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  1. Do you have a gym membership? (21 risposte)
  2. What time do you set your alarm for? (30 risposte)
  3. do u have a violin? (21 risposte)
  4. What is the first thing you learned to cook? (19 risposte)
  5. Children in need 2015 (16 risposte)
  6. Pub in Bristol where cats are welcome! (18 risposte)
  7. Charity (10 risposte)
  8. How long have you had your current Habbox username? (22 risposte)
  9. Have you learnt anything from Habbox? (18 risposte)
  10. Post a ridiculous joke (10 risposte)
  11. Emirates: #HelloJetman (1 risposte)
  12. Did you do the two minutes silence? (14 risposte)
  13. Guy Fawkes (Bonfire) Night (9 risposte)
  14. How many times have you "left" Habbo/Habbox? (28 risposte)
  15. Littering and dog fouling (8 risposte)
  16. Who most famous on forum? (19 risposte)
  17. How long can you spend alone? (19 risposte)
  18. Would you rather be hated or invisible? (12 risposte)
  19. What weird food combinations do you like? (12 risposte)
  20. Comedians that you can't stand (20 risposte)
  21. Age (42 risposte)
  22. what are you doing tonight (halloween) (13 risposte)
  23. Do you hunt or not? If so deer or moose? (16 risposte)
  24. Jury Duty (18 risposte)
  25. Marmite - love it or hate it? (21 risposte)
  26. Do you use coupons? (34 risposte)
  27. NASA Apollo Mission Images - Now on Flickr (0 risposte)
  28. What members of the nobility have you ever met/seen? (10 risposte)
  29. Post a Picture of your Cat! (4 risposte)
  30. Favourite flower (12 risposte)
  31. Favourite building (10 risposte)
  32. Post the colour of your bedroom (18 risposte)
  33. What do you think you will perish from? (10 risposte)
  34. Name something productive you've recently done (12 risposte)
  35. Favourite flag (16 risposte)
  36. What purchase do you regret the most? (20 risposte)
  37. What's your method of beating procrastination? (9 risposte)
  38. Should you know your partners salary? (28 risposte)
  39. What's your favourite day out? (9 risposte)
  40. Favourite animal? (27 risposte)
  41. Weird websites you visit (7 risposte)
  42. Roads in your neighbourhood named after people (3 risposte)
  43. Did You Have an Imaginary Friend? (18 risposte)
  44. Ryan Dawson, David Cole, Denierbud, and Eric Hunt - Dream Team? (With Germar Rudolf) (1 risposte)
  45. Unpopular opinions MIXED MEDIA VERSION (6 risposte)
  46. Skydiving (11 risposte)
  47. Doing a Massive Soda Binge: Suggestions? (19 risposte)
  48. Drink Coke/7up (25 risposte)
  49. Kickstarter (and the likes) (4 risposte)
  50. Has anyone missed me? (9 risposte)
  51. What sandwich do you get at Subway? (35 risposte)
  52. Truth or dare (2 risposte)
  53. Habbox apoppoclips (1 risposte)
  54. Colours (23 risposte)
  55. what do you do when you can't sleep at night!? (28 risposte)
  56. Tea or coffee (25 risposte)
  57. What do you like/hate more the older you get? (9 risposte)
  58. Who likes Hookah/Shisha? (6 risposte)
  59. Gambling in the US (6 risposte)
  60. Your opinions on tax avoidance? +rep (2 risposte)
  61. How good is your luck? (7 risposte)
  62. Blog (4 risposte)
  63. A moral question for you (21 risposte)
  64. Do you put your bread in the fridge? (29 risposte)
  65. (Win £20) In need of a name for a business (9 risposte)
  66. Poems (6 risposte)
  67. How hard has government policy affected you since 2008? (4 risposte)
  68. Onions (17 risposte)
  69. To all 18-25 Year Olds (1 risposte)
  70. What does your username mean? (41 risposte)
  71. Who do you tip? (33 risposte)
  72. Making phonecalls (34 risposte)
  73. Websites you used to love, but have moved away from? (17 risposte)
  74. Any items/objects you refuse to let go of? (10 risposte)
  75. Interests that have changed since you've grown older? (4 risposte)
  76. What is the most important lesson you’ve learned in life so far? (3 risposte)
