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  1. Back to .... (5 risposte)
  2. OFFICE SUPPLIES (14 risposte)
  3. handing my notice in (34 risposte)
  4. Teaching abroad (11 risposte)
  5. do you enjoy your job? (23 risposte)
  6. What was your first job? (16 risposte)
  7. Learning Spanish (14 risposte)
  8. What is your dream job? (11 risposte)
  9. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? (11 risposte)
  10. What degree you are studying/studied? (18 risposte)
  11. Exam or Assignment (7 risposte)
  12. Back to work #rona (11 risposte)
  13. Are you glad you went you university? (6 risposte)
  14. Anyone in education right now? School/College/University? (8 risposte)
  15. How understanding have your employers been in the current situation? (9 risposte)
  16. Uni assignments during lockdown (8 risposte)
  17. COVID-19 Return to work email (19 risposte)
  18. How are you adjusting to working from home? (4 risposte)
  19. Weirdest thing you've ever done in an interview (14 risposte)
  20. What was your college experience like? (10 risposte)
  21. If you could study something else... (12 risposte)
  22. Friends from school/college/uni (13 risposte)
  23. Camp America w/ a full time job (0 risposte)
  24. Best & worst things about your job (9 risposte)
  25. Online Courses For Nurses? (1 risposte)
  26. Drug test for work (3 risposte)
  27. What made you choose the major you did? (5 risposte)
  28. Reading & Books (9 risposte)
  29. earn extra money (14 risposte)
  30. for those who didnt go to university (18 risposte)
  31. What made you go into further education? (9 risposte)
  32. UK School Assembly Anthems (10 risposte)
  33. Motivation (1 risposte)
  34. Job Interviews (4 risposte)
  35. Do your schools still exist? (15 risposte)
  36. How many students did your schools have? (6 risposte)
  37. What did you do today in work/education? (8 risposte)
  38. College or work? (7 risposte)
  39. University - Postgraduate Level (8 risposte)
  40. Where do you sit in the class? (8 risposte)
  41. Do you like office hours or not? (7 risposte)
  42. Do you do multiple jobs at a time? (11 risposte)
  43. Interest or pay? (6 risposte)
  44. Childhood ambition (7 risposte)
  45. Do you do overtime a lot? (14 risposte)
  46. Sorority Academics (4 risposte)
  47. Open University (8 risposte)
  48. What lures you to quit your job? (9 risposte)
  49. Which phase of education you love the most? (10 risposte)
  50. How many jobs have you worked? (7 risposte)
  51. Moving on (4 risposte)
  52. Teaching for money (2 risposte)
  53. I've just finished my first course in Sign language (2 risposte)
  54. Help with my Student! (5 risposte)
  55. Working Hours (10 risposte)
  56. Was It Hard For You? (4 risposte)
  57. How To Teach Children (6 risposte)
  58. Has Anyone Taken Calculus? (3 risposte)
  59. College Students Drama (4 risposte)
  60. Teaching and Career decisions (15 risposte)
  61. Today I learned... (47 risposte)
  62. UBC Campus (0 risposte)
  63. Part Time Work (12 risposte)
  64. DuoLingo (8 risposte)
  65. did/do you have lockers at your school? (19 risposte)
  66. do you prefer to handwrite or type up your notes? (13 risposte)
  67. Contractor license course (0 risposte)
  68. When are you going back to school/work?? (2 risposte)
  69. Learning a language (15 risposte)
  70. How many staff members does your workplace have? (34 risposte)
  71. Who are your references on your CV? (6 risposte)
  72. A-Level/GCSE Results Day - 2017 (11 risposte)
  73. Are/Were your grades good, at High School? (18 risposte)
  74. Fired from a job? (11 risposte)
  75. The opposite of your job (24 risposte)
  76. Motivation to keep applying for jobs (6 risposte)
  77. Soon to handle supply management! How? (2 risposte)
  78. Work hours (8 risposte)
  79. What's the worst job you have done? (8 risposte)
  80. mathematical formula (1 risposte)
  81. Tesco - Are they good employers? (16 risposte)
  82. don't you just hate sixth form/college (10 risposte)
  83. when does your summer start? (11 risposte)
  84. do you buy textbooks? (14 risposte)
  85. Leaving work (8 risposte)
  86. GCSE's / Exams in general! (9 risposte)
  87. Online educational courses (6 risposte)
  88. Master's degree (17 risposte)
  89. Your attitude towards work (10 risposte)
  90. Writing a Cover Letter without any exp? (3 risposte)
  91. summer temp jobs (8 risposte)
  92. are you academic? (11 risposte)
  93. end of term (9 risposte)
  94. What job do people say you'd be suited to? (14 risposte)
  95. Master's funding (1 risposte)
  96. What job is taken for granted by everyone? (2 risposte)
  97. What job would you absolutely hate to have? (17 risposte)
  98. What's the dumbest reason you got kicked out of class? (7 risposte)
  99. what are your solutions and strategies to help reduce energy consumption? (4 risposte)
  100. Did you go straight into employement after leaving high school? (13 risposte)
  101. What age do you think is good to retire at? (19 risposte)
