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  1. [Idea] Yearly Award (18 risposte)
  2. [Question] Do prepaid Master/Visas work for credits? (1 risposte)
  3. [Feedback] 503 server error (1 risposte)
  4. [Question] Where can I apply for the Dubbelfris Machine in .nl? (1 risposte)
  5. [Question] Wired scoreboard (1 risposte)
  6. Can I host events… (2 risposte)
  7. Profile photo and signature (5 risposte)
  8. [Question] Is the radio broken? (1 risposte)
  9. [Feedback] Wiki page https://habboxwiki.com/Characters shouldn't have been renamed? (2 risposte)
  10. [Feedback] Habbox Wiki: 1) Change sidebar item Editing Help, 2) Help new users (6 risposte)
  11. [Idea] Platinum Jubilee (2 risposte)
  12. [Feedback] Terms and Conditions and copyright (9 risposte)
  13. [Feedback] Debates (9 risposte)
  14. Programmer Question (3 risposte)
  15. [Feedback] Ball invites (8 risposte)
  16. HxWiki rank colour change (2 risposte)
  17. [Idea] Avatar sizing (1 risposte)
  18. [Idea] Award positioning (7 risposte)
  19. [Idea] Location icons (17 risposte)
  20. what forum skin are y'all using? (20 risposte)
  21. [Question] How do you earn tokens? (4 risposte)
  22. [Question] Can we please get a good Pong game for the new arcade (5 risposte)
  23. Are glittering handbags worth it? (5 risposte)
  24. Murder Train by Cameron446: omgg yess! (5 risposte)
  25. [Question] Guest Articles (1 risposte)
  26. [Idea] Discord radio bot (9 risposte)
  27. [Question] A couple of questions for the Habbox team (2 risposte)
  28. [Idea] Help Desk bot (25 risposte)
  29. [Feedback] New Forum (28 risposte)
  30. [Feedback] [HabboxWiki] Portals Revamp! (0 risposte)
  31. [Feedback] New Emojis for Forum (24 risposte)
  32. [Feedback] "Add new thread" button (3 risposte)
  33. [Feedback] HabboxLive for the future. (4 risposte)
  34. Recruiting beta testers! (6 risposte)
  35. Accessing Arcade (1 risposte)
  36. Unable to receive Forget Password Links (3 risposte)
  37. How to attach pictures to forums/private messages? (3 risposte)
  38. New Emoticons? (13 risposte)
  39. [Idea] Changes (6 risposte)
  40. Habbox V8 Launch (2 risposte)
  41. Report Version Eight bugs! (27 risposte)
  42. [Idea] In-game catch up? (7 risposte)
  44. [Feedback] Help us pick VIP colours! (4 risposte)
  45. [Feedback] Post Count (68 risposte)
  46. Habbox stats - reactions & questions! (10 risposte)
  47. [Idea] Idea for advertising events (3 risposte)
  48. [Feedback] User ranks proposal (91 risposte)
  49. [Idea] Would it be worth... (10 risposte)
  50. [Feedback] New autumn backgroundddddd (21 risposte)
  51. HxHD Assistant/Manager ~ REGISTER YOUR INTEREST (5 risposte)
  52. Have your say on new forums & subforums! (18 risposte)
  53. (Staff Panel) HXL (4 risposte)
  54. New Idea for Habbox Main Site (7 risposte)
  55. Which forum skin do you use (8 risposte)
  56. Forum skin clearout! (75 risposte)
  57. What are your favourite HxSS memories? (7 risposte)
  58. VIP suggestions needed!! (7 risposte)
  59. Habbox Competitions Ideas (11 risposte)
  60. Welcome messages in habbox rooms (6 risposte)
  61. New VIP Colour (10 risposte)
  62. Forum collectables (11 risposte)
  63. [Habbox Birthday] Memories of 15 years! (30 risposte)
  64. Community Notice Board Comments (7 risposte)
  65. Shoutout Box (7 risposte)
  66. World Clock (5 risposte)
  67. Dislike Button! (22 risposte)
  68. Report bugs and suggest features for Content Week launches! - win a GB & icons! (23 risposte)
  69. Two things (1 risposte)
  70. [Question] Question about IP (4 risposte)
  71. YOUR OPINION: Prize Structures (9 risposte)