  77. What were your first words? (4 risposte)
  78. do you have/had braces (12 risposte)
  79. what do you sleep with (21 risposte)
  80. what do you want your tombstone to say? (10 risposte)
  81. do you have any phobias? (9 risposte)
  82. if you could have anything in the world for free (15 risposte)
  83. identity crisis (9 risposte)
  84. what do you hate most about our generation (28 risposte)
  85. if you found something "worth" taking (6 risposte)
  86. Super Concentrated Squash (11 risposte)
  87. what languages do you speak? (18 risposte)
  88. how long do you spend in the shower (22 risposte)
  89. favourite cuisine (5 risposte)
  90. most important quality in a friend (7 risposte)
  91. what is the first thing you do when you wake up (31 risposte)
  92. dreams (6 risposte)
  93. are you worried for your future? (7 risposte)
  94. favourite deserts (15 risposte)
  95. your soft spots (0 risposte)
  96. plans for the weekend? (16 risposte)
  97. would you ever go to a prostitute? (24 risposte)
  98. what are the things you say to yourself a lot? (0 risposte)
  99. hot or cold (14 risposte)
  100. if you won the lottery what would you do? (15 risposte)
  101. are you an organised person? (18 risposte)
  102. what do people usually get you for a gift (11 risposte)
  103. your indulgences (8 risposte)
  104. how much do you party (34 risposte)
  105. do you have any scars (18 risposte)
  106. The 7 Sins (6 risposte)
  107. what is the weirdest pet you know of someone having (13 risposte)
  108. are there any animals you cant stand (12 risposte)
  109. roller coasters (14 risposte)
  110. sour or sweet (14 risposte)
  111. If someone started killing off criminals (6 risposte)
  112. Weird Habbox habits (31 risposte)
  113. Do you get embarrassed that you're still on a Habbo fansite? (17 risposte)
  114. Is bullfighting acceptable behavior? (8 risposte)
  115. Are law enforcement cameras an invasion of privacy? (2 risposte)
  116. Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (7 risposte)
  117. How "old" are you? (10 risposte)
  118. Morals and Values (22 risposte)
  119. #IndependenceDay (4 risposte)
  120. BBQ (13 risposte)
  121. CHINNY CHIN CHIN (15 risposte)
  122. DUFF? (17 risposte)
  124. SHOPPING: ONLINE OR IN REAL LIFE? (9 risposte)
  125. MEAT: BLUE, RARE, MEDIUM OR WELL DONE? (31 risposte)
  127. If you had a time machine! (10 risposte)
  128. have u ever bought something for a famous person (14 risposte)
  129. Do you still visit school? (22 risposte)
  130. wish list in the short to medium term (14 risposte)
  131. what productive thing did you do today (27 risposte)
  132. Do you print Habboxforum threads? (27 risposte)
  133. Sending Gifts to YouTubers (11 risposte)
  134. Lottery (10 risposte)
  135. The Fallen of World War II (2 risposte)
  136. Do you know the words to your own/any other national anthems? (30 risposte)
  137. Twin strangers (7 risposte)
  138. fathers day (7 risposte)
  139. If you were terminally ill... (19 risposte)
  140. Update On Bethany Hamilton "Donations" (9 risposte)
  141. What did you dream about last night? (10 risposte)
  142. Whats your favorite beer (20 risposte)
  143. Amazon eVouchers (5 risposte)
  144. Skype Problems (10 risposte)
  145. Are you going to a festival this year? (22 risposte)
  146. night shifts (11 risposte)
  147. Birthday Cake Recommendations (12 risposte)
  148. Which Ab Fab character are you? (16 risposte)
  149. One Wish (16 risposte)
  150. What makes a great conversation topic? (5 risposte)
  151. What is this game? (30 risposte)
  152. What are your thoughts on HabboxForum? (12 risposte)
  153. Who do you talk to most on HabboxForum? (31 risposte)
  154. Video - "Waiting for Someone is Harassment" (4 risposte)
  155. What do you crave to eat/do/listen/play now? (11 risposte)
  156. Paranormal Experience (2 risposte)
