- [Idea] Yearly Award (18 risposte)
- [Question] Do prepaid Master/Visas work for credits? (1 risposte)
- [Feedback] 503 server error (1 risposte)
- [Question] Where can I apply for the Dubbelfris Machine in .nl? (1 risposte)
- [Question] Wired scoreboard (1 risposte)
- Can I host events… (2 risposte)
- Profile photo and signature (5 risposte)
- [Question] Is the radio broken? (1 risposte)
- [Feedback] Wiki page https://habboxwiki.com/Characters shouldn't have been renamed? (2 risposte)
- [Feedback] Habbox Wiki: 1) Change sidebar item Editing Help, 2) Help new users (6 risposte)
- [Idea] Platinum Jubilee (2 risposte)
- [Feedback] Terms and Conditions and copyright (9 risposte)
- [Feedback] Debates (9 risposte)
- Programmer Question (3 risposte)
- [Feedback] Ball invites (8 risposte)
- HxWiki rank colour change (2 risposte)
- [Idea] Avatar sizing (1 risposte)
- [Idea] Award positioning (7 risposte)
- [Idea] Location icons (17 risposte)
- what forum skin are y'all using? (20 risposte)
- [Question] How do you earn tokens? (4 risposte)
- [Question] Can we please get a good Pong game for the new arcade (5 risposte)
- Are glittering handbags worth it? (5 risposte)
- Murder Train by Cameron446: omgg yess! (5 risposte)
- [Question] Guest Articles (1 risposte)
- [Idea] Discord radio bot (9 risposte)
- [Question] A couple of questions for the Habbox team (2 risposte)
- [Idea] Help Desk bot (25 risposte)
- [Feedback] New Forum (28 risposte)
- [Feedback] [HabboxWiki] Portals Revamp! (0 risposte)
- [Feedback] New Emojis for Forum (24 risposte)
- [Feedback] "Add new thread" button (3 risposte)
- [Feedback] HabboxLive for the future. (4 risposte)
- Recruiting beta testers! (6 risposte)
- Accessing Arcade (1 risposte)
- Unable to receive Forget Password Links (3 risposte)
- How to attach pictures to forums/private messages? (3 risposte)
- New Emoticons? (13 risposte)
- [Idea] Changes (6 risposte)
- Habbox V8 Launch (2 risposte)
- Report Version Eight bugs! (27 risposte)
- [Idea] In-game catch up? (7 risposte)
- [Feedback] Help us pick VIP colours! (4 risposte)
- [Feedback] Post Count (68 risposte)
- Habbox stats - reactions & questions! (10 risposte)
- [Idea] Idea for advertising events (3 risposte)
- [Feedback] User ranks proposal (91 risposte)
- [Idea] Would it be worth... (10 risposte)
- [Feedback] New autumn backgroundddddd (21 risposte)
- HxHD Assistant/Manager ~ REGISTER YOUR INTEREST (5 risposte)
- Have your say on new forums & subforums! (18 risposte)
- (Staff Panel) HXL (4 risposte)
- New Idea for Habbox Main Site (7 risposte)
- Which forum skin do you use (8 risposte)
- Forum skin clearout! (75 risposte)
- What are your favourite HxSS memories? (7 risposte)
- VIP suggestions needed!! (7 risposte)
- Habbox Competitions Ideas (11 risposte)
- Welcome messages in habbox rooms (6 risposte)
- New VIP Colour (10 risposte)
- Forum collectables (11 risposte)
- [Habbox Birthday] Memories of 15 years! (30 risposte)
- Community Notice Board Comments (7 risposte)
- Shoutout Box (7 risposte)
- World Clock (5 risposte)
- Dislike Button! (22 risposte)
- Report bugs and suggest features for Content Week launches! - win a GB & icons! (23 risposte)
- Two things (1 risposte)
- [Question] Question about IP (4 risposte)