  72. How do I Join a Group (1 risposte)
  73. [Question] When will the Habbox's Shop stock the Credit purchase?:) (4 risposte)
  74. Valentines skin (2 risposte)
  75. HAVE YOUR SAY - Limited Edition VIP & Icon ideas? (14 risposte)
  76. Habbox Charity Christmas VIP 2017 ~ Final Vote! (1 risposte)
  77. (HxL Talk Habbo) What Topics Do You Want To See In Season 3? (0 risposte)
  78. Habbox Hall of Fame (33 risposte)
  79. Habbox Charity Christmas VIP 2017 ~ Nominate Your Charity! (7 risposte)
  80. Habbo Imager (2 risposte)
  81. [habbox.com] on the drop-down nav, "Habbox > Habbox Help Desk" goes to the wrong room (1 risposte)
  82. Refresh (2 risposte)
  83. What Articles would you like to see, or see more of ? (2 risposte)
  84. New flag for the shop (2 risposte)
  85. New Avatars (5 risposte)
  86. Forum Easter Skin (2 risposte)
  87. Building a neater way to show alerts like this? (4 risposte)
  88. Revolving door (9 risposte)
  89. 24 hour Happy Hour (7 risposte)
  90. Upcoming Fansite event - we want your badge/theme ideas! (5 risposte)
  91. Halloween Skin (1 risposte)
  92. Death's door (20 risposte)
  93. Competitions Department? (5 risposte)
  94. Habbox Anniversary? (4 risposte)
  95. Habbox links in signature. (2 risposte)
  96. Habbox Weekly VIP Suggestions! (16 risposte)
  97. Rare Values Department (22 risposte)
  98. 24 Hour Show - dares for Tripjay (9 risposte)
  99. Debates (2 risposte)
  100. [Recruitment Ambassador] Register Your Interest/State Ideas! (28 risposte)
  101. [Question] EMERGENCY!!! HELP (9 risposte)
  102. Habbox Events (41 risposte)
  103. [Question] Can't hear the radio. (14 risposte)
  104. Regarding tokens! (17 risposte)
  105. 24 Hour Radio SHow??? (5 risposte)
  106. HxL Talk Habbo Feed Back (0 risposte)
  107. What do you want to see from the forum? (9 risposte)
  108. [VOTE NOW] Member of The Month ~ April 2017 (2 risposte)
  109. Why does it feel like Habbox is dying out? (106 risposte)
  110. [Question] New Furni Values?!?! (3 risposte)
  111. Update habbo image (5 risposte)
  112. Loyalty Scheme Feedback! (12 risposte)
  113. What icons would you like to see? (16 risposte)
  114. where do you buy forum icons? (1 risposte)
  115. Rare Values (27 risposte)
  116. Habbox Throwback Week(end)? (9 risposte)
  117. New VIP colours? (28 risposte)
  118. What do you guys want from the Competitions department ? (4 risposte)
  119. Discord Habbox Channel (9 risposte)
  120. hxhd layout (15 risposte)
  121. What do you want to see on the Forum? (39 risposte)
  122. A few things (15 risposte)
  123. HabboxLive feedback please! (21 risposte)
  124. Christmas Charity VIP 2016 ~ Vote for our charity! (19 risposte)
  125. Charity VIP 2016 ~ Ideas? (1 risposte)
  126. [Question] forum vip overlapping again (2 risposte)
  127. Christmas Charity VIP 2016 ~ Nominate your charity! (13 risposte)
  128. Any ideas for my articles? (2 risposte)
  129. COMPETITIONS FEEDBACK (22 risposte)
  130. hunger games (4 risposte)
  131. xmas (10 risposte)
  132. Lazy Staff! (18 risposte)
  133. Habbox Wiki (4 risposte)
  134. when can we expect a new forum layout? (27 risposte)
  135. Calen-who? (13 risposte)
  136. HxHD Halloween (2 risposte)
  137. males/females (8 risposte)
  138. bug? (16 risposte)
  139. The 'Vodor' fansite on the wiki is incorrect - FYI (4 risposte)
  140. Arcade (72 risposte)
  141. gender forum (39 risposte)
  142. halloween 2011 (1 risposte)
  143. Food Forum (6 risposte)
  144. Manager Transparency (87 risposte)
  145. bigger avatars (76 risposte)
  146. Forum Suggestions (30 risposte)
  147. Private/Gender Forums (88 risposte)
  148. like system (34 risposte)
