private meetings. She whispers in Regal's ear and Regal claims its "filthy."

- Stephanie McMahon shows up, and then Linda shows with Linda slapping Melina in the face. Melina rubs her face, turns around and sees Ron Simmons who says "damn."

- Santino Marella comes out to vent his frustrations about Simmons and the "dump of a City Columbus," and Sandman interrupts. Sandman chases him out of the ring.

- Beth Phoenix defeated Maria in about a minute. Beth says she is cashing in her opportunity against Candice Michelle at Unforgiven, and Candice comes running to save Maria.

- William Regal comes out to announce he gave Randy Orton the night off because of his actions last week. They are showing Randy via "satellite." Regal announces Orton vs. Cena at Unforgiven for the WWE championship. Cena comes out and kisses his dog tags and attacks Regal. They send out three referees out to try to get Cena off .. Cena walks up the ramp and leaves Regal in a heap on the floor.

- Brian Kendrick and Paul London defeated the World's Greatest Tag Team - Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin.

- They show Regal in an ambulance getting treated and Shane McMahon walks by towards the arena.

- They aired a video about CM Punk and his desire to be champion. In the segment he says something like "I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, my high is wrestling."

- Vince and Coach have financial advisors and they are talking about Vince's money and how the family can't touch him. He then asks Coach how Regal is doing. Coach says "pretty beat up" and Vince replies with "well Coach, I guess its time for you to step up again."

- Cody Rhodes and Mickie James defeated Jillian Hall and Daiviri.

- Melina did the kiss cam.

- During the Triple H vs. Carlito and Umaga match, the ref rang the bell about 1 minute into the match because they were double teaming Triple H in the corner, I'm guess for a DQ. Carlito brings a steel chair in, Triple H grabs it and starts to beat Umaga. He decided it wasn't doing the job so he climbed out of the ring to grab the sledgehammer busting Umaga wide open and continues his attack. Carlito retreats leaving Umaga in a pool of his own blood with Triple H standing over Umaga holding the sledgehammer. Huge pop for Triple H.

- Off air, they carry Umaga out on a stretcher and change the pad on the mat from all of the blood.

- Vince comes out and says everything is about the money and out walks Linda. She tells Vince she's the CEO of WWE and has plenty of money, she doesn't need his. But just so he knows based on his cheating and his parade of women. Vince tries to defend himself saying he's loney on the road and Stephanie comes out. She COULD take him to court for everything he's got. Vince tells Stephanie they have had good times together as she grew up and he put a video together of "Daddy's girl." Which is a montage of clips from past times like Vince choking Steph, kicking her, etc. He screams its the wrong video and turns it off. Coach says someone sabotated the video and then cut to Triple H in the back drinking water. Hunter says "Vince, I had nothing to do with that! Hi Steph." Steph says she does love Vince and he obviously doesn't get it and asks him to step down as chairman of the board. Shane's music hits. Vince asks Shane if he agrees and Shane asks which Vince McMahon he's talk to. The fearless leader who he's proud to call his father or the grapefruit swining maniacal conceited (etc.) embarrassment. Vince tells Shane to stop calling his wife names. Boring chants then turn into "*******" chants. Fans seem really bored .. its hard to hear the mics aren't very loud. Vince says he confesses that he has only cheated on Linda once in his whole life and that was with the woman who gave birth to his ******* child. Kennedy apologizes for interrupting saying everything happens for a reason. There was a reason he came face to face with him the night he found he had a son. Vince is on his knees vowing to be a better father and human. Vince is on his knees when Mr. Kennedy comes out. That his last name is the same as his middle name .. that he demands the ******* child be revealed next week in Green Bay, Wisconsin. And Kennedy says "ya see dad .. i'm your son." Stephanie butts in and says "you might be a *******, but you aren't my dad's *******." And tells him to prove it. Kennedy tells Vince he inspired him to become the greatest WWE superstar. Vince stands there with a grin as Mr. Kennedy's says "Mrrr.. Kennedy .. Mr. McMahon." A guy interrupts and says he represents the woman who gave birth to his son, its a male on the roster but the DNA test shows its not Mr. Kennedy. But it won't be revealed until next week. The guy messes up his lines dropes his paper and says the only clue he can give out is "things are looking up." They stumble through that portion because the lawyer totally messed up.