  102. What was your childhood dream job? (18 risposte)
  103. What were your best memories from School/College Uni? (11 risposte)
  104. UK Degree Question (5 risposte)
  105. Have you been praised at work? (11 risposte)
  106. Do you get on better with older people or younger people in the workplace? (13 risposte)
  107. If you could go back to school/college - would you? (17 risposte)
  108. Are you learning a foreign language? Tell us about it! (30 risposte)
  109. Your current job (29 risposte)
  110. Workplace Health and Safety (6 risposte)
  111. revision tips needed (28 risposte)
  112. Members who rode the bus to and from school, (17 risposte)
  113. have you ever done a presentation? (26 risposte)
  114. Phones at school (17 risposte)
  115. Could A Robot or Computer Do Your Job? (7 risposte)
  116. What do/did/will you study at university? (13 risposte)
  117. Stay-at-home parents vs jobs (14 risposte)
  118. Is Physics hard to learn? (4 risposte)
  119. Test Results (7 risposte)
  120. what was your first job? (32 risposte)
  121. commute (11 risposte)
  122. job expiry (20 risposte)
  123. university 2017 (4 risposte)
  124. mock exams (7 risposte)
  125. how many hours do you work per week (18 risposte)
  126. Have you ever been "On Report" (11 risposte)
  127. Very bad at Geography.. Should i even bother trying now? (12 risposte)
  128. tax (2 risposte)
  129. Payday (27 risposte)
  130. Studying with music (19 risposte)
  131. PE lessons - what did you dread and what did you enjoy (26 risposte)
  132. what did you make in DT lessons (20 risposte)
  133. What's the highest qualification you hold? (30 risposte)
  134. mock exams (2 risposte)
  135. New Job (27 risposte)
  136. Dream Job (10 risposte)
  137. Careers (13 risposte)
  138. moving schools (14 risposte)
  139. university open days (9 risposte)
  140. volunteer work (15 risposte)
  141. new 6th form/university/job/school (5 risposte)
  142. work and tiredness (8 risposte)
  143. TEFL (4 risposte)
  144. Tell me your best customer service story! (4 risposte)
  145. Job Interview Help! (15 risposte)
  146. Work vs Time Off (16 risposte)
  147. Would you consider yourself intelligent? (25 risposte)
  148. Are you where you want to be ? (15 risposte)
  149. Do your parents have degrees? (38 risposte)
  150. Misconception about your job (34 risposte)
  151. What would have been? (3 risposte)
  152. Colleagues (13 risposte)
  153. working abroad (11 risposte)
  154. What professions do you think are overpaid? (15 risposte)
  155. IT Certs (6 risposte)
  156. Job Interview Advice. (6 risposte)
  157. How did you end up in.. (22 risposte)
  158. Quit Jobs (20 risposte)
  159. Post a fact GAME [win rep!] (19 risposte)
  160. Revision Tips? (9 risposte)
  161. As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? (18 risposte)
  162. What age did you finish/leave education? (13 risposte)
  163. Do you consider yourself smart? (15 risposte)
  164. Do you like your current job? (14 risposte)
  165. Experiences living in halls/with other students (11 risposte)
  166. Feminism Assignment help... (8 risposte)
  167. how far in advance do you begin revising for exams?? (8 risposte)
  168. Whats your fondest memory of school? (7 risposte)
  169. [Articles] Time To Move On… (9 risposte)
  170. Worst thing you have done in school (9 risposte)
  171. what age did you get your first job? (24 risposte)
  172. Favourite part of Job (4 risposte)
  173. college/alevels/apprenticeship (5 risposte)
  174. Exams (16 risposte)
  175. Bye bye holidays from school! (10 risposte)
  176. Dream Job (29 risposte)
  177. University Degrees (15 risposte)
  178. Please take my questionnaire! (18+) [+rep] (27 risposte)
  179. Is spelling/grammar important to you? (19 risposte)
  180. Can you name these major historical events? (19 risposte)
  181. Earning more than your partner (21 risposte)
  182. when do you finish for summer? (10 risposte)
  183. Do you have a printer at University? (9 risposte)
  184. Stealing from Work (46 risposte)
  185. what's your revision method? (20 risposte)
  186. What is your job title? (71 risposte)
  187. Survey help from University Students +rep (18 risposte)
  188. Has your teacher ever called you out? (29 risposte)
  189. AS Biology (8 risposte)
  190. Where do you work? (18 risposte)
  191. Be part of my degree work, thanks! (15 risposte)
  192. Test your vocabulary! (32 risposte)
  193. What is the 'stoopidest' Customer experience you've had? (8 risposte)
  194. What was your first ever job? (26 risposte)
  195. Do you regret going to University? (30 risposte)
  196. how does your current job/education compare to what you expected? (13 risposte)
  197. RIP @ Work (28 risposte)
  198. Timetable (16 risposte)
  199. Too Cold to Work (7 risposte)
  200. Interview tips? (17 risposte)
  201. How many schools have you been to? (23 risposte)
  202. Weirdest Thing Your Teacher Has Ever Said? (2 risposte)