  149. Feedback (12 risposte)
  150. [Question] Editing Post (13 risposte)
  151. What's your earliest memory of Habbox (12 risposte)
  152. How did you find out about Habbox? (12 risposte)
  153. rip (22 risposte)
  154. Return, fired, Annouced? (9 risposte)
  155. [Question] How do I (2 risposte)
  156. HabboxStarz Feedback! (14 risposte)
  157. Does Habbox really need a 'Marketing Manager'? (41 risposte)
  158. Vote for the Habbox Birthday VIP! (6 risposte)
  159. Betting link (6 risposte)
  160. Listener Stats (17 risposte)
  161. International Side of Habbox (79 risposte)
  162. [Question] HXHD Accepted Trial (10 risposte)
  163. banning (9 risposte)
  164. What is your favourite forum category to... (10 risposte)
  165. HabboxForum Birthday VIP ideas thread! (73 risposte)
  166. Manager (33 risposte)
  167. Buy/Sell Donator/VIP (9 risposte)
  168. CLIENT EVENT RESEARCH (16 risposte)
  169. Whats your favourite.. (6 risposte)
  170. Mini Chatathon V2 Feedback (5 risposte)
  171. The Habbox Newsletter... (14 risposte)
  172. What do you like least (34 risposte)
  173. (A)GMs hosting on-client Events (87 risposte)
  174. New Forum Default Skin (34 risposte)
  175. Which departments.. (28 risposte)
  176. Why did you join Habbox? (24 risposte)
  177. articles (51 risposte)
  178. football betting - euro 2016 (66 risposte)
  179. Sub-forum Tutorials (11 risposte)
  180. Arcade Game Requests (19 risposte)
  181. FYI @ forum staff / admins (21 risposte)
  182. Habbox Staff Colour & Userbar (13 risposte)
  183. getting reported in the helpdesk (21 risposte)
  184. Idea for the Help Desk (15 risposte)
  185. Elite Rooms (2 risposte)
  186. [Question] who makes notifications (5 risposte)
  187. [Question] Forum Development (4 risposte)
  188. [Question] Tokens for VIP Purchase in FAQ (2 risposte)
  189. Easter Cancelled or..? (27 risposte)
  190. [Question] Paid subscription dateszzzszszsz (1 risposte)
  191. post count (95 risposte)
  192. Spring Clean (12 risposte)
  193. EU Referendum Forum (5 risposte)
  194. No VIP / Donator competitions? (19 risposte)
  195. [Question] Skype Staff Chat Suggestion :) (34 risposte)
  196. Decline in quality of the Moderation decisions (38 risposte)
  197. [Question] Missing Avatar (3 risposte)
  198. SOTM Feedback! (21 risposte)
  199. Habbox Raffle Tickets (13 risposte)
  200. Feature Suggestion: Intro under thread titles (8 risposte)
  201. Feature Request: Mention/Quotes links on Notifications dropdown menu (7 risposte)
  202. Outside Habbo Activity Levels (12 risposte)
  203. [Question] Comps & Headers (15 risposte)
  204. Regarding HabboxWiki (http://www.habboxwiki.com/Scripting) (5 risposte)
  205. [Articles] Reform Survey (0 risposte)
  206. Let's finally fix articles woo (48 risposte)
  207. Debates Leader (32 risposte)
  208. Comps visibility (18 risposte)
  209. [Question] Tokens (4 risposte)
  210. HxHD 'extension' (36 risposte)
  211. HabboxWiki - What do you want to see? (10 risposte)
  212. [VOTE] Christmas Charity 2015 (16 risposte)
  213. [Question] Unable to set a signature (3 risposte)
  214. [VOTE] Christmas Charity VIP 2015 (42 risposte)
  215. HxHD and SNQ (37 risposte)
  216. Christmas VIP 2015 ~ Suggestions (56 risposte)
  217. Children in need VIP (15 risposte)
  218. fansite faceoff (30 risposte)
  219. HabboxForum Tokens (21 risposte)
  220. Christmas VIP Charity Nominations 2015 (8 risposte)
  221. Report All Habbox Bugs Here (Habbox.com, Forum & Wiki) (190 risposte)
  222. The Events Department... (14 risposte)
  223. The Competitions Department (21 risposte)
  224. [Question] hxhd complant (5 risposte)