- YOUR OPINION: Prize Structures (9 risposte)
- How do I Join a Group (1 risposte)
- [Question] When will the Habbox's Shop stock the Credit purchase?:) (4 risposte)
- Valentines skin (2 risposte)
- HAVE YOUR SAY - Limited Edition VIP & Icon ideas? (14 risposte)
- Habbox Charity Christmas VIP 2017 ~ Final Vote! (1 risposte)
- (HxL Talk Habbo) What Topics Do You Want To See In Season 3? (0 risposte)
- Habbox Hall of Fame (33 risposte)
- Habbox Charity Christmas VIP 2017 ~ Nominate Your Charity! (7 risposte)
- Habbo Imager (2 risposte)
- [habbox.com] on the drop-down nav, "Habbox > Habbox Help Desk" goes to the wrong room (1 risposte)
- Refresh (2 risposte)
- What Articles would you like to see, or see more of ? (2 risposte)
- New flag for the shop (2 risposte)
- New Avatars (5 risposte)
- Forum Easter Skin (2 risposte)
- Building a neater way to show alerts like this? (4 risposte)
- Revolving door (9 risposte)
- 24 hour Happy Hour (7 risposte)
- Upcoming Fansite event - we want your badge/theme ideas! (5 risposte)
- Halloween Skin (1 risposte)
- Death's door (20 risposte)
- Competitions Department? (5 risposte)
- Habbox Anniversary? (4 risposte)
- Habbox links in signature. (2 risposte)
- Habbox Weekly VIP Suggestions! (16 risposte)
- Rare Values Department (22 risposte)
- 24 Hour Show - dares for Tripjay (9 risposte)
- Debates (2 risposte)
- [Recruitment Ambassador] Register Your Interest/State Ideas! (28 risposte)
- [Question] EMERGENCY!!! HELP (9 risposte)
- Habbox Events (41 risposte)
- [Question] Can't hear the radio. (14 risposte)
- Regarding tokens! (17 risposte)
- 24 Hour Radio SHow??? (5 risposte)
- HxL Talk Habbo Feed Back (0 risposte)
- What do you want to see from the forum? (9 risposte)
- [VOTE NOW] Member of The Month ~ April 2017 (2 risposte)
- Why does it feel like Habbox is dying out? (106 risposte)
- [Question] New Furni Values?!?! (3 risposte)
- Update habbo image (5 risposte)
- Loyalty Scheme Feedback! (12 risposte)
- What icons would you like to see? (16 risposte)
- where do you buy forum icons? (1 risposte)
- Rare Values (27 risposte)
- Habbox Throwback Week(end)? (9 risposte)
- New VIP colours? (28 risposte)
- What do you guys want from the Competitions department ? (4 risposte)
- Discord Habbox Channel (9 risposte)
- hxhd layout (15 risposte)
- What do you want to see on the Forum? (39 risposte)
- A few things (15 risposte)
- HabboxLive feedback please! (21 risposte)
- Christmas Charity VIP 2016 ~ Vote for our charity! (19 risposte)
- Charity VIP 2016 ~ Ideas? (1 risposte)
- [Question] forum vip overlapping again (2 risposte)
- Christmas Charity VIP 2016 ~ Nominate your charity! (13 risposte)
- Any ideas for my articles? (2 risposte)
- hunger games (4 risposte)
- xmas (10 risposte)
- Lazy Staff! (18 risposte)
- Habbox Wiki (4 risposte)
- when can we expect a new forum layout? (27 risposte)
- Calen-who? (13 risposte)
- HxHD Halloween (2 risposte)
- males/females (8 risposte)
- bug? (16 risposte)
- The 'Vodor' fansite on the wiki is incorrect - FYI (4 risposte)
- Arcade (72 risposte)
- gender forum (39 risposte)
- halloween 2011 (1 risposte)
- Food Forum (6 risposte)
- Manager Transparency (87 risposte)
- bigger avatars (76 risposte)
- Forum Suggestions (30 risposte)