Vince sends everyone away except Kennedy and tells him to stop pretending and Vince says we are gonna have a match .. bring out a referee. Kennedy vs. Cena, a man full of rage for all the right reasons, and calls Cena a lunatic. Cena gets in the ring, runs his mouth and beats Kennedy down. The ref rings the bell and the match is on. Cena continues attacking and ripped Kennedy's shirt off and shreds it. Cena wins the FU.

- Raw goes off the air. Cena takes time in the ring and leaves shaking hands with fans.

- No dark match, Lilian told everyone goodnight.
Edit; the *'s are either A-hole or Bathturd.

04-09-2007, 02:48 PM
List of superstars for smackdown vs raw 2008:

Bobby Lashley, Booker T, Carlito, Jeff Hardy, John Cena, JTG, Ken Kennedy, Randy Orton, Shad, Shawn Michaels, Snitzky, Triple H, Umaga, William Regal

Batista, Chavo Guerrero, Chris Masters, Edge, Finlay, Gregory Helms, Kane, Kenny Dykstra, Mark Henry, Matt Hardy, MVP, Rey Mysterio, Ric Flair, The Great Khali, Undertaker

CM Punk, Elijah Burke, Johnny Nitro, Marcus Cor Von, Sabu, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer

Ashley, Candice Michelle, Kelly Kelly, Melina, Michelle McCool, Mickie James, Torrie Wilson

Bret Hart, Mick Foley, Rick Rude, "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, Terry Funk, The Rock

04-09-2007, 04:26 PM
Booker's apparently left the E, concerning the recent drugs scandal.

05-09-2007, 12:02 AM
I think the son will be Snitsky, due to the things are looking up part.

05-09-2007, 12:58 PM
Yeh, someone posted that storyline on Snitsky's Wikipedia page, but was removed within a few hours ha.

Source: PWTorch.com

Ric Flair quit WWE this week over frustration with his push and a lack of any encouraging communication from the front office.

There are now discussions to try to talk him into cooling off and agreeing to not quit.

His situation doesn't appear to be at all related to the suspensions, although he's now more valuable with some names being gone for a month.

If things don't work out, it's not beyond the realm of possibility that Flair could be offered a sweet and tempting deal to be part of TNA's two hour launch. TNA is interested and aware of the situation.

05-09-2007, 03:14 PM
ABC News is confirming that tests conducted by Julian Bailes of the Sports Legacy Institute show that Chris Benoit’s brain was severely damaged at the time he murdered his wife and son before taking his own life. According to the tests his brain resembled that of an 85-year-old Alzheimer's patient. Bailes said that the damage was the result of lifetime chronic concussions and head trauma.

Chris Benoit was famous for his flying headbutt, which is a lot of stress on the brain each time the maneuver is pulled off. While nothing can justify his actions, this at least helps the coping process.


05-09-2007, 03:23 PM
least it helps us understand abit more of course there is no excuse just puts an insight ingto what he wa like before he did it

06-09-2007, 07:15 PM
- Brain examination results from Chris Benoit came out today and tests
performed indicated that there was big damage from repeated concussions and
other blows to the head. Similar tests conducted on other five athletes -
two of whom committed suicide - showed that Benoit had the highest level of
brain damage compared to the other five. These results were presented in New
York this morning during a press conference hosted by Dr. Julian Bailes of
the Department of Neurosurgery at West Virginia University and Dr. Robert
Cantu, the Chief of Neurosurgery Service and Director of Sports Medicine at
Emerson Hospital in Concord, MA. Dr. Bailes said that considering the amount
of brain damage found it was enough to explain the double murder-suicide.

06-09-2007, 07:35 PM
Every move concerning a Head-but will be banned now, you'll see.

07-09-2007, 06:45 PM
yep like that shooting star press drop i cant remember why it got banned fully but someone got fired on the spot when he used it lol

07-09-2007, 07:21 PM
Lesner used it and it went wrong lol

07-09-2007, 08:04 PM
Actually, it was billy kidman. He caused Chavo to slip into unconciousness for 7 minutes by accidently kneeing him in the head. They then banned it.