  203. What career would you like to have in 10 years time? (25 risposte)
  204. Help please. +Rep on all helpful replies. (11 risposte)
  205. help pls before tomororw morning (6 risposte)
  206. what are you taking/doing/dropping next year (september)? (13 risposte)
  207. What is the worst thing to have happened in your exam hall? (12 risposte)
  208. Job Interview (2 risposte)
  209. mynd i ddysgu (39 risposte)
  210. Subjects you wish you took? (12 risposte)
  211. 20th August- GCSE results day. (55 risposte)
  212. Study Abroad Programmes (7 risposte)
  213. A Level Results - 13th August 2015 (37 risposte)
  214. Disclosure help (4 risposte)
  215. Are/was you a "cry baby" at school (13 risposte)
  216. How many hours do you work a week? (30 risposte)
  217. Have you/did you ever swear at the Teachers at School (31 risposte)
  218. What is the worst bother you ever got/have got in at school (2 risposte)
  219. Is your workplace well known? (25 risposte)
  220. have you ever been suspended from school? (23 risposte)
  221. have you ever been fired from a job (18 risposte)
  222. teacher or student? (0 risposte)
  223. are there any teachers who u remember vividly (6 risposte)
  224. do you regret your schooling life (17 risposte)
  225. what is one thing u will never do in your life (23 risposte)
  226. are you a teamplayer (15 risposte)
  227. Work/Employment Issue (2 risposte)
  228. School Uniform (15 risposte)
  229. I'm on the BBC website! (13 risposte)
  230. I passed my Public Affairs module! (10 risposte)
  231. Night Shifts (7 risposte)
  232. Starting work mid-month (9 risposte)
  233. jobs (3 risposte)
  234. what r u currently studying (24 risposte)
  235. bosses from hell (4 risposte)
  236. HELP ME PICK A UNI (13 risposte)
  237. Workmates & Social Media (11 risposte)
  238. First real day at work tomorrow (10 risposte)
  239. OCR P1P2P3 20 May 2015 - WORST EXAM EVER (8 risposte)
  240. Dealing with exam anxiety/stress (6 risposte)
  241. Urgent advice please??? +rep n that (23 risposte)
  242. Volunteering for Childline (13 risposte)
  243. Did you/do you voice record or film your lectures? (20 risposte)
  244. [Articles] Is it who you know, or what you know? (7 risposte)
  245. resitting gcses (9 risposte)
  246. Exam Technique (16 risposte)
  247. Revision Techniques (10 risposte)
  248. iPad + Exams (12 risposte)
  249. Graduation (14 risposte)
  250. Girls do better at same-sex schools (8 risposte)
  251. Anyone want to help with this? (5 risposte)
  252. Work Relations (8 risposte)
  253. Textbooks (8 risposte)
  254. exam results (8 risposte)
  255. Stealing from work (21 risposte)
  256. Volunteering at Charity Shops (13 risposte)
  257. Exams (12 risposte)
  258. How good or bad was you at school (9 risposte)
  259. A-Levels v International Baccalaureate (6 risposte)
  260. How old/established was your school? (19 risposte)
  261. In school did you ever hold a position? (37 risposte)
  262. What rewards system did your primary or high school use? (22 risposte)
  263. College/Uni (21 risposte)
  264. Detentions/suspensions (52 risposte)
  265. Revision (6 risposte)
  266. When do you finish University/College/School? (21 risposte)
  267. How do you block out distractions when studying? (19 risposte)
  268. How did you do in your latest exam? (22 risposte)
  269. What new skill would you like to learn? (13 risposte)
  270. What you wanted to be... (15 risposte)
  271. Do you keep in contact with your school friends? (26 risposte)
  272. How many floors did your school have, if any? (19 risposte)
  273. Did you have food fights in school? (18 risposte)
  274. Do you have to wear uniform for college .... (27 risposte)
  275. 'year 6 leavers' (19 risposte)
  276. Can you wear your own Sportswear for PE? (17 risposte)
  277. Did or do you ever have PE1st or last lesson?!! (28 risposte)
  278. what do you wish schools teach? (19 risposte)
  279. What colour was your school uniform? (45 risposte)
  280. Did your school have a swimming pool? (33 risposte)
  281. School crazes? (14 risposte)
  282. How many students does/did your university have? (9 risposte)
  283. How many pupils does/did your school have? (31 risposte)
  284. Can/could you deal with angry customers? (17 risposte)
  285. Could you work the night shift? (16 risposte)
  286. Do you like your current job? (22 risposte)
  287. Do you waffle on your CV? (13 risposte)
  288. Filthy students (17 risposte)
  289. IQ Survey +rep (42 risposte)
  290. Applying to British Army (28 risposte)
  291. Essays (13 risposte)
  292. What's the longest job you ever held? (9 risposte)
  293. Are you a teachers pet? (18 risposte)
  294. Class Participation (20 risposte)
  295. Online Courses (12 risposte)
  296. Detentions - what u think? (23 risposte)
  297. Who has exams? (15 risposte)
  298. Module Choice (6 risposte)
  299. Language orals (12 risposte)
  300. speaking and listening (11 risposte)

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