- Private/Gender Forums (88 risposte)
- like system (34 risposte)
- Feedback (12 risposte)
- [Question] Editing Post (13 risposte)
- What's your earliest memory of Habbox (12 risposte)
- How did you find out about Habbox? (12 risposte)
- rip (22 risposte)
- Return, fired, Annouced? (9 risposte)
- [Question] How do I (2 risposte)
- HabboxStarz Feedback! (14 risposte)
- Does Habbox really need a 'Marketing Manager'? (41 risposte)
- Vote for the Habbox Birthday VIP! (6 risposte)
- Betting link (6 risposte)
- Listener Stats (17 risposte)
- International Side of Habbox (79 risposte)
- [Question] HXHD Accepted Trial (10 risposte)
- banning (9 risposte)
- What is your favourite forum category to... (10 risposte)
- HabboxForum Birthday VIP ideas thread! (73 risposte)
- Manager (33 risposte)
- Buy/Sell Donator/VIP (9 risposte)
- Whats your favourite.. (6 risposte)
- Mini Chatathon V2 Feedback (5 risposte)
- The Habbox Newsletter... (14 risposte)
- What do you like least (34 risposte)
- (A)GMs hosting on-client Events (87 risposte)
- New Forum Default Skin (34 risposte)
- Which departments.. (28 risposte)
- Why did you join Habbox? (24 risposte)
- articles (51 risposte)
- football betting - euro 2016 (66 risposte)
- Sub-forum Tutorials (11 risposte)
- Arcade Game Requests (19 risposte)
- FYI @ forum staff / admins (21 risposte)
- Habbox Staff Colour & Userbar (13 risposte)
- getting reported in the helpdesk (21 risposte)
- Idea for the Help Desk (15 risposte)
- Elite Rooms (2 risposte)
- [Question] who makes notifications (5 risposte)
- [Question] Forum Development (4 risposte)
- [Question] Tokens for VIP Purchase in FAQ (2 risposte)
- Easter Cancelled or..? (27 risposte)
- [Question] Paid subscription dateszzzszszsz (1 risposte)
- post count (95 risposte)
- Spring Clean (12 risposte)
- EU Referendum Forum (5 risposte)
- No VIP / Donator competitions? (19 risposte)
- [Question] Skype Staff Chat Suggestion :) (34 risposte)
- Decline in quality of the Moderation decisions (38 risposte)
- [Question] Missing Avatar (3 risposte)
- SOTM Feedback! (21 risposte)
- Habbox Raffle Tickets (13 risposte)
- Feature Suggestion: Intro under thread titles (8 risposte)
- Feature Request: Mention/Quotes links on Notifications dropdown menu (7 risposte)
- Outside Habbo Activity Levels (12 risposte)
- [Question] Comps & Headers (15 risposte)
- Regarding HabboxWiki (http://www.habboxwiki.com/Scripting) (5 risposte)
- [Articles] Reform Survey (0 risposte)
- Let's finally fix articles woo (48 risposte)
- Debates Leader (32 risposte)
- Comps visibility (18 risposte)
- [Question] Tokens (4 risposte)
- HxHD 'extension' (36 risposte)
- HabboxWiki - What do you want to see? (10 risposte)
- [VOTE] Christmas Charity 2015 (16 risposte)
- [Question] Unable to set a signature (3 risposte)
- [VOTE] Christmas Charity VIP 2015 (42 risposte)
- HxHD and SNQ (37 risposte)
- Christmas VIP 2015 ~ Suggestions (56 risposte)
- Children in need VIP (15 risposte)
- fansite faceoff (30 risposte)
- HabboxForum Tokens (21 risposte)
- Christmas VIP Charity Nominations 2015 (8 risposte)
- Report All Habbox Bugs Here (Habbox.com, Forum & Wiki) (190 risposte)
- The Events Department... (14 risposte)
- The Competitions Department (21 risposte)