07-09-2007, 08:23 PM
yeh just read it up on wikipedia

07-09-2007, 08:46 PM
Whats on smackdown tonight eh?

07-09-2007, 11:57 PM
It's smackdown.. isnt even worth the effort to find out tonights match-ups. :/

08-09-2007, 12:36 PM
deuce v hardy was interesting to see. didnt think MVP would do that to Deuce though , thought he'd let hardy just get wrecked

08-09-2007, 02:20 PM
deuce v hardy was interesting to see. didnt think MVP would do that to Deuce though , thought he'd let hardy just get wrecked

Same.. maybe they're giving MVP a face turn?

08-09-2007, 02:24 PM
Same.. maybe they're giving MVP a face turn?

How dare you display a picture of Steph in your signature. That's just an insult to her, disgraceful.

08-09-2007, 02:25 PM
Same.. maybe they're giving MVP a face turn?
Yeah , although I would prefer it if the Hardy boyz were champions again, I love them as a tag team!
Although , i would like to see MVP+MH's potentional.

08-09-2007, 03:06 PM
How dare you display a picture of Steph in your signature. That's just an insult to her, disgraceful.

Excuse me? How's that an insult?

Yeah , although I would prefer it if the Hardy boyz were champions again, I love them as a tag team!
Although , i would like to see MVP+MH's potentional.

I miss the hardy boyz :( They always ruin tag teams like when they split the dudleys when they first did the brand extension and then they broke up Shelton Benjumin and Charley Haas for a while..

08-09-2007, 03:15 PM
Excuse me? How's that an insult?

Because you sir/madam, are VILE.

Edited by opensourcehost (Forum Super Moderator): Please do not be rude towards other forum members.

08-09-2007, 03:22 PM
Excuse me? How's that an insult?

I miss the hardy boyz :( They always ruin tag teams like when they split the dudleys when they first did the brand extension and then they broke up Shelton Benjumin and Charley Haas for a while..
Yeah , I remember Shelton and Charley had a ladder match against the Hardyz.
They made a ladder sandwich on Charley and put Shelton on top!
Crowds go insane when the hardyz come out so I dont see why they dont put them on more.

08-09-2007, 03:26 PM
Because you sir/madam, are VILE.

Do I even know you?!

Yeah , I remember Shelton and Charley had a ladder match against the Hardyz.
They made a ladder sandwich on Charley and put Shelton on top!
Crowds go insane when the hardyz come out so I dont see why they dont put them on more.

The Hardyz had some fantastic matches like TLC, Ladders etc and its a shame. The Edge & Christian/Hardyz/Dudleyz era was the best imo

08-09-2007, 06:17 PM
How dare you display a picture of Steph in your signature. That's just an insult to her, disgraceful.

Because you sir/madam, are VILE.

Steph is well fit

08-09-2007, 10:27 PM
apart from her nose..

08-09-2007, 11:16 PM
The Dudleyz may be coming back :)
Matt wants a singles push so he dosn't want to do tag team with jeff
so this run with tag now will not last long probs.
Jericho has just been offered a bigger contract in like the last 24 hours
I want him back now!

09-09-2007, 12:54 PM
WWE do need some new superstars that can be part of major storylines and make a big impact on their debuts or returns becuase of the suspensions

09-09-2007, 01:21 PM
I think they are hoping to revisit the old times.

You know Rock v HHH and Jericho and the McMahon-Helmsley Era and just basically trying to relive the glory years when WWE was really at its best. HHH last week sat all the roster down and said that the company is under threat so there is going to be alot of passion now.

I really hope the dudleyz do come back and i'd like to see Kurt Angle come back aswell! That'd be so cool. I still think getting rid of Cryme Tyme and Eugene was a bad move but there's a mixed opinion there.

I just love the WWE and I really hope they can get themselves scandal-free very soon!

09-09-2007, 01:38 PM
I dont think itll ever be as good as the attitude era again :(.