  157. What's not funny? (19 risposte)
  158. Crystal ball (4 risposte)
  159. What are you thankful for? (10 risposte)
  160. Awkward situations (2 risposte)
  161. The worst / best / weirdest dreams (6 risposte)
  162. Muck up day :) (12 risposte)
  163. What's your favourite type of popcorn? (17 risposte)
  164. Do you like watching the sun set? (15 risposte)
  165. Election Updates (11 risposte)
  166. What's your favourite time of year? (16 risposte)
  167. Pets (22 risposte)
  168. Do you bite your nails? (19 risposte)
  169. What do you prefer the most? (11 risposte)
  170. What is your favourite way to drink? (24 risposte)
  171. Are you a night owl or an early bird? (21 risposte)
  172. What's your guilty pleasure? (14 risposte)
  173. Favourite Scent? (14 risposte)
  174. Tell your best joke (4 risposte)
  175. If you could be someone else for the day... (18 risposte)
  176. Which restaurants do you go to? (19 risposte)
  177. Who do you miss from HabboxForum? (24 risposte)
  178. What have you got on your keys? (30 risposte)
  179. Space (17 risposte)
  180. fave disney princess (19 risposte)
  181. ur fave packet of crisps (21 risposte)
  182. Superpowers (33 risposte)
  183. Fave Pizza Topping (17 risposte)
  184. Fave Alcoholic Beverage (7 risposte)
  185. ur fave celebritys top 3 :) (6 risposte)
  186. Your thoughts on non-domiciles (9 risposte)
  187. Miley Cyrus 'disrespects' the Queen. (19 risposte)
  188. How Old Do I Look? (36 risposte)
  189. Labour Candidate (13 risposte)
  190. Cyber-bullying survey (+rep) (14 risposte)
  191. who are your celebrity crushes? (20 risposte)
  192. How often do you clean your room? (16 risposte)
  193. Board Games (23 risposte)
  194. What is your favourite thing to cook? (28 risposte)
  195. What is your favourite restaurant type/takeaway? (27 risposte)
  196. Presents! (19 risposte)
  197. What is the bravest thing you have ever done? (11 risposte)
  198. What is your earliest memory? (15 risposte)
  199. Brave (13 risposte)
  200. Happy St George's Day (4 risposte)
  201. Chocolate or Ice Cream? (26 risposte)
  202. what was the first text in your phone? (10 risposte)
  203. Randomers adding my Skype (16 risposte)
  204. Most shocking or big events that you think will happen in your lifetime (9 risposte)
  205. How many stairs do you have in your house? (26 risposte)
  206. Have you ever been in a newspaper or on TV? (14 risposte)
  207. Do you have... (11 risposte)
  208. What is your default sleeping position? (22 risposte)
  209. Do you open your eyes underwater? (17 risposte)
  210. Are you purposely delaying something at the moment or not? (12 risposte)
  211. If you could go back to any age other than what you are now, which and why? (5 risposte)
  212. Do you prefer shopping alone or with somebody? (31 risposte)
  213. Post what your last Tweet was (21 risposte)
  214. Do you get hangovers? (37 risposte)
  215. Do you have a favourite tree? (11 risposte)
  216. Do you buy food or drink if you go into town? (0 risposte)
  217. What is your de facto drink at a party or on a night out? (11 risposte)
  218. What general projects in life, if any, are you working on at the moment? (4 risposte)
  219. Do you have a favourite flower? (13 risposte)
  220. What type of pen do you prefer writing with? (14 risposte)
  221. Do you have a signature? (19 risposte)
  222. Do you have any middle names? (22 risposte)
  223. Do you prefer night or day? (23 risposte)
  224. Is going to the beach a normal or an unusual thing for you? (27 risposte)
  225. Does your city or town have a Cathedral? (8 risposte)
  226. Name something productive you last did & why (8 risposte)
  227. Who have you fancied from the forum? (35 risposte)
  228. Those who support or lean towards the Labour Party, why? (73 risposte)
  229. refridgerated chocolate (20 risposte)
  230. most expensive month (12 risposte)