- [Question] hxhd complant (5 risposte)
- Sudden drop in posts (54 risposte)
- [Question] Boxy Widgety Thingees Ordering? (12 risposte)
- [Question] HabboxWiki (8 risposte)
- [VOTE] Halloween VIP 2015 (18 risposte)
- A thought (9 risposte)
- Rule Change Feedback (76 risposte)
- Halloween VIP Suggestions 2015 (17 risposte)
- [Question] ..... (11 risposte)
- [Question] jobs (3 risposte)
- [Habbox] Web Design Discussion! (54 risposte)
- HxL DJ while HxHD (72 risposte)
- [Question] PM's (2 risposte)
- competitions on habbox.com (37 risposte)
- Events (24 risposte)
- Still waiting (6 risposte)
- Since my thread got deleted (1 risposte)
- HABBOXLIVE COMP HXSS (12 risposte)
- disgusted (16 risposte)
- Staff Usernames (39 risposte)
- Weekly Arcade Tournament ~ Voting (18 risposte)
- [HxSS] We want your ideas! (41 risposte)
- Weekly Arcade Tournaments (14 risposte)
- Feed Back on Habbox Website, Forums, Habbo Rooms, Community. (8 risposte)
- HxHD room layout is so hideous I now have conjunctivitis (28 risposte)
- Human Verification (6 risposte)
- [Hxss] Which Events Do You Want To See? (15 risposte)
- Habbox advertising (36 risposte)
- my input yeyz (14 risposte)
- mods? (25 risposte)
- To those becoming less active - (33 risposte)
- Habbox is dying (61 risposte)
- Feedback on HabboxOaks (11 risposte)
- Summer V.I.P. Suggestions! (12 risposte)
- What changes should we make to the forum rules? (112 risposte)
- What made you join Habbox? (42 risposte)
- Habbox's Birthday VIP Suggestions (25 risposte)
- [Question] tokens for creds (20 risposte)
- New Show?! (2 risposte)
- [Question] Builders club room unavailable? (5 risposte)
- Should HabboxLive introduce an auto streamer? (16 risposte)
- People joining (38 risposte)
- Official Habbox Rooms List (7 risposte)
- Habbox Live [DJ Feedback!!!!] (Take time to read!) (24 risposte)
- Habbox Competitions... (62 risposte)
- [Question] Wtf is the point of registering an account here in the forum? (21 risposte)
- Would you like SNQ to be replaced? (115 risposte)
- Weekly Posting Statistics (New Stuff!) (5 risposte)
- [Question] Hidden (3 risposte)
- [Question] eh? host no showed to her own event (26 risposte)
- [Question] there's deffo something wrong with forum shop (13 risposte)
- Whatever happened to VIP? (10 risposte)
- Feedback (8 risposte)
- What would make you tune into Habboxlive? (32 risposte)
- when offline logging into forum (3 risposte)
- Articles Feedback 2015 (8 risposte)
- [Question] icon (3 risposte)
- [Question] How do I? (2 risposte)
- [Question] Why can we not double post? (7 risposte)
- The use of Name icons (74 risposte)
- [Question] the box (12 risposte)
- comps (6 risposte)
- Easter Skin (0 risposte)
- DO YOU USE TAPATALK? (22 risposte)
- Habbox Staff Structure - One year later... (12 risposte)
- [Question] banned? (20 risposte)
- What is up with the usernames? (9 risposte)
- action plan (16 risposte)
- Seniors. (31 risposte)
- Feedback: Habbox V7 Beta Open (34 risposte)
- department tag (10 risposte)
- [Question] staff list (4 risposte)
- [Question] why is this popping up (5 risposte)
- Easter V.I.P. Suggestions (39 risposte)
- v7 access (27 risposte)
- Long usernames (14 risposte)
- What irritates you about Habbox (52 risposte)