09-09-2007, 02:32 PM
I think that they need to stop trying to hire these young stars like Cody Rhodes and stick to the more old-school stuff from the Attitude era. I think now that the whole mcmahon family are back its going to get great.

09-09-2007, 02:52 PM
I think that they need to stop trying to hire these young stars like Cody Rhodes and stick to the more old-school stuff from the Attitude era. I think now that the whole mcmahon family are back its going to get great.
They made cody crap LOL
The one good thing he did was the missile kick on orton and even after that he messed his match up.
I still prefer kane with his mask though! They should've kept him masked for a while longer imo.

09-09-2007, 03:11 PM
Becuase the WWE is under treat by a smaller promotion that will make them step up there game. And with Soma Joe turning down a new contract with Tna who knows where he will end up?

09-09-2007, 06:31 PM

09-09-2007, 07:00 PM
Triple H meant under threat by the scandal. The US Government and investigating them heavily in real life with the whole Benoit thing and now with this steroids scandal.

I miss the days when we could just have something fun and entertaining without it being screwed up. :(

09-09-2007, 07:59 PM
In the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer reports that Robert Huffman (King Booker) quit WWE when he was told that he was to be suspended for 60 days, as a punishment to the Signature Pharmacy bust. He was believed to have failed a Wellness Program test before, hence the 60 days suspension instead of 30.

While WWE is still trying to negotiate Huffman's staying with them, they're going on under the impression he's done. The two sides had been having troubles recently, with a major setback being John Laurinaitis' call to go with Florida for a developmental territory - where WWE would start from scratch - instead of going with Booker's already established PWA, which WWE had been loaning wrestlers to. After they made the call to stop that, Booker went to his friends at TNA and booked them for his shows instead, which didn't sit so well with anyone backstage, but they couldn't say much having pulled WWE talent from PWA.

Booker is pretty much set financially and has wanted out of wrestling for a while. At age 42, he's accomplished a lot, and thanks to his hip hop store doing well in Houston, and his two wrestling schools up and running, there's really no need for him to stick around.

09-09-2007, 10:45 PM
I hope he does go! I have never been a fan really. Doesn't excite me.

10-09-2007, 02:17 PM
Starting October 4th
Tna will have a two hour time slot. That now means that WWE will have to step up there game. Overal its great for wrestling

10-09-2007, 03:08 PM
Dark Matches: Jesse and Festus defeated some local guys and Jimmy Wang Yang defeated some guy I forget who.

- Michelle McCool and Victoria went to a No Contest when Chuck Palumbo and Kenny Dykstra started fighting in the ring.

- Michelle McCool and Chuck Palumbo defeated Victoria and Kenny Dykstra

- Mark Henry came out for a segment dressed up like one of the druids.
Undertaker's video and burning emblem came up and cut Henry's segment short.

- Shannon Moore defeated Jamie ****le

- Domino with Deuce defeated MVP with Matt Hardy. This was a non-title
U.S. match I'm pretty sure.

- Finlay d. Kane in the first ever Belfast Street Fight

- Batista defeated The Great Khali by DQ in a World Title match

SmackDown really disappointed. We had Batista and Mysterio vs. Finlay and Khali advertised as a dark match main event but it never happened. No Rey Mysterio at all. A lot of fans seemed to leave in a lot of disappointment.

Biggest Pops: Batista, Matt Hardy, Hornswoggle
Biggest Heat: Great Khali, Mark Henry, MVP


- ECW opens with Armando Alejandro Estrada in the ring with CM Punk. Punk gives him his new tshirt and tells Estrada to put it on since he's Punk's biggest fan. Estrada announces CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke for the ECW Title at Unforgiven.

- The Miz d. Tommy Dreamer

- Matt Striker with Big V d. Nunzio

- Mike Knox d. Balls Mahoney

- CM Punk and Stevie Richards d. Kevin Thorne and Elijah Burke
Pops of the night: CM Punk, Stevie Richards, Balls
Heat of the night: Elijah Burke, The Miz

ECW/SD! Tapings.

10-09-2007, 03:32 PM
Starting October 4th
Tna will have a two hour time slot. That now means that WWE will have to step up there game. Overal its great for wrestling

No they won't..