  231. tamagotchi! (14 risposte)
  232. Is Bethany Hamilton Legit? (38 risposte)
  233. HxF snapshot: Who are you *leaning* towards voting this May? [anonymous poll] (26 risposte)
  234. Do you believe in souls? (5 risposte)
  235. Reincarnation (15 risposte)
  236. Norwegian Graduates made this (10 risposte)
  237. Vote Match 2015 - take the quiz (17 risposte)
  238. When out and about, does anything irrationally scare you/make you nervous? (5 risposte)
  239. Do you like your own local area? (7 risposte)
  240. Guys, do you ever get pee fright? (16 risposte)
  241. What is your favourite vegetable? (19 risposte)
  242. What is your favourite meat? (25 risposte)
  243. Have you been making the most of the lovely weather? (20 risposte)
  244. What was the last thing that gave you a fright? (9 risposte)
  245. Past or Future (16 risposte)
  246. Do your real life friends know about Habbox (34 risposte)
  247. Memory loss (16 risposte)
  248. Starbucks - Free Latte(?) (10 risposte)
  249. How many years have you been registered? (23 risposte)
  250. Real life vs Online friends (35 risposte)
  251. What do you miss most... (15 risposte)
  252. If you were facing the death penalty or execution... (24 risposte)
  253. What shops do you mainly go to food-wise? (21 risposte)
  254. If you didn't wake up... (19 risposte)
  255. Duke of Edinburgh Bronze HELP! (2 risposte)
  256. What is your average posts per day on HabboxForum? (20 risposte)
  257. How many HabboxForum referrals do you have? (24 risposte)
  258. How many Facebook friends do you have? (20 risposte)
  259. How many followers on Twitter do you have? (15 risposte)
  260. Insurance. (14 risposte)
  261. What are you having for tea tonight? (23 risposte)
  262. Do you buy food at the cinema? (29 risposte)
  263. What is your favourite pizza topping? (20 risposte)
  264. Hot showers or medium showers? (24 risposte)
  265. Is there anyone you've been told you look like? (27 risposte)
  266. Which current world leaders do you quite like? And really dislike or hate? (5 risposte)
  267. Ancient/historic civilisations or Empires that interest you (4 risposte)
  268. things you cant leave the house without (30 risposte)
  269. Do you have any hidden talents? (2 risposte)
  270. Do you recycle? (20 risposte)
  271. Post your favorite quotes (15 risposte)
  272. What chores do you hate doing? (22 risposte)
  273. What's your worst habbit? (23 risposte)
  274. Things you've done on the forum that you're extremely embarrassed about? (17 risposte)
  275. Solar eclipse! (9 risposte)
  276. What is your favourite cocktail? (31 risposte)
  277. Have you ever been scammed? (14 risposte)
  278. urges in public (13 risposte)
  279. quirky eating habits? (21 risposte)
  280. Greggs (19 risposte)
  281. what are your neighbours like? (27 risposte)
  282. what is broken/breaking in your house (19 risposte)
  283. Learning disabilities? (3 risposte)
  284. What's the earliest memory that you can recall? (17 risposte)
  285. Argos Catalogue - Issue 1 (10 risposte)
  286. Do you have a favourite or lucky number? (23 risposte)
  287. What colour is your front door? (27 risposte)
  288. What type of cheese do you usually have? (25 risposte)
  289. eBay or Amazon? (28 risposte)
  290. Best prank you've played? (8 risposte)
  291. whats your pet's fav toy? (17 risposte)
  292. what do you put in your sandwiches? (29 risposte)
  293. what are you doing (60 risposte)
  294. Homeless people (13 risposte)
  295. what stereotype against your gender do you hate? (16 risposte)
  296. what was the last thing that made you LOL (12 risposte)
  297. Do you think consumerism has "gone too far"? (4 risposte)
  298. Are you registered to vote/Will you vote? (37 risposte)
  299. St. Patricks Day (28 risposte)
  300. How hot do you like your curry? (17 risposte)

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