  225. Sudden drop in posts (54 risposte)
  226. [Question] Boxy Widgety Thingees Ordering? (12 risposte)
  227. [Question] HabboxWiki (8 risposte)
  228. [VOTE] Halloween VIP 2015 (18 risposte)
  229. A thought (9 risposte)
  230. Rule Change Feedback (76 risposte)
  231. Halloween VIP Suggestions 2015 (17 risposte)
  232. [Question] ..... (11 risposte)
  233. [Question] jobs (3 risposte)
  234. [Habbox] Web Design Discussion! (54 risposte)
  235. HxL DJ while HxHD (72 risposte)
  236. [Question] PM's (2 risposte)
  237. competitions on habbox.com (37 risposte)
  238. Events (24 risposte)
  239. Still waiting (6 risposte)
  240. Since my thread got deleted (1 risposte)
  241. HABBOXLIVE COMP HXSS (12 risposte)
  242. disgusted (16 risposte)
  243. Staff Usernames (39 risposte)
  244. Weekly Arcade Tournament ~ Voting (18 risposte)
  245. [HxSS] We want your ideas! (41 risposte)
  246. Weekly Arcade Tournaments (14 risposte)
  247. Feed Back on Habbox Website, Forums, Habbo Rooms, Community. (8 risposte)
  248. HxHD room layout is so hideous I now have conjunctivitis (28 risposte)
  249. Human Verification (6 risposte)
  250. [Hxss] Which Events Do You Want To See? (15 risposte)
  251. Habbox advertising (36 risposte)
  252. my input yeyz (14 risposte)
  253. mods? (25 risposte)
  254. To those becoming less active - (33 risposte)
  255. Habbox is dying (61 risposte)
  256. Feedback on HabboxOaks (11 risposte)
  257. Summer V.I.P. Suggestions! (12 risposte)
  258. What changes should we make to the forum rules? (112 risposte)
  259. What made you join Habbox? (42 risposte)
  260. Habbox's Birthday VIP Suggestions (25 risposte)
  261. [Question] tokens for creds (20 risposte)
  262. New Show?! (2 risposte)
  263. [Question] Builders club room unavailable? (5 risposte)
  264. Should HabboxLive introduce an auto streamer? (16 risposte)
  265. People joining (38 risposte)
  266. Official Habbox Rooms List (7 risposte)
  267. Habbox Live [DJ Feedback!!!!] (Take time to read!) (24 risposte)
  268. Habbox Competitions... (62 risposte)
  269. [Question] Wtf is the point of registering an account here in the forum? (21 risposte)
  270. Would you like SNQ to be replaced? (115 risposte)
  271. Weekly Posting Statistics (New Stuff!) (5 risposte)
  272. [Question] Hidden (3 risposte)
  273. [Question] eh? host no showed to her own event (26 risposte)
  274. [Question] there's deffo something wrong with forum shop (13 risposte)
  275. Whatever happened to VIP? (10 risposte)
  276. Feedback (8 risposte)
  277. What would make you tune into Habboxlive? (32 risposte)
  278. when offline logging into forum (3 risposte)
  279. Articles Feedback 2015 (8 risposte)
  280. [Question] icon (3 risposte)
  281. [Question] How do I? (2 risposte)
  282. [Question] Why can we not double post? (7 risposte)
  283. The use of Name icons (74 risposte)
  284. [Question] the box (12 risposte)
  285. comps (6 risposte)
  286. Easter Skin (0 risposte)
  287. DO YOU USE TAPATALK? (22 risposte)
  288. Habbox Staff Structure - One year later... (12 risposte)
  289. [Question] banned? (20 risposte)
  290. What is up with the usernames? (9 risposte)
  291. action plan (16 risposte)
  292. Seniors. (31 risposte)
  293. Feedback: Habbox V7 Beta Open (34 risposte)
  294. department tag (10 risposte)
  295. [Question] staff list (4 risposte)
  296. [Question] why is this popping up (5 risposte)
  297. Easter V.I.P. Suggestions (39 risposte)
  298. v7 access (27 risposte)
  299. Long usernames (14 risposte)
  300. What irritates you about Habbox (52 risposte)

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