They're on different days & in different time-slots, wheres the competition?

WWE are making over double the ratings that TNA pull in, whats their worry?

10-09-2007, 07:44 PM
Tna better storylines
The deal was confirmed last night at the no surender ppv.
Why watch Cena is a main event when you could see the likes of Angle or Abyss?

11-09-2007, 12:48 AM
WWe's highest rating this year was 4.3 which is almost 4 times better than tna's (1.1), so they have nothing to worry about yet.

11-09-2007, 12:55 AM
ECW/SD! Tapings.

Victoria jobbing to Michelle is absolutely disgraceful. I couldn't care less for the rest of the results.

11-09-2007, 03:16 PM
Tna better storylines
The deal was confirmed last night at the no surender ppv.
Why watch Cena is a main event when you could see the likes of Angle or Abyss?

TNA doesn't & won't have anything on WWE at any point, until they hit at LEAST 2.0 regulary, then, they can consider trying to switch it to a Monday, Tuesday or Friday night.

WWE have 4 televised programs, TNA have 1.

TNA can't do a thing & won't be able to ever, IMO.

11-09-2007, 03:21 PM
lmao, hornswoggle McMahons son :]

11-09-2007, 04:45 PM
lmao, hornswoggle McMahons son :]

That has to be the most STUPID and IRRITATING result of any storyline ever. All that bloomin' build up for that. What an outrage.

You also should've put that in spoiler tags as not everyone would've seen RAW yet.

11-09-2007, 05:46 PM
Ah well, they'll live :]

11-09-2007, 07:26 PM
Not like theyre missing much..

Kennedy's still gotta' be involved though, he gotta..

11-09-2007, 08:13 PM
Huge let down

11-09-2007, 08:17 PM
waste of a storyline putting hornswoggle as vinces son

12-09-2007, 12:20 AM
Terrible, terrible. If Kennedy was the son as planned the build would've been worth it.

13-09-2007, 05:44 PM
Terrible, terrible. If Kennedy was the son as planned the build would've been worth it.
Unless they now do a whole Kennedy tries to prove himself as Vince's son?

Also , for the new game what if Hornswoggle is still champ? Does that mean that they'd have to put him in the game?!
He'd have like noone to fight!

13-09-2007, 05:48 PM
Unless they now do a whole Kennedy tries to prove himself as Vince's son?

Also , for the new game what if Hornswoggle is still champ? Does that mean that they'd have to put him in the game?!
He'd have like noone to fight!
They could do that, say Swoggle tampered with the DNA or something

13-09-2007, 09:00 PM
Rumour has it that

Triple H set up the Hornswaggle angle to get at Vince and it turns out that Mr Kennedy is infact Vince's son and there is set to be a huge Triple H V Mr Kennedy rivalry which will indeed involve Stephanie McMahon picking a corner! :P

13-09-2007, 09:30 PM
Sounds great. Should be a great fued

13-09-2007, 10:28 PM
WWE news and notes

According to one source, Vince has scheduled a Board of Directors meeting to specifically address which international territories they should open up and get the green light to start as soon as possible. It is believed that Vince feels with everything that is going down involving Congress and a potential wrongful death lawsuit, wrestling may be in for a rough haul domestically, and thus it is important to solidify operations elsewhere.

The feeling is that while WWE may be at its lowest point in history as it regards perception in the United States, they'll continue to be embraced overseas. It is believed the four territories they are looking at most strongly are UK (wheels are already very much in motion), the UK, Asia and Mexico.

Regarding the illegitimate son deal, I would be stunned if this wasn't just a way to prolong the storyline until Kennedy returns from suspension. The whole deal with Kennedy may have been axed, but my feeling from watching Raw is that it has not. I base this mostly on the original plans, which would have seen Kennedy and Vince team up to try to wrest control of the company from the rest of the family, and Hunter coming out as the husband of Steph and siding with her, Linda and Shane.

It makes no sense to continue the Hunter/Steph deal like they subtly did on Raw if that's not the direction they're going. I think that there is a good three-to-four weeks of fun stuff you can do with Hornswaggle as the child, and then by the time it runs its course Kennedy will be back and they can move forward as scheduled. I know that Vince was irate that word of future plans leaked out, and he and Stephanie both gave stern lectures to the writing crew about it. They were so paranoid that they didn't tell anyone who the son was going to be on Raw and flew in all the wrestlers from all the brands to make sure nobody could rule anyone out by process of elimination. Kennedy was at the show backstage for this reason. They're also being very tight-lipped about where this goes from here, which also suggests that Hornswaggle as the child isn't the end of this whole thing.

Rosie was at OVW training this week. The feeling is he'll be offered a deal.

Ric Flair is denying that he quit WWE. Well, we did merely report that he gave notice. There are definitely issues between the two sides, but, as noted last week, I do expect him to return at some point. He was asked about it on a radio show this week and said, "That is not true. That is not true. I don't know how that got started. What would the WWE do without me? I'm the only guy to go to work every day and have for 34 1/2 years".

King Booker is likely done for now. He was the 60 day suspension and was outraged. He was ****** because he'd already been suspended once (I believe around the time where he and Sharmell had the supposed break-up on Smackdown and he vanished) and then got the 60-day suspension just because his name showed up on the Signature list. He was very close to signing a new long-term contract but was constantly holding out. We mentioned many of his demands in the newsletter several weeks back, including a desire to sit in on production meetings during his feud with Hunter to make sure that he wasn't buried. He had no contract going into SummerSlam and was constantly telling the office that he would sign it as soon as his attorney finished looking it over for the final time.

It is believed that he was dragging it out so that he could see how he was taken care of in the SummerSlam match. He was also upset that Orton had showed up on the list, but because he'd served his time or come clean or whatever the deal was, he wasn't hit with a 60-day. As noted many times, Booker had been wanting to get out of the business for some time, often citing that he was going to retire at 40. He has a hip-hop store in Houston and his wrestling school/promotion, and he saved enough money to not have to worry about the bullcrap.

He'd made it clear that if he'd been drafted to ECW earlier this year, he'd have quit right then and there. Basically, he's another example of a guy who doesn't need the business and got out because he wasn't happy with how things were going down. He'd also stated many times that he didn't want to be like the other guys who died on the road in some hotel.

Shawn and HHH were at Ohio Valley last week for a closed door meeting with talent. I believe they were there largely for a pep talk meeting and training session. Shawn can't go all out yet, but they were both there answering questions and giving advice. The belief within the company is that when Vince McMahon is no longer in charge, Steph will run the corporate end, Shane will run global media and licensing, and Hunter and Shawn will be in charge of developmental.

Regarding testing in developmental, while discussions are ongoing about how to incorporate it into the current Wellness policy, the fact is that there has always been some form of testing. Guys were tested when they first came in and then tested randomly from that point forward. One source said the only person he'd ever heard of failing was Ryan Reeves, and that the loopholes were very well known. In fact, this source claimed that he was specifically told by a member of WWE management that is no longer with the company that the way around the test was to get a prescription for whatever you were taking.

He noted that another wrestler was always bragging about how he got a prescription and was buying all of his stuff online. As it turns out, this guy ended up on the Signature list. Oops. This wrestler used to brag about how he'd go home, get drunk, and then go out in the snow and inject himself so that his parents wouldn't see it. Apparently, this fell under the category of therapeutic usage under a physician's care.

London & Kendrick beat Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch in Cape Town, South Africa to win the WWE Tag Team Titles, then lost them back a few days later. This was mentioned on WWE.com and Raw.

We're told that Matt Sydal has signed his WWE developmental contract and will be heading to OVW.

14-09-2007, 02:00 AM
Rumour has it that

Triple H set up the Hornswaggle angle to get at Vince and it turns out that Mr Kennedy is infact Vince's son and there is set to be a huge Triple H V Mr Kennedy rivalry which will indeed involve Stephanie McMahon picking a corner! :P
Hope that happens, that would be really worth it.

15-09-2007, 07:52 AM
SD was pretty crap tbh
Khali desimated batista again ;\

15-09-2007, 05:49 PM
I fell asleep during SD. :rolleyes:

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